
Book of Genesis: Profane Conquest

In a world abandoned by The Almighty, ancient malevolent forces have resurfaced, vying for supremacy across the realms. However, these primal demons pale in comparison to the true threat that looms – Genesis, a mere human. With the departure of God, Genesis, a believer who once feared him, finally will be able to unleash his unrestrained ambitions upon others. Will the absence of divinity pave the way for his profane conquest?

Freakshow · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

The Devil's Muse

The ballroom doors swept open, and Genesis felt a strange melody seize him before he'd even stepped through. A haunting, transcendent violin solo - as if the Devil himself had scored the composition to ensnare mere mortals.

All eyes were drawn to the masked woman on the raised stage, her figure draped in a crimson gown that seemed to flicker like living flames. Raven's wings unfurled behind her pale, luminous shoulders in an unsettling juxtaposition.

Those eyes...twin red crimson boring into Genesis' soul from across the chamber. He couldn't look away from her ethereal, otherworldly beauty.

"Well now, Sir Genesis has arrived in fine form this evening." Cain's voice slithered up beside him with a chortle. "Though I fear the lovelorn professor may have met his match in our feathered seraph."

Genesis barely registered the point. The lady's melancholic strains filled his mind like a narcotic until he felt unmoored, untethered from reality.

Drawn into the music's timeless embrace.

Genesis, now lost in the haunting melody, was powerless to look away.

He felt as if he was being drawn into the music itself, caught in its timeless embrace. The lady's outfit and appearance gave her the impression of an angel who had fallen from heaven.

Genesis felt rooted to the spot, utterly transfixed as her haunting gaze found his from across the ballroom. In that suspended moment, the entire world seemed to bleed away until there was nothing but the two of them and the spell of her violin's lament.

Then, impossibly, the faintest of smiles played across her blood-red lips - a simple subtle curve that somehow managed to unhinge his reality. Genesis felt the visceral impact like a blow, his own lips twitching in a stunned reciprocation. As if bestowed a private benediction from this ethereal seraph herself.

When at last the final strains of Tartini's diabolical sonata faded, Genesis startled back to himself, joining the thunderous applause. The other guests looked equally dazed, shaken from the same rapturous reverie her music had cast over them all.

Before rational thought could reassert itself, Genesis felt his feet propelling him toward the stage. Blind impulse guided his movements as he ascended and seized the lady's hand with an audacious flourish.

Her skin was ice against his burning lips as he bestowed a kiss.

Up close, her crimson eyes seemed to stare through him, into him. Genesis felt her gaze pierce body and soul alike as he heard his own rasped words:

"Shall we mimic nature, my dear? There's a storm raging outside..." His voice lowered to an intensity just above a whisper. "So let us create one here to match it. A Vivaldian tempest."

The lady regarded him for an eternal beat, those fathomless crimson eyes seeming to weigh his worth. Then the slightest nod granted permission, her red-painted lips quirking in a Mona Lisa smile.

Without further preamble, Genesis snatched up a violin, feeling the weight as an extension of his own body. He met her opening refrain, matching the mournful lilt with his own mournful response.

And so their tempest began.

Their impromptu "Storm" paid homage to Vivaldi's virtuosic masterwork, but transcended rote mimicry.

Genesis felt their individual melodies, disparate at first, gradually entwine into something new and rapturous - an alchemical fusion of sound and viscera, unlike anything he'd ever experienced.

The ballroom seemed to swell around them, the decor bleeding away until they were the eye of an elemental vortex. Genesis could taste the metallic sting of the wind, smell the coming downpour's petrichor as thunder boomed through his ribs.

Sweat beaded on his masked brow, muscles straining as his bow took on a frenzied cadence, whipsawing from mournful murmurs to screaming crescendos.

All in perfect synchronicity with the lady's own violent arpeggio assault.

He couldn't be sure if minutes or hours had passed when at last their combined torrent reached its thundering climax.

As the final lingering notes shuddered into silence, Genesis became aware of the world reasserting itself.

The ballroom's occupants stared utterly transfixed - had they too felt transported to the eye of that Vivaldian tempest? Tears glistened on multiple captivated faces as a rumbling wave of applause and raucous cheers gradually swelled.

Genesis turned toward his mysterious duet partner, drinking in her spectral beauty made even more disquieting by the glow of a thin sheen of exertion.

He then took the lady's pale hand in his own clammy grip, and together they swept into a bow to accept the thunderous applause and whistles.

As they descended from the stage, Genesis felt the lady's icy hand slide up his forearm before interlacing their fingers.

An unmistakable invitation.

He met her stare as they began to dance, her crimson gown swirling like a sanguine pool.

The thunderous applause faded into the background, became mere white noise. Drowned out entirely by the dizzying tempo of the lady's breath warm against his neck as they moved together, unhurried, into the center of the parquet floor.

Up close, her pale skin was absolutely flawless - poreless and perfectly smooth like the finest bone china. Those ruby irises bored into his with an intensity that should have burned.

Then suddenly, unexpectedly, her full lips curved into an impish smile that cracked the remote facade. "You improvise well with your instrument, professor. That was...enjoyable."

Genesis felt himself return the grin, unable to resist her playful bait. "I cannot resist the lure of two beauties in this life - exquisite music and exquisite women." His fingertips grazed the ridge of her wing where it joined her back, "You provide both in equal measure."

Her low chuckle was rich and throaty, hinting at untold secrets waiting to be plundered. "The night is still young." The feathered appendages flared, seemed to pulse with some arcane vitality. "Shall we see what other captivating harmonies we might craft...together?"

Desire - dark and predatory - flared hot in Genesis' gut.

He opened his mouth, to agree or maybe voice disbelief.

But then she was already gliding away from his embrace with grace.

That curly raven knee-length hair of hers trailed behind in her wake like a siren's call, signaling him to follow her into parts unknown.

Genesis could only watch, rooted by the inescapable sense that something had irrevocably shifted.

The mortal boundaries he knew were crumbling.

An entire cosmos of decadent new worlds and unrestrained temptations now lay in reach, just on the other side of the shadows where this fallen angel had vanished.

So he followed.

Lured by the primitive thrum of desire that drowned out all rational thought.

Compelled to pursue the intoxicating, terrifying promise of what delirious, rapturous oblivions awaited in the labyrinth where she dwelled.

The uncharted territory where ecstasy and damnation were two faces of the same fractal-carved coin...

The Devil's Muse.

What secrets does she hold?

Is she The Lady of Sorrows?

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