
Book moved to "Suiyan" account

A wisp with a complete lack of common knowledge ends up in the middle of human society in the future. A Wisp? What is a Wisp? No one knows anymore. Follow this hilarious Wisp and his 'not so conventional' way of thinking as he tries to find his place in the world. --- Release Schedule: Two chapters per day. 9AM, PDT Time.

MyCatFelix · Fantaisie
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98 Chs


Everyone looked puzzled at Linfel. "What do you mean?"

Xalafel, on the other hand, was happy someone understood. "I'll take your words as a compliment. In this world, especially in the situation we found ourselves in with the saturation, anything is valid. Besides, I'm not the one acting. They will do it to themselves. If something happens, they can only blame themselves for ignoring the risks."

Linfel noticed that the others were still confused and quickly explained. "Have you forgot what we have just discussed a second ago? You said it yourselves: If other Maguses found out that Alvin and I can do a Double Connection, they might try it out themselves. The chances are a lot of them would destroy their souls in the process."

Litivia immediately understood. "I see! Xalafel, you want to show to the world that Linfel and Alvin can do it so that all the other young maguses and familiars will give it a try. You want to get rid of other country Maguses and Familiars without even touching them."

Xalafel nodded. "Do you despise me for thinking of such a method?"

Litivia narrowed her eyes. She was quite a brutal person, but it didn't mean she liked meaningless killing. However, it is true that Xalafel wasn't going to force anyone to do anything. "I can't say I'm a fan of your plans, but we truly aren't in a situation that allows us to be gentle. I told you, I trust your judgment; I always did. I will simply continue to do so."

Xalafel sighed in response. "Thank you. Dilwe, Fenlin, what about you two?"

Both Xalafel Subordinates spoke at the same time. "Principal's plans are our plans. We will carry it to the very end." The determination in their voice was palpable. Perhaps they trusted Xalafel even more than Litivia.

Of course, they weren't the only ones in the room. Alvin, Felia, Tratil, Connor, and Milia... They were also there and heard everything. They kept silent for a moment until Milia finally spoke. "The background of my world had always been nasty, so I believe my Frondor Family probably would pretend to not know anything and let your plans go unimpeded." Milia was shocked at first, but her experience helped her to calm down pretty fast.

Connor and Alvin, on the other hand, were already sweating. "Just... how many deaths are we talking about?"

Xalafel understood that these two had never killed anyone, nor had they ever lived in an environment where power struggles happened constantly like Milia's. This conversation, in which the lives of so many were involved, deeply scared both of them. In fact, even Milia felt uncomfortable with that plan, just not as bad as Connor and Alvin. 

"In Connor's case, all you need to do is stay quiet. The only reason you are even here is because I need to warn you to don't talk about Alvin's ability to use Double Connection. Do you understand?" Xalafel asked in a deep tone.

"Y-Yes..." Connor nodded, understanding that his life was on the line. 

"As for Alvin, you aren't doing anything wrong. This is my plan and my plan only. I'm the sole existence to blame for the consequences. You will be doing nothing more than competing for the Academy's prestige. Whatever others decide to do after seeing your achievements is their problem and mine. You don't need to concern yourself with it," Xalafel said. 

"But, in case you still find a problem with my plan, understand this point: You are doing it so that our country won't be conquered in the future. You will not simply be the cause of many deaths. You will, above all, be the reason many, many more lives will be saved, especially the lives of normal people who can't do anything against Maguses. That includes your Family. Usually, the normal people, especially the poor, are the ones who suffer the most. Do it for them. That's what I think, at least."

Still, Linfel had to ask. "But... wouldn't that cause the same problem for our Maguses?"

"That's the advantage of being in the country Alvin came from. There are many ways to prevent that," Xalafel spoke with confidence. Just the fact Alvin was here, they could create many excuses to stop Maguses from doing it in their territory. Such excuses would not work on other countries, though. Thus, it was a nasty but very effective plan.

Linfel looked at Alvin, who seemed to be struggling. He didn't see anything wrong with this plan. If anything, it was already quite peaceful compared to what he saw while he followed Horan in the past. "Alvin! What is the main reason the Magus Academies around the world exist?"

Alvin was taken aback for a moment. That was an answer everyone knew. "Above all other fields, Maguses are the country's strength. The ones who defend their people. They... are primarily taught for the sake of fighting."

Linfel nodded. "You and Felia were the ones who told me that. After joining the Floating Blades Faction, you were exposed to the ugly truth of the world as well. Was your resolve that weak? If you intend to dwell on this topic any longer, then I'll tell you this: Give up being a Magus! Leave the academy and return to your father's fishing business. You have no place in this world."

Linfel glanced at Connor, who didn't look any better. "The same goes for you. Maguses and Familiars hold extreme power, power that surpasses over 99% of what normal people can do. If you ever truly thought you would live a peaceful life while being able to control such strength, then you were nothing but naive. Get yourselves together."

Alvin and Connor looked at each other. Both had their reasons for becoming Maguses. It wouldn't be a lie if they said they hoped they could live a peaceful life forever, but they also understood Linfel's words. 

Alvin sighed, and the cloud in his mind disappeared. His expression changed into determination, especially looking at how well Milia presented herself. "I'm a Magus from the Heffal Country. I'm here to protect it or to protect the planet in case other races from outside decide to invade. If the fall of other powers is needed to keep my people, especially my father, safe, then so be it."

Connor quickly nodded. "I will also try my best... even though I'm not that talented. I will keep Alvin's secret until he becomes a Level Three Magus."

Xalafel gave a nob of approval to them. But above all, he glanced at Linfel with a tinge of surprise in his eyes. 'His words, his demeanor, his tone... they were not just a thought that happened now. They were words of experience...'

Well, it is not like Linfel had thaaaat much experience. He was still 'eight' years old, after all. xD

MyCatFelixcreators' thoughts