
Chapter 18: Nephilim's Soul

Laura: "You...Lied..."

Everything around me had gone as quiet as the grave...

I could hear my heart and soul shatter from her words.

I had failed alot if things in my life, lied to many people, even my family and used countless excuses to avoid punishment for what I rightly deserved.

When I died and reincarnated, I saw this as a new opportunity, a new begining fir myself to start over and leave that life behind.

Clearly I was wrong, I was mistakened.

Did I really lie to her?

I tried, I did what I could, how can this be my fault?

It's the Sandstalker's fault!

I'll kill it!

But first, I couldn't let this stand. I won't let her die, I don't wnat to lie, to go back to my old ways.

I may be lie to Angel and the others, but that was for good reason, and I will never lie again once I make myself known and reveal the truth.

I ran over to Laura and pushed aside everybody in my way. My enhanced strength was on full display as I threw everyone aside, they didn't hit the ground as the place was crowded and they'd fall into other people's arms.

I leaned forward and took out a Divine Blessing from Dark Souls.

I had to exchange and trade 20 Dragon Bones and 70 Potions of Ultomate Healing from my Skyrim Inventory in order to get a single Divine Blessing.

The System Store had the feature of trading items, as I had done so before.

Trading in the System functions like this.

Let's say I have a one ton of iron.

I can trade that and obtain 8000 knives of iron in exchange.

One knife would weigh 4 ounces.

One ton is 32,0000 ounces.

The same can be applied to practically everything, as I had done for the Divine Blessing.

Raime: "Drink this!"

But Laura refused to open her mouth as I tried to make her drink the Divine Blessing's godly nectar.

Raime: "You have to drink it! It can heal you!"

But all I received back was the hateful glare of Laura as she then stared down at her bleeding stomach, as even more tears fell down her face.

She didn't believe me, that a drink like this could magically heal a lethal wound she was dying from.

I can tell that she was afraid of dying, and wanted to put the blame on me as a way to vent her fears of death and to get over the sudden and recent death of her mother at the actions of the Sandstalker.

I didn't have time to waste for her reply so I tried forcing the liquid down her throat, even though the people around me tried to stop me but they couldn't match my strength as they were all physically weaker than the common Bandit Maurauder.

But even when I did manage to firce her to drink it, it didn't work as well as it should have since she had spat out most if it's contents.

I tried thinking of another solution to the current problem at hand.

At least what she had drank had prolonged her life slightly from the touch of Death.

I tried thinking what I had with me that i could use to save her.

I pushed my full 90% of my brain's capacity to it's limit and had broken through to 91% unknowingly as I did so.


Her body is damaged, so I just need to repair it! Make it stronger!

I took out a Soul Contract. The same one I had used to make a deal with the Horseman Fury.

This contract had some terms and conditions on it, I didn't have enough time to change some of it, but I had little choice.

It said that I would get the Soul of the one who sighs this contract, I would claim it as part of my collection, their very being must adhear to my command, they must follow any order I give them, they woiluld still have free will and can refuse anything that isn't an direct order, must never do anything to cause me harm, unless it is a mock battle or play fighting, so long as it isn't permanent, lasting or lethal injuries.

The conditions would be fair as I have no intention on forcing her to do anything other than a few necessary things if she is to survive.

I would need her Soul, control of her body and to order her to do one thing.

But first I needed to make her sign it, but I know she wouldn't do that, as shown by her previous rebellious actions of defiance.

I focused on my inner self and my deeper understanding of a certain and particular Thu'um.

One which I had been a massive gamer nerd over off in my past life and tried to understandits deeper concepts long before I was reincarnatedintovthis world.

I opened my eyes and spoke, I used the [Bend Will] shout on Laura.

Raime: "GOL HAH..." (Earth, Mind...)

The third word of [Bend Will] is "DOV" (Dragon), but that was unnecessary.

To use the Thu'um, you must first understand the definition of the Word of Power and what they are defined as individually.

For me, "GOL" which is "Earth" in the [Bend Will] shout means to command the will of animals, creatures and Mother Nature herself and the very Earth obeys your command.

