
Bored in the multiverse [dropped]

Wish fulfillment expect anything but unserious bullshit and have fun reading. therefore shut up and enjoy. first world: Battle through the heavens second world: Rebirth of urban immortal cultivator. Third world: Iron ladies.

ChesterCure · Anime et bandes dessinées
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70 Chs

Chapter 40 - Nostalgic

A power they could erased a whole family bloodline was unbelievable and terrifying that one mistake could generation upon generation. It was the cruelest thing imaginable.

Xiao Shen remain ruthless despite being benevolent enough. It was mortified version that erased only the ill mannered one since killing The one like bastard children would leave a bad taste to his consciousness.

He was evil towards evil and good towards good this how his grandfather always thought him. Evil and good could always change like some old coot about greater good can be evil.

Xiao Shen emotionless looking at his soon to be disciples. She was shocked and denying reality began to point at him.

"What!? How can you do something cruel!? I can sue you know!?"

"Woman money can easily squash by my hands."

With his words Xiao Shen created money from nothing then throwing it to the ground. Even in the past money held little value to him only living because his promised with his grandfather.

Zheng Anqi was shocked to see money appearing out of no where and golden nugget was easily created by him. She thought if gaining power like his then she can be above the rest.

Unbeknownst to her once she start cultivating the only thing that hold value was Xiao Shen. Her world view would change it would lead to her being tamed.

"Since I don't have time I'll teleport our self to where your grandfather is."

With all of them were teleport to the hospital shocking the doctors and guards. The people around quickly reacted trying to point their guns to them.

"Wait? Anqi how did you get here!?"

"Father I found someone that can cure grandfather!"

A middle man elegantly dress exuding arrogant but was instantly dwarf by Xiao Shen who releasing aura. He wasn't pretending to be a mortal anymore and wanted to flex to his new son.

The middle age man was Zheng Anqi father, Zheng Qi who was shocked to her daughter far away in search for ways to help her grandfather to be with them in the hospital.

He stared at Xiao Shen intently trying to figure out who he was but felt looking at deep ocean beyond comprehension.

"Shenlong can you wait for papa?"


Xiao Shen place his new son down while giving a lollipop to as treat that made the people around stunned that someone could create something out of thin air.

"Mr.shi can you tell who's this gentleman?"

"Master Zheng that person is an immortal from the legend and his reason being here is to take young lady to be his disciple and heal old master Zheng."

"What are you telling the truth!?"

"I am certain, the child his carrying is a Dragon that was transform using mythical flames. Even I am still trying to wrap around it but master Zheng…"

Mr.shi hesitate alarming Zheng Qi at what he was trying to tell him. He stared at proclaimed immortal calmly observing his father.

"…If young lady betray the supreme expert then the Zheng family bloodline will be erased without trace."

Cold sweat run through his face as words itself was too absurd to be real but his instinct told him was the truth. Certain disaster will be fall them if they tried something stupid.

"Additionally he wish to gain the seventy percent of the whole company of the Zheng family group."

"What!? How she agree something so careless!? Anqi come here!?"

Anqi heard her father nervously approach him then receive hard smack to the face. She couldn't believed that her own father would hit her.

"Anqi why agree something that could lead to our families doom!?"

"Father once I become his disciple then money wont be issue!?"

"Stupid daughter how can you be so sure that person let you have the power the same as his!?"

"Enough ruckus I am trying to do something. You Zheng group should not fear as I am the founder of Exalt group."

Xiao Shen threw his business card that was rare thing even the people who tried to copy them fail. Only few receive his business card and seeing it face to face confirm it.

Zheng Qi was astonished that an immortal owned a multi million company that below the influence of theirs. He calm down as gaining a favor of an immortal is better than anything else.

With Xiao Shen golden rule their seventy percent would increased exponentially. He didn't intend to have it but rather give to people in need as it didn't value for him.

With his actions large amount of karma was being accumulated from his action that it was absorb by his cores increasing his power.

"Xiao Shen ge-ge why didn't you tell me you would adopt a child?"

"Oh is this going to be our boy? He does look cute."

From the void multitude of woman appeared with each peerless beauty that made the men straighten themselves. They all look like goddesses descending to the mortal world.

"Are you my new mama?"

"Well honey we will take out son for a while!"

"Yeah be careful."

"Wait isn't that young lady of Wei family!?"

From their appearance it had truly confirm they were immortal from the legends as when they appeared the space distorted allowing them to fit and took the child away.

Zheng Anqi thought if she was really into men when seeing the goddesses appearing out of no where. She thought being that beautiful then being with him is worth it.

Xiao Shen didn't care anymore if his secret is exposed since he would reveal his identity in a banquet prepared by the Wei family as announcement of ruling of the Jiangbei region.

He finish checking everything planning to manipulate the old man into becoming his pawn once healing him. Xiao Shen didn't fully trust the Zheng Family but with this then they would dancing within his palm.


With that the old man vitality was restored gradually becoming younger and younger shocking the doctor as it was beyond science.

Xiao Shen recently heard about a spring water company and thought of Chen Fan who manage to find collaborators. He already collaborate with that company buying stock of it then giving it to poor people.

He already had much stronger spring inside his sect that could make a normal kid into a transcendent realm.

The old master woke up then Zheng family celebrated the revival of their old patriarch being in debt of Xiao Shen but knew it was just ass kissing. They were in the mansion of Zheng as Xiao Shen spoke with the patriach along with Zheng Anqi.

He was sitting on a arm chair like a king while the old master was kowtowing in respect same with Anqi. Their pride were being destroyed but it was better than dying.

"Don't forget about the seventy percent for the revenue if I heard the Zheng family betrayed me then."

Xiao Shen slightly activated the seal that he place to Anqi that made the whole Zheng family shook in pain. The sensation only lasted for an instant but the pain was unlike any other.

"Y-Yes the Zheng family will forever royal to master Xiao."

Old master gave his respect knowing it was impossible to fight someone that had this horrifying power. A worm fighting an immortal ridiculous.

Xiao Shen nodded gestured for Zheng Anqi to come near then did the same as his other disciple that cleanse of her impurities even the cruel one. Her mind was change feeling disgusted every time she looked down at people.

Opening her eyes, She looked at Xiao shen lace with lust and respect. Her mind change became much calmer and humble. Anqi felt vomiting imagine the horrible things she did.

"Thank you for making me realized how cruel my past self."

"You are merely misguided therefore do not worry."

Xiao Shen gave her the cultivation methods and left the Zheng telling them that Anqi would be his representative in Exalt company affairs.

He went to the immortal mansion and found his new son was playing with his many mothers. All of them were in their prime and mentally older than they all look.

Xiao Shen took a break spending more time with his family and lovers while teaching Shenlong about everything. His bloodline was treating as if he was truly his child. He took his woman in dates and training A'xiu in becoming a cultivator.

"This is beauiful…."

Staring at the vast land of trees sitting at the age of the cliff feeling the whistling winds around his skin. It was the hometown of his grandfather who similar to how his own earth.

"Papa what is this place?"

"This is…a place papa hold very dearly."

Xiao Shen wrote things in the air then place it to the ground and sky creating a powerful Array that would protect the whole country from any threat.

Finishing his nostalgic trip went back home to preparing for the banquet and going a trip to the Chen family gathering to pay respect.