
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Anime et bandes dessinées
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71 Chs

Chapter 71: The End

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 71: The End

Days?: You Just Had To Say It! Part 2

(Mistral: Mistral City: 80th Floor Area: Unknown Park)

"Ninja smoke bomb!" I shout as I throw a dozen of [Smoke Bombs] to the ground, creating a smokescreen throughout the area as Shigure quickly grab the ones that can't escape on their own through this smokescreen, blinding our enemies and ourselves as well.

Actually, it's mostly for those that never experience, most of the Arcana's infamous escape strategies during a time like this. And those police officers already heard about this and knew not to fire randomly, as it's mostly a high risk of friendly fire.

Sadly, some of these police officers happen to be new to the job or just bad at it, as they started firing everywhere until they ran out of [Bullets] and their comrades shouting at them to stop or they end hurting the civilians nearby.

Deploying [Ecological Derivation System] and found out Ruby is the farthest one out of the rest of us as she continues running in no direction, much to my annoyance as she is doing something without thinking during unexpected moments. Again.

So, switching over to [Accelerator] to teleport right next to Ruby, grabbing her by the back of her left shoulder and leak a bit of killing intent at her, to make her stop for just a second. Long enough for me to teleport the both of us back to the rest of the others.

(Mistral: Mistral City: 80th Floor Area: Kosaka's Building: Living Room)

I shook my head when I felt the urge to kill for some reason. Which is weird as [Unshaken Will] should have stopped anything like this weird urges, or maybe this urge is some kind of [Curses] that affecting and a higher rank than [Unshaken Will].

I frown as this urge starting to develop stronger by the second and much to my horror that the [Magatamas] starting to wake up. There's a high chance of them going wild and would damage me somehow. Also, I may end up losing the ability to use my aura again.

I didn't say anything to anyone as they notice how I'm acting as I teleported myself away before I cause harm.


I let out a cough when I notice I'm in the middle of nowhere and maybe close to the Vacuo Kingdom as there is sand everywhere.

"Well, teleporting without thinking about a location seems to work." I mumble to myself, then use [Ecological Derivation System] in a large scale and purchase a complete aura reserve recovery afterward, much to my relief, I didn't end up teleporting myself to a different parallel dimension of the RWBY universe.

I shook my head again when I feel the urge to kill getting stronger by the second. Even [Accelerator] and my other [Persona] can't seem to figure out where it's coming until one [Persona] revealed the answer.

Sadly, much to my horror as [Nyarlathotep] was the one that replied and is actually completely awake this entire time. Just waiting for the perfect time to take action.

Before either my [Persona] or I could do anything. [Nyarlathotep] pushed the other [Persona] away and sealed away my ability to use my aura. This is going to make things harder for me return to the others. As [Nyarlathotep] started informed me that slowly each day passes by, to find the right moment to place one [Magatama] at a time inside me while not awaken them just yet.

And today is the last day for the last [Magatama] to be converted into my 25th [Magic Circuit]. Also, the main reason why I have the urge to kill as almost all the 25 [Magatamas] starting to wake up together.

Along with [Nyarlathotep] 'helpfully' inform me that I'm turning into a complete [Demi-Fiend] today as well.

Just as I was about to be overwhelmed by the urge to slaughter anything in my sight, and was a relief I teleported myself away from the others before this started to happen.

Quickly, I bring out my scroll to send a message to Pyrrha through sheer willpower. Along with messaging to do whatever she and Shigure think is best and trust each other, but always be safe and until I message back while I'm undergoing the process of becoming a [Demi-Fiend], and if not, continue doing whatever they need to be done at my absence.

[Nyarlathotep] started whispering to me the trials I'm about to occur. And if I survive. Yes, survive, not pass, survive through these trials. I'll gain power beyond my imagination, even something the [Persona System] wouldn't be able to give me.

The ability to take the power of a [Demi-Fiend] of [Nyarlathotep] creation to my next life, along with the next one and the next until I no longer need them. As the [Persona System] won't be with me in the next life.

I was dumbfounded for a second before the urge came back, but that didn't matter to me. As [Nyarlathotep] knew exactly that in my next life I won't be so lucky to get the [Persona System] and will end up losing all my [Persona] and skills. Mostly the [Persona] is what I'm dreading of losing.

The skills I can just train myself by doing it without the help of the [Persona System]'s [Training Methods] and continue to improve like normal people by trial and error.

As [Nyarlathotep] continues to explain to me that even in this life of mine. The [Persona System] will soon leave me at some point in the future. Much to my horror as I may end up losing something that helps me become who I am today.

At this point, the urge to kill is overcome with pure overwhelming raw rage at the thought of losing the [Persona System]. But, I continue to keep a cool level head and listen to [Nyarlathotep], causing the Outer God to giggle at my rage.