For me, "HAH" which is "Mind" means to dominate the minds of those that are lesser than your own and of those around you. To make them submit to your will, to obey your commands, they are your puppet fir you have taken their Mind from them. Their Mind is yours to control, all you need do is to command them to do so, via using [Bend Will].

The final Word of Power of [Bend Will] is "DOV" which is "Dragon". To command all beings, for Dragons stand at the apex of all life, they are Immortal, they are not to be dominated, but they were created by Akatosh to dominate others. It is in their nature. And for one to be able to command them, via [Bend Will], means that you can dominate ANYTHING to your will.

When one has their own deeper understanding of a Word of Power, they will be able to use the Thu'um with enough practice and meditation on those Words of Power.

I used two Words of [Bend Will] to dominate the Human Minds.

1st word dominates weak animals.

2nd word dominates strong animals and average Humans.

3rd word dominates Dragons (Except Alduin) and Powerful Human Minds and even Daedra.

I shouldn't even be able to use the Thu'um, why?

Because I do not possess magicka, magicka comes from the Sun of Nirn called Mangnus.

Magnus is associated with many things, the Original Spirit Magnus, Eye of Mangus, Stqff of Magnus, the Sun of Nirn Magnus.

Nirn is the world of which the Elder Scrolls games series takes place on mostly, it does also travel to the Realms and Plains of Oblivion at times.

The Sun Magnus produces Mana/Magicka, the Thu'um does require this Magicka as well in order to use.

Ironic that the Nords take pride in using the Thu'um, but they despise Magic, even though the Thu'um is apart of the Magic system of the world.

I suspect that when Tet reincarnated me, he replaced the need to require Magicka to use the Thu'um, with my Soren Energy instead.

I did feel some of my Siten Energy reserves deplete when I used the Thu'um against the Sandstalker.

After I used the Shout on Laura, her eyes went hollow and lifeless as she obeyed me when I had to her to sign the contract.

Fortunately this particular Soul Contact I had gotten can be used even if the party signing it is being Mind Controlled.

And as soon as she signed it, I could feel that her soul belonged to me, it was linked to mine, but it was more like hers was a puppet and the strings was what connected hers to mine.

I could control her soul and will as I see fit.

I took out a few things.

One was a Serum. This was something I traded a few drops of the Four Horseman Nephilim blood, some of their Nephilim flesh and of Absalom's own body too. Some of the "mingled ashes of Angel and Demons" just as the Demon Queen Lilith had said.

Lilith in the Darksiders universe had said to death that she created the first Nephilim Absalom from the remains of Angels and Demons. And from Absalom, the rest of the Nephilim race was born.

I obviously had no clue of what secret method Demon Lilith had used to create the Nephilim, but I knew the System can achieve similar results.

And as such, I was able to exchange all the things I had mentioned to the System for a Serum that can change the biology of Laura's into a Nephilim.

I also had the Nephilim's Soul too.

I commanded the Soul of Laura to fuse and mix with the Nephilim's Soul I had received from the Horseman Death.

I made sure to have Laura's Soul as the main one and it would only be strengthened by the Nephilim's Soul.

While it will influence her somewhat, she would have the majority control over her personality and would only change in slight ways.

I injected her with the Nephilim Serum and fused her soul with the Nephilim's Soul at the same time.

Her once twin braided long black hair had turned silver, her body began to spasm and change in some ways.

But I wanst worried as I can feel her soul through the Contract, getting stronger and she wasn't dying anymore, instead she felt more alive.

Apart of me felt disappointed at myself and I quesrion if I should have done this, or if i should have allowed my greed to take hold if me and keep the Nephilim Serum and Soul to use on myself.

This was my plan from the beginning to get stronger, but now taht opportunity is gone...at least for the time being.

But the good and virtuous side of me, the real me I wanted to be and am as of now, had told me that I had done the right thing.

I smiled at the fact I had kept my promise.

She was safe, she was fine, she lived.


next chapter tomorrow

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts