
Chapter 30: After the Storm

Hello guys and girls, I am not dead, suprise!

Sorry about the long wait, my "circumstances" have gotten back together again, also I had a bit of a writer's block with how to proceed since last chapter.

I was gonna have Kaal (Raime's Horse) speak to Angel telepathically (which he does have cause of his connection to Raime and so on) but I kept getting a writer's block even though I have it landed out.

So I decided to skip that and do a little time skip of what they did when Raime was unconscious since I don't want to put off this fic any longer and want to return to posting it.

Ps, I did some note research and it turns out that Angel actually had amnesia of her mother's death at her own hands cause of the trauma it caused her. That is why Angel has no recollections how she died and Jack even mentioning Angel was unaware of it. But I decided to keep it as I was writing it, as if she knows and feel regret cause I feel this is better for her character development.

Without further distractions, let's get right into the chapter you all been waiting for!

Pss, Holy Sh!t, I just looked when I last updated and it was 3 months ago! I legit swear it felt like 1 month and a half ago, sorry for the long ass wait but I am finally back.




(I posted some old videos I had recorded before my PlayStation account ban)


It hadn't been long since the Static Storm had passed, but Raime was currently inside a medical pod being treated by Doctor Zed, who had moved to New Haven recently.

The Vault Hunters were in a room nearby to the medical pod Raime was in on standby should anything happen, as well as discussing what they could do to improve his condition.

Meanwhile, Laura had been curled up into a ball in the corner of a nearby room crying her heart out at what she had done.

Laura kept blaming herself for what she did, which is true but at the same time isn't entirely her fault.

Her Nephilim bloodline she had from her new body is originally from a brutal and war mongering race that threatened the Balence of the entire Darksiders Universe.

In addition to that, the bloodline and body she had, is comprised of 3 of the oldest Nephilim and a Nephilim Soul from the 7th oldest Nephilim to exist.

Only Absalom, the First Nephilim, and the Horseman Death, the Second Nephilim, were older.

Because of this, their essence had overwhelmed the mortal Laura's soul and will making the girl become a savage battle junkie side at times.

But Raiem didn't know of these details, if he had he would have found a solution to help the mortal side of Laura dominate the Nephilim side much sooner than he had intended.

As Laura continued to bear herself mentally as she sobbed her heart out at having possibly killed her new father, she had overheard the Vault Hunters talking about her Adoptive parent.

This peeked her interest as she listened in with her enhanced senses.

From what she eavesdropping on, a person called Angel had gotten into contact with the Vault Hunters and told them that the only way to help Raime is to go to his Homeworld.

The injury that Laura had caused was magical in nature and as such no medical technique on Pandora or the neighbouring Light Systems.

(A/n Light Systems ---> Solar Systems within certain Light Years travel distance. Basically means travel to nearby inhabited planets.)

The people of Raime's world can help to heal his injuries but they wouldn't do it for free and negotiations will have to take place.

Angel explained that after acquiring some basic currency from one of that world's regions, that is called Septims.

To take the Septims to an local "Alchemist" and purchase a potion to help his wounds.

If that did not work out then the next option would be to travel to a place called the Collage of Winterhold and hire services of a Mage that specialises in "Restoration Magic".

She also said that if they refused then to say that Raime knows the location of the Eye of Magnus and of an Elder Scroll which will be wasted if he dies.

But that option would be a last resort.

The Vault Hunters continued their conversations and decided who would go as the only way to go to Raime's Homeworld was via riding his horse Kaal.

Obviously, they all can't go so Lilith ended up being the one to take the unconscious Raime.

For negotiations, Brick was...unique in his ways of convincing others.

Mordecai was a good choice but compared to Lilith, he wouldn't be able to keep a conversation going for very long.

Roland couldn't go as he was a soilder and felt his place should be in New Haven in case an attack occured while Lilith and Raime were away.


Outside, in the open space of New Haven in front of Scooter's place where his under-construction-Outrunners are, Lilith had finished placing and securing the unconscious Raime onto Kaal's back.

Lilith had gotten atop of Kaal and positioned herself for whatever would happen.

Unbeknownst to them, Laura had sneakily been hiding nearby.

Kaal tapped his hooves against the ground and began running seemingly into empty space.

But only Laura and Kaal could see that an invisible, to the naked mortal eye, ripple in Space had occured in Kaal's path.

Laura noticed it and she quickly ran out from her hiding spot, just as Kaal jumped through the portal, Laura had been able to grab onto his tail.


The surroundings had suddenly changed for all of them, but only Kaal had remained unfazed by all this while Lilitha nd Laura were stunned and wide eyed.

They had teleported, or more specifically, the horse Kaal had teleported them to a different place entirely.

Lilith was used to this because her ability PhaseWalk could do a similar thing, but Laura was not and gasped in shock and awe.

Raime had been able to teleport with her, but that was only short distances or within range of sight inside what had just happened.

Lilith turned around and saw Laura on the floor still grabbed onto Kaal's tail.

She easily deduced what she did, why she was here and how she was here.

She git of Kaal and grabbed onto her looking her dead in the eyes.

Lilith: "What the Hell are you doing here?! Do you realise what you've done?!"

Lilith was obviously concerned for her safety.

Raime had explained that magical attacks can harm and kill Laura, and since they are now in a magical world, Raime's Homeworld, she is at risk.

Before, Lilith was a absolute Nerd for fantasy and Bunkers & Badasses but she still didn't actually believe real Magic exists.

But Raime had proven her wrong in addition to helping to explain and teach her more about her Siren abilities.

Laura: "I want to help! I did this to him *hic* he might die *hic* because of me! *hic* H-He's my dada, I don't want him to die! *hic*"

Laura broke down crying after sobbing out her reply as to why she was a stow away.

Upon seeing this, Lilith felt a little bad and had a sense of pity and understanding wash over her for the sobbing girl before her.

She had been like this when her dad passed away, just before that old woman, "The Eldest", appeared and died in front of her.

That was when she gained her tattoos and became a Siren.

Lilith: "*sigh*, come on Laura, you can come with us to help your dad. But first, we need to get some of the local currency, map and some directions."





Chapter wasn't too long but I decided to say F#>& it and to make it up to ya guys for my absence imma give u one chapter everyday till Christmas!

That is a promise 100%