Soon, the Outer God started telling me that all those dreams s/he messed with me are all trials I had to go through, but mostly out of giggle as well.

Now, I'm about to go through the second to last trial and I just have to survive without the help of the [Persona System] and my own aura to survive this whole process of becoming a true [Demi-Fiend].

Afterward, [Nyarlathotep] will inform me of my last trial in order to keep the power of the [Demi-Fiend] in my next life and this life as well. Seeing how I'm bound to lose my [Persona System]. So in a way, the Outer God is helping me out from the very beginning, but had to keep quiet about it.

No, it's more like something as an exchange. Something the Outer God gained out of this and has something to do with my past life. And I was right as [Nyarlathotep] went quiet for a whole minute before laughing in delight that I actually guessed it right so early.

After finishing laughing, the Outer God informs me that I won't be like that [Demi-Fiend] from the Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. No, I'm becoming something more than just a normal [Demi-Fiend].

In fact, I'm turning into something that's beyond the 'True Demon' Path and being even more. No longer will the laws of the universe will affect me, then the multiverse afterward as I continue to live my next lives until I either destroy or devour the laws itself to make them mine.

Slowly, as my vision starts to darken, I can still clearly hear [Nyarlathotep]'s voice. Which I didn't find surprising as the Outer God is literally in my Sea of Souls and speaking me from it.

(Sea of Souls)

As I open my 'eyes', I find myself in my Sea of Souls, mostly look like a normal sea, but with the sea made out of countless [Souls] as a sea. Furthermore, there no blue sky, or land either.

Looking above, I still see the [Souls] around me of all forms. Some are big, some are small. Some just weird looking in my opinion, but kind of hurtful at the same time. As those [Souls] are technically me, for now.

I didn't actually hear [Nyarlathotep], but I knew what my trial is.

Grabbing one of the [Soul] closest to me and ate it, causing it to release a silent scream as I devour it completely without chewing and just sucking.

My trial is to devour the Sea of Souls and make it mine or else the [Persoan System] will take it away once it leaves me.

unknown of time went by*

Days?: It's Time

After eating all the [Souls] around me and even having to fight them, to do so, which increased my own personal fighting experience even more. As I fight legendary beings from histories across the multiverse.

Eat time I devour a [Soul]; I feel my very [Soul] grow and becoming darker and pure at the same time. I find that just a little weird, but I guess this means my own [Soul] is becoming more gray than pure neutral.

Besides that, I'm gaining knowledge of the [Souls] I ate. Some of them are things I already know due to the skills I have. Others, well, I didn't think it would be possible until I got those knowledges, along with the instinct to go with it. Lucky me.

However, after eating almost 99% of all the [Souls], leaving behind the [Souls] that became my current [Persona]; well, some of those [Persona] I left behind. I decide not to eat at all, seeing how I see them as more than just regular [Persona].

Kind of sad, that I would friend myself and care for myself if you consider the [Persona] are just another part of me.

Anyway, after finishing 99% of the [Souls] that never got to the point of becoming a [Persona] or fused into one. I finally, kind of, finished my trial, with [Nyarlathotep] informing me that my last trial is to find the next host to hold my [Persona System], where the remaining [Souls]/[Persona] will transfer to the next host and become their [Persona], but not their true [Persona].

As my [Persona] will technically become their own person, as in not a copy fragment was taken from the multiverse to become my [Persona].

So in a way, my current [Persona] will help out the new host of the [Persona System], or try killing them afterward before finding a new host once they return back to me.

Of course, [Nyarlathotep] explained how that this isn't allowed and just speed up the process of failing my last trial. So, I only got one chance and make it count and have the ability to actually hold my current [Persona] without blowing up.

Yeah, that a frighten thoughts, but still better than getting killed from within your own [Soul] instead.

Another warning is that I'm only allowed to use each of my [Persona] only once before I no longer can use them. As they need to hold as much leftover [Soul Energy] they can save before the transfer takes place. Where all my [Persona] will use those saved [Soul Energies] to become their own person.

After finishing my trial, I exit what left of my Sea of Souls and more of a void at this point. Once [Nyarlathotep] explain to me what changed me and what I can use beside [Inventory] and other features the [Persona System] limited me to.

As I'm already close to the deadline of losing my [Persona] and if I didn't decide to devour those [Souls]. Then, I would end up like a newborn baby without any skills at all.


I've not opened my eyes just yet and allow my other senses to detect my surrounding. Lucky for me, the [Grandmaster Detection Mastery] may no longer available to me as the rest of my skills and [Magic]. As those will be transferred over to the next host as well. The sad and horror at finding this out of all my work being lost to another person, but with my new 25 [Magatamas/Magic Circuits] that no longer drive me crazy or cause me harm. Will have to do, along with other hidden abilities, I could do with them.

