
Chapter 24: New Haven Reunion

(A/n A Colleague of mine wanted his name in my fic so I will mention it, but not his last name for obvious reasons. Shout out to Bhupinder!)

Oh yeah, yo. I just saw the new Tales From the Borderlands trailer, and I will be including it in the story. It seems that Tediore is attacking Promethea after B3 events and a new Vault is under the surface of Promethea. It looks very interesting, but it seems to take place before Tales From the Borderland Season 1 Episode 5, since Rhys is still in the trailer, meaning that Loader Bot didn't kidnap him and Sasha yet they didn't defeat the Traveller and rebuild Gortys.

Lots of cool stuff that I plan to include and research about. Also, the new version of the common enemy Vault Guardians is revealed. The Vault Monster looks strange, to say the least, and is more reminiscent of Gythian and The Serpent Vault Monsters since it is biological and made mostly from the flesh.

This Vault is waaay bigger than ordinary ones and is almost as big as Vaulofif the Warrior and Vault of the Traveller. The Vault Monster also looks like The Destroyer in appearance.

Very suspicious...

Detective Riku on the case...


Raime: "Shut up Pierce!"

Helena Pierce was taken aback by sudden response, she then realised what I said and she tried threatening me once again.

In response to that, I teleported to her and held my ignited Dark Saber to her throat.

Raime: "Like to try threatening me again Bitch?!"

Pierce realised that I was the one in control of the situation, she lowered her gun and just stood there at my mercy.

Pierce: "What are your intentions regarding New Haven?"

Raime: "I am with the Vault Hunters, that is all. You threaten me, I'll return it in kind. I mean no I'll intent to the people of New Haven if that is what you are concerned about."

Pierce wasn't a bad person, just she is annoying with that personality of hers.

She is cold to the player because she cares about the people of New Haven so I'll give her that.

And I had teleported into New Haven unannounced as a complete stranger, I could be a Bandit for all she knows, that's why she threatened me.

I ignored Pierce as I moved away from her after retracting my Dark Saber.

I had just remembered I had left T.K. behind...oops...


Spongebob Narrator: *A few moments later...*


T.K: "Well I'll be damned...finally made it here in one piece, whoo-wee!"

A quick Fast Travel and teleport to T.K. solved that.

I still can't seem to teleport to places with just memory alone, I still needed it to be within my range of sight.

That is the ability I am having the most difficulty with as I don't want to end up inside of a wall if I ever did teleport via memories.

Laura: "So where are these "friends" of yours? I doubt you even have any considering how you treat your own daughter."

Raime: "..."

Raime has suffered EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!


They grow up so fast!

She had finally been able to insult me and I can't even make a comeback that's good enough!


Mordecai: "Dammit Brick! Don't shout right next to me!"

I saw Brick and Mordecai hanging around beside a building I can only assume to be a Pub or Bar of sorts.

Roland and Lilith are off somewhere else I assume, but I can hear that Mordecai is talking in the Echo with him saying I'd just returned.

Laura and I approached them and began conversing.

Brick: "Where the Hell did you go?! You were gone for days (a few Earth Weeks) ever since we all saw you teleporting out of there with a bunch of silver glowing things chasing after you!"

Raime: "An unexpected event had happened..."

Brick: "We know, Angel told us you were still alive and for us to keep going, then we'll meet again in New Haven."


Have they revealed to each other that Angel is talking to them, and she gave her name as well?

That never happened in the original timeline, Angel never revealed her name to the original four Vault Hunters.

It's not a big deal, this is a small change and nothing off track, at least for now until I intervene.

Raime: " Yeah, I managed to survive. I see you all clearly made it here in one piece?"

Mordecai: "We ran into some trouble before we got here."

Raime: "Mad Mel?"

Brick: "Hell Yeah Man! That was AWSOME! I got to blow a hella lot of Bandit Runners!"

Mordecai: "It was a pain. I don't like shooting while driving, it's annoying."

Raime: "I thought you were a sniper, and a great one at that if you were able to beat me back then."

Brick was shocked when he heard that I had a one vs one against Mordecai in a contest.

Before he could try asking if I could have one with him, Mordecai interjected.

Mordecai: "Speaking of which?"

Raime: "*Sigh* fine..."

I pulled out "Patience and Time" from my Inventory, but to others, they think I took it out from my SDU (Storage Deck Unit), and I gave Mordecai the sniper rifle.

Mordecai: "Daaammn! This is nice! Oh yeah, Didn't you say you would give this to me when you got a replacement? So what is it?"

I took out my love child sniper rifle and showed it to everyone present.

Everyone held their breath when they saw the Exotic ranked Sniper Rifle from the Destiny game universe.

"Whisper of the Worm".

I had easily acquired this from trading a few droplets of water from my Well of Souls water I acquired from Death.

If I sold the whole vile of water, I would be able to buy a God-ranked item of the low-tier variant.

But why the Hell would I do that?

I want to use it!

After a while of talking Brick and Mordecai finally asked the big question.

Brick & Mordecai: ""Who's this?""

Before I could answer, she did first.

Laura: "I'm his Daughter!"

Time stood still for the both of them until they finally reacted.

Both: "WHAAAAAT!?"

They interrogated me for answers and I told them what had happened when we were separated.

Roland and Lilith had arrived and joined in. Though they didn't say anything in particular then greeted me back. Lilith seemed to have missed me the most.

Well, I guess it makes sense with how the others are, she can't connect with them as easily as she can with me and Roland.

Roland is a bit serious, which is why they eventually broke up in the future, but with me, I am a gaming nerd just like she is.

Lilith is the more young adult type of person, kinda funny since she is almost thirty years old and yet she acts like a 17-year-old.

After checking in with everybody I went to a certain large building, after getting directions from the others, Laura was with me in tow.

I entered the building and saw a fat bearded man that screamed "Merchant" when you see him.

Raime: "Hey there Marcus!"

Marcus: "Oh! You're that Vault Hunter the others were talking about, Spectre was it?!"

I nodded and Marcus had me enter his shop.

Marcus: "So what can I do for you?"

Raime: "I'm here to make a deal with you Marcus. One that will make us richer than even Mega Corporations in a few years, but if we are to succeed then we will need to act soon and begin preparing now. So what do you say? Will you hear me out?"

As if a lost fire had suddenly reawakened in his eyes, he grinned from ear to ear.

Marcus: "I'm all ears, my friend."


author note:

A Skag Pearl are...well they are hard to explain. Think of them as a Hormone inducing pearl created within the Skag's body. This pearl is used during mating season, and if one is layinga round, it is said in game (cut content by echo logs) that the NPCs say to run away and throw the pearl as far away from them as possible if they ever see one. Since a literall army of Skags will appear shortly after. The fact that Helena Pierce's wife managed to aquire this is suspicious since he would have had to research about it since it is so infamous among the locals. It is hella expensive and is well known fir releasing toxins when induced to certain reactions. More than likely the husband got the ring to troll her and cause her face to elbe deformed. And don't try defending the husband saying that he just didn't know. That is rubbish, and you would agree if you listened to in game info about Skag Pearls from the Borderlands 1 Cut Content Echos and other stuff.