
Borderlands: The Peacemaker

Born in Gehenna, Wyatt Thorton, more known as Kid, is an experienced man who has a decent life on a borderland planet, which was the planet with the highest crime rates due to the lack of a fixed government, these planets were mostly controlled by corporations until they were sold and passed on to another corporation. After a tragic event, Kid decides to disappear for a while. He just forgot that his perception of time was a bit sloppy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disclaimer: All rights reserved to their respective owners, the cover photo and paintings/drawings used for readers' viewing are given their artists' proper citations.

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Revenge is a Dish to Eat with Bullets

Kid left the salon and ran to his vehicle, a red jetbeast of a sportier model. He mounted the vehicle and started the engine. Kid looked back and saw the bandits coming out of the saloon and shooting at him.

"Damn!" he exclaimed. "They don't give up!"

He accelerated the jetbeast and sped off down the road. Kid knew he couldn't stay in that town for long. Kid had to go to another town, where he could get his supplies and hide from the bandits.

Kid looked at his map and saw that the nearest city was Rhyolite, a large and busy city. He decided to go there, hoping to find what he was looking for.

He drove for less than half an hour before arriving at his destination, he had to take a few detours because of the new animals that appeared in Gehenna with the arrival of the Company. Kid finally reached the entrance to Rhyolite. 

He passed the sign and entered the town. The blond man enters the flow of the crowd, Kid is mentally thankful for the busyness this town had, as it was a place of great commerce, this could at least help him not be found, and a relaxed smile was plastered on his face.

He looked for a store where he could buy a new red coat. Kid found a clothing store that had a red coat with some black buttons.

He entered the store and was greeted by a friendly girl.

"Hello, welcome!" She said with a smile. "What can I do for you?"

"Howdy ma'am, I am looking for a red coat, the best you've got." Kid said.

"Ah, we have several models of red jackets and coats. Do you want to see any in particular?"

"I like that one over there." He pointed to the red coat with black buttons.

"That's one of our best sellers. It's very nice and stylish. Do you want to try it on?"

"Yes, please."

She took the coat and handed it to him. He put the coat on and looked at himself in the mirror. He liked what he saw.

"That coat looks great on you." She complimented. "You have a very nice body."

"Thank you." He said, his tone somewhat monotone.

"How old are you?" she asked, curious.

"Don't be fooled by this smooth face like a baby's ass, I'm over 40, ma'am." He said without much thought.

She widened her eyes and let out a giggle.

"You're kidding me, right? You don't look a day over 25!"

"Yeah... I know." He said, ungraciously, Kid remembers why he doesn't go around talking about his age.

She walked up to him and touched his arm.

Kid's eyes begin to glow again, and his face then falls.

"Hey, you're kind of weird, but kind of cute, How about going out with me after work? I can show you around town and take you somewhere fu- Eh!?" The girl stops talking when she feels something cold under her chin, but before she can see what it is everything goes dark.


The girl's head then explodes, Kid fixes his glasses a bit and wipes a splash of blood on his shirt. Takes some spare coats from the store, and he leaves some dollars on the table. "I won't have it said that I left you with nothing, ma'am."

He left the store and continued to explore the town. He hoped to find a place to stay until the bandits gave up looking for him.

Kid couldn't get very far before he realized he was being chased. Stopping Kid turns to his pursuers who are surprised to be discovered so easily.

"So... what do y'all want with me? I usually just shoot and then ask, but since I'm in a bad mood I'll give y'all a chance."

One of the men could resist no longer and shouted, tears streaming from his eyes "You cowardly son of a bitch! You killed Eleanor!"

"She was going to kill me." Kid speaks with a heavy tone.

"Liar! She didn't do anything to you, you motherfucker!!"

"Trust me, son, she was going to kill me."

The man couldn't stand listening to that nonsense any longer and was about to pull out his revolver but was stopped.

"Calm down Henry, we all knew the risk, Kid's infamy is no lie. Now concentrate, we have the numerical advantage, Let's make sure Eleanor's death was not in vain." A man who looks like the leader holds Henry, the latter's emotional state is in shambles.

Then, without a word being spoken, they all get into position, their hands close to their waists.

A smile grows on Kid's face, his eyes begin to sparkle again. "Y'all need to count?"

"No sir-"

*Bang! *bang!


The sound of two bodies falling to the ground rang through the silent surroundings.


Kid blows down the barrel of his gun, the poor guys didn't stand a chance, they couldn't even pull their guns before each received a bullet in the head.

Feeling a little sorry for them, Kid kicks dust at them's bodies before heading off to find a place to rest.


Waking up early, Kid gets up with a jump and quickly gets ready. taking his Sudden Passion he goes to the town square, a place where there are several vendors' stalls and various kinds of things are sold, he avoids as much as possible going into saloons, as one could hardly find one that there was no rioting going on.

Kid finished buying the supplies he needed at the market and went to his vehicle. He opened the trunk and stowed everything inside. He was ready to leave, but something caught his eye out of the corner of his eye. He turned around and saw a man approaching him with a hateful expression.

"Who are you?" Kid asked, suspicious.

"You don't recognize me, but I recognize you." said the man, pulling a revolver from his waistband. "You killed my father! I swore I would take revenge on you."

"What are you talking about?" Kid said, tilting his head in confusion. "It's hard to remember every man I put a bullet in the forehead."