Now, that I got the complete set and removed those weaknesses, which deal more damage to me of the weak points of the [Magatama]. Of course, I didn't become immortal or any type of immortal either.

Because my lifespan is very short at this point, with my aura, former unlocked aura, and my physical body can't handle the massive amount of [Demonic Energy] my own [Soul] is holding. Of course, I could just supercharge my body with [Demonic Energy] to give me a temporary abnormal regeneration, but that will shorten my lifespan further.

So, I got the ability to heal myself at an extremely fast rate, but at the lost of accessing my aura now, along with other powers that I have taken for myself by devouring those [Souls]. However, at the cost of using up my lifespan.

As each time I use my [Demonic Energy]; I end up hurting myself as well. And with my new found knowledge from all those [Souls] I ate.

This pretty much puts my time in RWBY ending so soon and I didn't even have kids with either Pyrrha or Shigure. Don't know about Blake, but I wanted to have a family with those two.

Once I got a clear sign of nothing nearby, but just the sand like I remember, I think, where I collapsed to perform my last trial of becoming a true [Demi-Fiend], or an [Archdemon] from what [Nyarlathotep] told me before disappearing from my Sea of Souls forever.

Opening my eyes, then stand up and notice I'm mostly naked, but it looks like I've aged to my prime age. Really hope I didn't speak too long in my Sea of Souls, though. And could still attend the Second Great War.

"Shit. The war." I scowl at the Outer God, for picking the time when the Second Great War is getting closer to the point of the kingdoms sending out large troops to fight each other.

Lucky for me, I didn't need the [Ecological Derivation System] and just use my own very [Soul] to scan the entire planet now. Yeah, my [Soul] is that powerful enough to do something like this and I got this little trick from cultivators!

Talk about lucky, as I fought those overpowered cultivators from wuxia/xianxia novels. Would have been a pain in the ass if I didn't devour the other legendary beings beforehand.

I look down and notice my clothes are pretty much rags at this point, so using a bit of my [Demonic Energy] to regenerate my own clothes and adjust it to my new body size.

Touching my head just to be sure if I have horns or not, much to my relief I didn't have one, that some kind of sign of being an [Archdemon]. Though, my hair length is long and already near my tailbone.

So, I created a rubber band to tie my hair in the same style as Pyrrha. Guess I've to copy my own twin hairstyle too now.

Once I got a lock on Pyrrha and Shigure's aura; well, [Souls] to be exact. As I devoured [Franken Stein]'s [Soul Fragment] and gained all his skills and ability. So yeah, didn't have enough time to become a friend or something with the guy and end up eating the guy's [Soul Fragment].

I know that I have a year left. And each time I use my [Demonic Energy], it shortens my lifespan and using it right now on a large scale of detecting for people, has shortened my time from a year to 11 months now, then to 8 months when I fixed and fit my clothes, along with locating Pyrrha and Shigure. That's 8 months left before my time here is finished.

I frown when I 'see' Pyrrha and Shigure are fighting off the Arcana members, which is completely weird. So, I teleported to their location and that 7 months now.

(Unknown Forest)

Landing on one of the tree branches to see what the hell is going on, where I notice Pyrrha and Shigure still kind of look the same, but just a bit older. And, fighting off Arcana members, new ones I think, as I never saw these guys before.

"Please come back with us! You are two core members and must return! I know you're looking for Enma, but he is considered dead!" One of the new Arcana members shouted at Pyrrha and Shigure, but end up getting an iron nail to the head, killing the poor bastard for their comment.

"We need to take them down! At this rate, we'll all be dead!" Another shouted in panic, causing some of them to agree and put more effort in the fight, but in just a few minutes later, all of them died by Pyrrha and Shigure's hands.

I frown that some people thinking I'm dead. How long did I stay in the Sea of Souls?

Before I could say anything, Shigure, I know for sure, throw a dozen [Kunai] in my direction, forcing me to jump down, where Pyrrha is waiting for me, with her eyes dull and cold. Like a war veteran, who has killed enough and experience the harsh life of a deadly war.

I tilt my head to the side when Pyrrha tired to stab a hole in my head, then catches Pyrrha's right wrist before she could pull back her arm, causing Pyrrha to narrow her eyes at me.

"Are you mad because I didn't return your call?" I ask Pyrrha, as I take out my scroll, which I charged the battery back up with my [Demonic Energy] after converting it into electricity to power the device.

Both Pyrrha and Shigure stopped, and look at me like I'm a ghost or something. In fact, just looking at their [Souls] showed they were shocked, joy, rage, and a hint of sadness.

"Em?" Pyrrha looks at me with eyes filled with hope, wanting to know if it really me or not.

