
Book of Dreams and Nightmares

A boy dreams of a book of his own design and desire. He makes the book reality through his belief and will. A book that will grant powers he had never even dreamed of quite yet in a world where dreams aren't ever far-fetched. --------------------------------------------------------- The world is a near-future superhero/magic world of my own design. Update: I'm happy so many people like my book and are enjoying my world, thank you all. Hey readers! I started a discord server for my readers. I made it in hopes of eventually having some fan art and community building. Join by copying on the link below! https://discord.gg/kYJwW6AB3C

GoldDragonMachina · Urbain
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147 Chs

Faas Pantera Character Sheet

[Volume 1]

Name: Faas Pantera

Superpower: Book of Dreams and Nightmares

Dream Power Range:

-100 meter radius as of Ch5. 200 meter radius as of ch.11

~Power Matrix and Magic Matrix~

Derivative Powers: Technomancy, Telepathy, draconic scales, flight(wings),...etc.

Derivative Magics: Eclipse, Shadow, Prank, Blood, Fire,....etc.

Aliases: Sandman and Boogeyman (up until they become their own beings.)

Age: 12 yrs -> 13 years at 

Birthday: A day in September

~....Still working on this along with timeline~