
Bone Breaker: New Zero

SaniTheUnpredicted · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

New Era

-Warning contains explicit language-

Waking up in the village of Tengying, Yu Jie woke up to the sound of the shouts of the village people ,bells and whistles. With every hit on the bell, a chill went down his spine till he fully woke.

Today was the ceremony for the new generation of bone breakers.

The group that the village depended on to continue living a peaceful life. It had been 300 years since the 'Zeros' appeared when peace and normal human kind living was destroyed. 

Tengying was separated from the more modern territories of the world.

Tengying was located at the top of the Yinetang mountain, the only land form that was not fully taken over by the ' Eradicts '. 

This day was also Yu Jie 18th birthday. As Yu stumbled out of bed his mother knocked on his bedroom door. 'YU!' his mother shouted. He jumped, all the sleepiness he was experiencing disappeared. 'Ahh fuck' he mumbled under his breath, 'What did you say!' his mother again shouted, still at the door, 'coming 妈 (ma) '.

He opens the door to see his mother in full white all ready for the ceremony. He looks down at his mother because she is oddly short compared to him. 'Get ready now!' his mom shouted at him, ' alright, alright no need to shout'. She gives him his clothes and walks off, 'What a psycho' he says. He stepped back into his room looking around his all black furniture for something, he finds a necklace that has a amber colored charm attached to it. He puts on every thing, the shirt, pants and an awfully long robe all colored black, puts the necklace on and picks up a empty metal cartridge with all types of indents on it and places it in his robe pocket.

'Today is the day' he looks in the pool of water in a bowl on his bed. The bowl water suddenly turns amber the color of his charm.

Yu exits his room to find his mother waiting in the kitchen. The fully wood room, carved out into the shape of a sphere, different holes in the wood to put different gems in. The smell of bitter fruit filled the room. 

'Time to go!'. Yu's mother, Le said.

'You dont have to shout whenever your talking with me you know.' Yu told her. 

'Whatever, lets go' Le said.

Le picked up a stake that looked like a black chalk stick waved it in the air in precise movements which seconds later resulted in a portal to appear. The black mist swished around the edges of the portal making an unsettling sound, The smell of the portal was the same bitter fruit smell of the kitchen. Le and Yu both went into the portal, taking them to the town center.

End of chapter 2. Thanks so much for reading.

For the pronunciation of the names,

'Le' is pronounced as L-i .

'Yu Jie' is pronounced as You- Shze or Je.

'Yinetang' is Yi-ne-tang.