"Of course, it's me, Pyr. So, am I still in trouble for not returning your calls?" I look at Pyrrha and Shigure, mostly at Shigure, as she got a freaking [Greatsword] ready to cleave me in half!

"Say something that only Enma would know between the three of us." Shigure said to me in a cold voice, without even pausing in her speech, much to my surprise. As long as I knew Shigure, she would always pause in her words, but here she now, speaking without pausing at all. HOW LONG WAS STUCK IN THERE?!

"[Persona System]." This is the only thing that is known among the three of us only. Where no one else should know about it at all, hell, none of us three even mention the two words together at all.

The moment those two words left my mouth, I was hugged by both Pyrrha and Shigure, with tears going down their cheeks, with their weapons dropped on the ground.

"Where did you disappear to?!" Pyrrha asked me with a teary face. "We've been searching for you, for 3 years!"

"Wow, 3 years? I thought I would be stuck in that place longer than 3 years. I guess I worked harder than I thought. No wonder [Nyarlathotep] look a little surprise when I finished off those [Souls]." I thought out loud when I just realize I missed 3 years while fighting off legendary beings within my former Sea of Souls, and now a void filled with my [Demonic Energy] that could be converted into anything else.

It's not really [Demonic Energy], but I just feel like it and is easier for me to remember. While I could have just thought the [Demonic Energy] as aura, seeing how I'm still using my own soul to fuel my new found power.

But, I'll just confuse the two, where aura from RWBY universe no longer available to me. So, I just leave it to [Demonic Energy] or [Soul Energy] or even [Reiryoku] like from Bleach universe, but I'm no Shinigami or other spiritual beings.

And with my status as an [Archdemon], yeah, it sounds better than [Demi-Fiend] in my opinion. I decided it is called [Demonic Energy] instead to help me remember what to call it besides as [Soul Energy].

So, Pyrrha and Shigure wanted an explanation of my whereabouts and why I disappeared for 3 years without a single call back after the last one.

After explaining everything, including the part where I'm dying and close to leaving this current life of mine, causing Pyrrha and Shigure to break down once more in tears upon finding out I don't have much time left to be with them.

Furthermore, I informed them that I need one of them to be the next host of the [Persona System] as if I don't, then my next life would be a lot harder for me as my [Archdemon] would be lost to me, along with the [Persona System].

At first, I was planning to give it to Pyrrha, but she declined once she knows how important this is for the three of us.

Pyrrha explained that she found out that Cinder survived with a working physical body and hunted her down to take the other half of the Fall Maiden's power, which wasn't that hard for both Pyrrha and Shigure while they were on the search for me.

Now, Pyrrha is the true and complete Fall Maiden, giving her an incredible boost in power. Even her aura reserve increased tenfold. And her semblance strengthens to the point she could affect the iron in other people's blood from a distance now.

As a result, Shigure will become the next host of the [Persona System] and had a 99% compatible while Pyrrha is at 1%. Which confused me at first until Pyrrha remind me her status as the Fall Maiden.

If Pyrrha didn't become the Fall Maiden, then she should have 100% compatible to become the next host of the [Persona System] as we're a twin.

And much to my relief when I transfer the [Persona System] over to Shigure, she gained all my skills and [Magic], even the fusion ones as well. Along with my [Persona], but they reset to [Persona's Rank: 1], but they're still powerful in their own rights.

However, what made it amusing to me that [Edea Florence] is the go-to [Persona] for Shigure after trying out by equipping her. Then afterward, taking out my, her, [Evoker] and shot herself in the head without flinching as she summons [Edea Florence].

At this point, I was a bit envious of Shigure being able to summon [Edea Florence] like nothing while I had a hard time for a long period in the beginning.

Therefore, I didn't regret how much a massive headache shows up out of nowhere when I finished transferring the [Persona System] over to Shigure. I did black out for a few seconds as almost all my memories of those skills and [Magic] belong to the [Persona System] are ripped out of me and send over to Shigure.

Anyway, I found out from Pyrrha and Shigure that it was actually Pyrrha and my parents the one that notified the Council of Mistral, the presence of the Beacon Academy's students and Glynda.

Afterward, Pyrrha and Shigure decided to challenge the elder of Nikos to a death match 2 months ago after finding out they were the one that sold them out for profits.

And tried to marry Pyrrha off to someone else, but Pyrrha rejected it right away, much to our parents' rage at this. To make it, even more, worse, Blake and her parents left after finding this out. Returning back to their birthplace, where almost all the faunus living in.

As they prepare themselves for the worse, while Blake was sad she had to leave her friend and not being able to help find me. No one was able to speak with Blake after then, where neither team RWBY or JNPR managed to contact her within 3 years.