"Don't lie to me!" Shouted the man. "You have the same face as him. I don't know how you have remained the same after 27 years. It doesn't matter. What matters is that you will pay for what you did."

"Another brat out to avenge someone? I should open my own funeral home, and stop doing all the hard work for another man to profit." Kid muttered to himself.

"But then I'd have to wear black clothe-"

The man pointed the revolver at Kid's head and pulled the trigger. A bang echoed through the street and a bullet pierced Kid's skull. Blood, bits of brain, and bone fragments flew through the air and Kid's body fell dead to the ground.




But then something strange happened. The scene blurred as if it were an illusion and everything went back to the moment before the shot. Kid was alive and the man was still pointing the revolver at him. But there was something different about Kid's eyes. They glowed with a mysterious light.

As if this was all just a Premonition for Kid. Now knew that the man was going to shoot him and where the bullet was going to hit. He only needed to move a little to escape death.

The scene repeated itself and the man pulled the trigger again, but this time Kid tilted his head a little to the right. The bullet passed close to his ear but did not hit him. Kid took the chance and drew his own gun, this time loaded, aiming at the man.

"My turn" Kid said coldly.

He squeezed the trigger and fired a bullet into the man's chest. The man let out a groan and fell to the ground, his eyes wide with the scene he saw before him.

Kid spinning his gun he holstered it again in his holster gently and looked around. No one seemed to have noticed the duel. He sighed. "That's not a surprise, this is Gehenna after all." Finished speaking he turned away and climbed on his jetbeast, ready to go on his way but a 'bang' occurred accompanied by a sudden pain in the left shoulder.

Looking down at his chipped coat showing his tattooed left shoulder bleeding, Kid lets out a small grunt of frustration and turns his eyes back to the man lying on the ground with a gun drawn, but quickly the man's strength drains away and he eventually succumbs to his wound.

"You're a tough son of a gun" muttered Kid over the grunts of pain, but then an even stranger scene happens. The wound begins to close at a rate noticeable to the naked eye, unfortunately, his coat still has the scrape. massaging his head, Kid continues on his way. mumbles something to himself, with a tone full of hate. "Damn, your corpse...you retarded old woman, I could fix my coat if it weren't for you."

Kid drove into a canyon where he had hidden his ship. He had stolen the ship from Jakobs, one of the largest corporations in the universe. On the ship Kid was on, although it is from Jakobs, it was actually manufactured by Dahl, he had found information about a plan by Jakobs or "The Company" to bomb all their facilities present on the planet. Kid did not know the motive behind this plan, but he knew it was a good idea to stay away from these locations, because although he has information about the bombing, there are no dates or times of when it would happen, so he was in a hurry to escape the planet and go to another, he was also tired of staying on the same planet while there was a universe waiting for him to explore.

He parked his vehicle next to the ship, opened the cargo compartment, and climbed in with his jetbeast. He began to unload his things from the trunk and arrange them in the cargo compartment. He went to the cockpit and turned on the ship's systems. He was ready to leave, but he had not yet decided which planet to go to.

He looked at the star map on the screen and saw several blinking red dots. These were the planets where Jakobs had large facilities and operated most on these planets. He would be avoiding these places because he had a stolen company ship and it would be very unwise to go to such places.

He sighed and relaxed in his chair with his legs stretched out on the dashboard of the ship and turned on the radio to distract himself a little. He tuned in to several stations but stopped on one that caught his attention.

"...and that was the new song by DJ Alam Runner, the king of zero gravity!" Said the announcer in an excited voice. "Now let's get to the news of the day. Attention Pandora listeners! We have some bombastic news for you! There are rumors of a Vault in Pandora!"

Kid's eyes widened and he turned up the volume of the radio. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"That's right, a Vault!" Continued the announcer. "For those who don't know, Vaults are ancient chambers filled with alien technology and unimaginable treasures. They are every fortune and adventure hunter's dream! "

Kid felt his heart beat faster. He knew what the Vaults were and what they represented. He had already searched for them on his planet, Gehenna, but had never found one. And now there was one on Pandora.

"We don't have many details about this new Vault yet, but..." Said the announcer. "It seems that it's not just the Vault Hunters who are interested in it. Apparently, the Atlas Corporation is after it as well. Pandora locals say that the site has had recent activity from the Corporation's troops, some people have tried to find out if the rumors were real but ended up receiving several warnings to stay away from their premises and in some cases shot those who didn't obey them, they want to keep something secret whatever the cost."

Kid frowned. He didn't like the idea of having competition, even more so from a mega-corporation like Atlas that had a private army. But he wasn't afraid of them either. He could be a goofball sometimes but he was still a deadly gunslinger. he was used to being outnumbered.

"So that's it, folks." The announcer concluded. "A possible Vault in Pandora! Who will be the first to get there and discover its secrets? Will it be the famous Vault Hunters? Will it be Atlas? Or will it be you? Stay tuned to Pandora Radio for more information on this subject and more!"

Kid turned off the radio and smiled. He had already made his decision. He would go to Pandora and find the Vault before anyone else. He didn't care about the dangers or the difficulties. All he cared about was adventure and riches; maybe the "person" he was looking for was there too.

He entered Pandora's coordinates into the ship's computer and pressed the takeoff button. The ship started its engines and slowly exited the canyon, heading into space.

"To Pandora! yeee-HAW!!!"