Then, the Olympians showed up and killed almost everyone on the 80th Floor Area of the Upper Section of Mistral with explosive, and by explosive, I mean they used a butt load of [Fire Dust].

Then, the White Fang showed up and tried to capture any human alive, where Shigure's family manage to survive, for a few hours until they all die. Much to Shigure's horror and rage. As the White Fang teamed up with the Olympians.

So Shigure is the last surviving of her own family; well, former last survive after last year. Where I found out that Shigure was pregnant with my child.

Look like all that unprotected sex lead to Shigure being pregnant. And I found out it's a girl, where Shigure name her Hana Kosaka.

This made me feel very shitty that I wasn't there for Shigure when she was pregnant and the time she gave birth, but at least Pyrrha was there for her and I was surprised Pyrrha didn't get pregnant. Nonetheless, Shigure had the support of Pyrrha to be there for her, along with helping taking care of little Hana.

As for why they're not with Hana right now and taking care of her, and out here continue to search for me until they told me they left Hana with Izaya and Weiss.

It was a shock for me when I found out Izaya and Weiss got married a year after my disappearance. But, I was sad to find out Weiss lost the ability to give birth as one of the White Fang attacked their wedding day, where Weiss got injured and found out she won't be able to have any children.

However, hope wasn't lost as Shigure still carried those [Talismans] I made over the years and healed Weiss before it was too late. And wow, I keep getting surprised more than once with things went by during those 3 years.

After a few tries, Weiss is pregnant finally this year and already close to the time for her to give birth too.

So, to practice, early practice, Izaya and Weiss agreed to take care of Hana while Pyrrha and Shigure continue in the search for me.

I was confused why the Arcana tried to stop them and should be helping until I realized it was overtaken by Grandpa Viridian, and wow, I couldn't believe the old man still alive at this point.

Either way, the reason why Grandpa Viridian took over was due to almost all the core members no longer together and mostly scatter for many reasons. Izaya and Weiss actually went into hiding, where only Pyrrha and Shigure know. Along with a few people remaining of team RWBY and JNPR.

The reason why Izaya and Weiss went into hiding was due to Weiss' family are being killed left and right before anyone could react. Leading to Izaya dreading for Weiss' safety and decide to not attend the war while he's ahead, taking Weiss to a secure place that only a few people know about.

Momoyo actually died along with Yukiko as both of them tried to fight off an army of [Shadow] that appeared out of [Dark Hour], where only those two managed to deal any damage to the [Shadow].

And this happens a month after Izaya and Weiss' wedding. Making it worse for everyone in the Arcana.

So the entire planet is filled with grimm and [Shadow], along with a hybrid of those two. Much to my hatred, the Olympians actually a cover organization that built by Salem's people, leading to all this chaos.

And that powerful entity has been just a lie, but actually Salem herself, who clearly the mastermind of creating all these grimm and [Shadow]; well, more like grimm in their true form.

Yeah, I had to ask Pyrrha to repeat if I was hearing correctly, and I didn't hear wrong as Salem came into light and announce this to the world, with her minions behind her. Once the kingdoms of Vacuo and Vale fallen.

Honestly, I knew for sure Vale would fall at some point like canon, but Vacuo I didn't think would be the second kingdom to fall, but from what Shigure told me.

Salem sends an army of [Shadow] to attack the Vacuo kingdom at night, where they were at their strongest.

Afterward, the Second Great War became the Darkness Era, where almost everyone became afraid and starting to panic as now two of the Four Kingdoms has already fallen.

And to make it worse for almost everyone, as almost all the fighters got their [Dust] from Vacuo and with it taken over by Salem.

This decreased the fighting power of the two remaining standing kingdoms left. It's worse for Atlas, as their entire kingdom run on [Dust] more than the other kingdoms.

Which is was it was so easy for those White Fang to assassinate Weiss' family members without giving them a chance to fight back. It's because they don't have the ability to fight back with limited resource while the White Fang had lots of [Dust] at their disposal.

So yeah, Izaya saw the signs and left Arcana, but made sure to keep in contact. And the reason why it was okay for Pyrrha and Shigure to leave Hana behind with Izaya and Weiss. After all, they're safe and have all the resources to last them for years.

Hell, they are in a better place compared to Mistral and Atlas. Where criminals are through the roof with these two kingdoms. As the authority is becoming more corrupted due to low resources and everyone starting to become greedy for [Dust].

Now, the reason why the Arcana tried to take Pyrrha and Shigure back against their will after the both of them left Arcana was because dear old Grandpa wanted Pyrrha to protect at all cost due to her status as the Fall Maiden once her status, along with the other Maidens are revealed to the world by Salem herself, making things a lot harder than before in the past.

Salem wanted to cause more chaos by revealing more truths to the world, starting with the [Shadow], then the Four Maidens. Afterward, how grimm came to be and are actually from mankind themselves.

Some didn't believe while the other did, leading to mankind creating another separate faction.

"Wow, so many things happen and the world went to hell." I look at both Pyrrha and Shigure with disbelief and wonder if I could have changed anything by being there for everyone instead of disappearing 3 years.

"Anything is possible if you got the time to change it. For the better or the worse. But, not everyone can do it. Either without any resource or other to help out." Pyrrha gives me a sad smile, as she explains to me how our Grandpa didn't care that I was 'dead', neither with our parents, which both Pyrrha and Shigure teamed up to kill them.

It's no wonder our parents were so cold and cruel, they learned from the best. Pyrrha and Shigure actually thought old Grandpa would be with them. Oh, he was with them alright, for a while until he got what he wanted. Absolute control over Arcana. Years of experience to make false emotions look so real that others would believe them.

Afterward, Pyrrha and Shigure left right away after taking away all the resources that belong to Arcana, but was created by us. One of the reasons why the Arcana and other people wanted to take Pyrrha and Shigure, with the former being the Fall Maiden while the latter held all the legendary weapons, that's known for being sharper and better quality than other weapons due to how they are made.

"Now what?" I didn't have to say that I have 7 months left to live, which the two knew already with new tears appearing.

"First. We're going to meet up with Izaya and Weiss, to meet your daughter. I...rather you meet...our daughter before...it's your time." Shigure pauses a bit near the end, causing me to smile how she still pauses in her words still, even if she can now speak normally.

"Are they far from us?" I ask Shigure and Pyrrha, with the latter frowning as she looks around the place.

"Too far, and a high chance of getting ambushed by others. We would be lucky to meet up with them in 3 months." Pyrrha scowl about how Salem throw the world into chaos and now everyone is out for themselves.

Turning friends into enemies. Families turn on each other just to fill the stomachs of their loved ones. Comrade turning on each other just the sight of finding a crate full of [Dust] for their greedy hearts to grab.

"Actually, I could teleport us there once I look into your memories, and yes, before you ask, I can mind read now and no I did not read your mind just now. I can just easily tell. After all, we're a twin." I smirk at Pyrrha, who pout and punch my right shoulder, causing Pyrrha to wince a little as she rubs the back of her right hand.

"Ow. And no. I rather not have you shorten your lifespan anymore than it already is. Really, Em? You got 7 months left and you want to use another month?" Pyrrha glare at me, with Shigure doing the same as she rather not have me dying on them.

"Right, forgot about it. I just literally woke up like 10 minutes ago. Anyway, Shigure, seeing how you got [Accelerator]. Think you have enough [System Points] to rank him up enough to gain access to his teleportation ability?" I ask Shigure, who closes her eyes to speak with her [Persona], who she is going to need to get used to having multiple voices in her head and not think she went crazy.

"Barely, but afterward, I won't have enough to purchase those [Fusion Skill/Magic] of yours. I never knew you had so many different types of [Magic] and could literally bring down a kingdom by yourself." Shigure said to me, as she looks at me with awe and letting me know that she didn't actually get all my skill and [Magic], but in their base form first.

So, a quick note, Shigure got everything at the lowest rank/tier. But, she doesn't need to pay for the [System Points] to get them in the first place. As for the [Fusion Skill/Magic]. All she needs is [System Points] to unlock them instead of having to manually fuse other skills/[Magic] to recreate them.

I find this a bit unfair a little, that Shigure pretty much just need [System Points] to regain back all the years' work I put into the [Persona System].

"Well, just to be on the safe side. You may want to summon [Accelerator] as well, to teleport all three of us to where Izaya and Weiss are." I rather not risk it, even if Shigure is a natural born genius in combat, but using the [Persona System] isn't something you need to be a genius to use, but having the experience something similar and know what needs to do with it.

Shigure nods at me, as she keeps her eyes closed to access the [Persona System] for the first time as I continue to give her tips on what to do and tell her to check the [Inventory], where the books I wrote in for years, knowledge on the [Persona System].

I pause for a moment, "You know, I feel like I had this gut feeling way back when we were little. Now, that I think about it. I got the feeling that I had to write down all the information I got on the [Persona System]. As if I knew that I would lose the [Persona System] at some point."

This was a bit scary for me, as some unknown force gave me a reason back then, to write these discoveries of the [Persona System] down, instead of using them as a reminder of what needs to remember of the features belong to the [Persona System] and what they do.

"I'll be honest. If I didn't have you as a twin and experience all the world and how cruel it is. I wouldn't have believed you, but I do. Kind of hard not to, with how we lived our lives up to now." Pyrrha let out a tired sigh as she picks up her weapons off the ground, then places them on her back and holding them with her semblance in place.

I let a sad smile appear on my face, not once did I ever mention anything about the knowledge about the RWBY universe to these two, no one, and I'm willing to keep that knowledge with me to my death.

Therefore, I made sure my former [Persona] will be quiet about it until my death. After all, I won't be having 7 months left. I'm planning today as my last day to live. I'm going to make sure to take Salem's life before this body of mine gives out.

One final gift to my dear Pyrrha and Shigure. Honestly, I thought I would live long enough after devouring all those [Souls] to help end the war, but there will always be a price for power, no matter what.

2 hours later*


After Shigure finished raising [Accelerator]'s [Persona's Rank] to 8. Then, summon him and teleport all us to where Izaya and Weiss are, where we appeared in a forest I never been to.

Furthermore, there is a wooden house built next to a river and around us are fruit trees.

Izaya and Weiss were shocked to see me, where I find funny that Weiss is a late bloomer as she looks almost like her older sister, Winter.

Ah, Winter, from what Weiss told me. Her older sister saved her life during the wedding and lost both her legs. Forcing Winter to retire from the army and tagged along with Izaya and Weiss to stay here.

So yeah, I was surprised to meet Winter, who's came out of the house in a wheelchair and feel a little uncomfortable that Winter was smiling at me, welcoming me back from where I came from.

Like Winter has finally gained freedom and greeted me warmly like a family member, which Izaya and Weiss agreed with Winter. As all of us are family. It didn't matter if I didn't marry Pyrrha and Shigure, or related to Izaya or Weiss' family.

After meeting my daughter, who looked at me with confused eyes, causing me to chuckle a little as I held my own daughter for the first time, and last time, which everyone could easily tell by the way I look at my daughter and everyone.

After having a good last meal, that Shigure personally cooked herself and everyone said it improved, but Pyrrha and I know the truth that one of my skills is helping Shigure out already.

Sooner or later, Shigure will become even stronger to the point she could single handed destroy a kingdom herself and an army of grimm or [Shadow]. Unlike me, who is very limited in the aura reserve department.

"So, when are you going to face Salem, to the death?" Izaya asks me out of nowhere, causing everyone to look at me with sad smiles. Like they knew what I was about to do once they realize my time is very limited and I couldn't do much help besides doing muscle work.

And even then, that still a risk of me having to use my [Demonic Energy] to heal myself whenever I get injured.

"Today." I give everyone a sad smile in return, causing all the girls to cry softly, mostly to not cause Hana to cry as well, as Winter just put Hana to sleep a few minutes ago.

"I should have known. Even 3 years, actually, it should be 3 years to us while it just a nap for you. You haven't changed at all. You know, I honestly don't know what kind of my life would be right now if I haven't met you and Shigure back then." Izaya said to me, as all of us started remembering our past, where we were children doing stupid dangerous things.

And we still do until some of us couldn't take it anymore. I give Izaya a nod, knowing that Izaya could end up being more of an unknown person that no one will ever know.

Then, later on, become someone dangerous and cruel, just like his canon version, but under my influence and Weiss. This Izaya changed for the better, but still dangerous and cruel. Just more focus on a few things than something like mankind.

"Well, whatever you would become. I'm just glad to have you as my husband." Weiss smile at Izaya, then look down at her big stomach, close to the time where she will give birth to their child.

"You know, Enma. If you weren't here, I'm pretty sure I would no longer have the ability to give birth of my own, in fact, I was close to becoming depressed again. Without Ziarre, I don't know when I would get out of it." Weiss said to me, but with a sad smile again at the reminder of the decreased Ziarre.

Ziarre died by leading the enemies away, for the others to escape, before taking a few down with her by ramping her own Airship into them, causing a massive explosion. Poor Ziarre as she left behind her own daughter behind, where her own family took care of and escaped for another location as well.

"Enough of this depressing talk. I need to speak with Enma and Pyrrha here in private before he leaves for his last battle." Shigure said to everyone, but everyone knows what she meant by private and talks.

Izaya, Weiss, and Winter smile at each other and give Shigure and Pyrrha a smirk, causing the latter two to blush for being caught so easily.

3 hours later*

"You sure you don't want to stay with us until your time comes?" Pyrrha didn't want to see her older twin die on her so soon. She just found; well, he found them, but still, after 3 years of searching and now they find out he's dying and just because his [Soul] is too strong for his body to contain.

"I can't and also, you need to stay here with Shigure. After all, I won't be able to stay here to take care of our child." I smile at Pyrrha, causing her to look at me with shock and joy, then rage.

"Did you use your [Demonic Energy] to check if I was pregnant or not?!" Pyrrha scold at me, as this would mean I'm down to 6 months worth of my lifespan now, but sadly, it's less than that.

"Well, kind of, I used it twice. One: To make sure you really get pregnant, but without getting influence from my [Demonic Energy] and made sure to change a bit of the DNA to make sure our child won't end up with any defects of any sort due to us being closely related to each other. Two: Just to make sure you for sure pregnant with my child. So I have less than 5 months to live now." I give Pyrrha and Shigure a sad smile, knowing that I literally just weaken myself before fighting off Salem for good.

Pyrrha places a hand on her stomach to find out she actually pregnant with her older twin brother's child. For a few seconds of touching her stomach, Pyrrha throws herself at her twin and cry quietly into his chest.

"I don't want you to go. Please, just stay with us. We can find a way to extend your lifespan." Pyrrha plead me to stay and not face Salem to my death.

"Pyrrha, for our child and Shigure's, along with our dear friends' future children. I have to at least give a chance for you guys to survive this cruel world. As for trying to extend my lifespan. It isn't the matter of my lifespan actually going out, but the lifespan of my physical body. My [Soul] is literally destroying it with each time I use my [Demonic Energy]." I return Pyrrha hug and pull Shigure into the hug, to make it a group hug as I give them a kiss on their lips.

"Promise me, that the both of you will live until dying of old age. Promise me." I stare at both Pyrrha and Shigure with eyes of worry, afraid these two would recklessly put their lives on the line and leave behind our children without loving parents to take care and raise them.

Hana already going to lose a Father, I don't want her to lose her Mother as well. And the child of Pyrrha and mine will too. So, I have to at least get rid of Salem and maybe lower the numbers of grimm. I highly doubt it, but I should be able to remove a powerful enemy.

As for the [Shadow]; well, I'm leaving that to Shigure and maybe Hana will be able to in the future.

With one last kiss to both my loved ones, then use 2 months worth of time left to locate Salem and teleport myself to her domain.


'3 more times before my body give out on me.' I thought to myself as I appear before the Queen of grimm and maybe [Shadow].

Salem looks at me with surprise and opens her mouth to say something, but I didn't care what she says and appears in front of her in a burst of pure speed, and strike first.

Yup, I just sucker punched the Queen of grimm the moment I appeared, much to the other people around us shocked that I appeared out of nowhere and attack without warning.

Nope, no speech or anything, just straight out fight at the get-go.

Instead of a long epic battle, I'm going for a quick and short one, so no surprise will appear and try to stop me.

3 shots. First: I use my [Demonic Energy] to cut Salem's connection with anything that would allow her to teleport or revive herself.

Two: I remove her [Soul] out of her physical body or form. This way to prevent others from reviving her through other methods.

Three: I teleport the both of us, myself and the [Soul] of Salem back to where Pyrrha and Shigure is before I devour Salem's [Soul], which is a very big compared to other [Souls] I seen, but not that big to the ones I faced in my Sea of Souls, I mean compared to [Souls] in RWBY universe or at least this dimension.


Both Pyrrha and Shigure look at me with horror as I deliver my final message to them, that I have killed Salem before she could fight back. And remember that I love them and wished I could be with them until all of us die of old age together and watch our kids grow up.

I give them one last smile before my physical body started breaking down as my [Demonic Energy] is literally eating my body. Only the clothes were left behind, to show I was there for my last moment and that I existed.

"Thank you, for allowing me to live in this life." I didn't know if Pyrrha and Shigure heard me as I tried to speak my last thought as death took me away.

AUTHOR NOTE: As you can see, this is the end of Book 1 of the System series. Yes, I can tell some of you guys and girls wonder why the hell I end it so quickly when I have a butt load of a different way to end it and still be able to make this story more than just 71 chapters.

Anyway, for the reason why I'm ending it in such a manner. I'll be honest, I'm losing the spark to write this story and don't want it to end up like my original version of Book 1 of the Gamer series.

But, that doesn't mean there won't be a sequel, and the reason why I'm such a hurry to finish this book 1. I already have planned out the next book. And hopefully, I managed to reach the 100s chapters range at least.

So thanks for reading the Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System.

Hope you are ready to read book 2, and no I won't spoil it for you guys about what the next System and which world it would be. Just look it up on the fanfiction.net or wait for me to post it over here on webnovel.com

Also, if you guys really want to. I can write a spin-off of this story, where I could make a story out of the 3 years Enma Nikos disappeared from the world.

In this chapter, well, it pretty much spoils almost the entire spin-off at the beginning, then afterward, I could continue off after the death of the main character.

So I may or may not do it, depending if I regain back that spark or you guys give me enough reasons to do so early on than waiting for who knows how long for me to write a spin-off.

Also, the main characters could be either Pyrrha or Shigure, mostly those two would be the main character of the spin-off. Again, sorry for such a quick ending.

Until then, see you guys later and thanks for reading!