
Bonds and Fates | Chapter 8

Kagome breathed deeply, self-pity reaching up to try and choke her. She hated that she felt so weak. She always tried to see the good in a situation. She truly did enjoy her new life here, and the people she had met. But the rain always had the tendency to make her think back; to remind her of... him.


"Were you really not paying attention to the weather?" Her eyes flew open and she jolted from shock, before quickly locating the source of the voice. He stood there giving her, what she translated into, an annoyed glare.

"... Itachi-san?"

It was then that she noticed him holding the umbrella out to her.

"... Well? Hurry up! If you want to be even slightly dry, now is your only chance," the Uchiha declared loftily, sighing inwardly at the gentleman in him. He hated when it flared up on occasions like this. But...

'I can't just leave her here. She'll catch a cold, or something more deadly.' Itachi watched her deliberate very briefly before skirting under the smaller shelter and brushing closely to him. It was a small umbrella. There was no need for him to be nervous.

"Thank you... Itachi-san," the priestess whispered, timidly sticking close to him. They continued in a surprisingly comfortable silence for several blocks, only turning when the raven-haired girl prompted.

'This must be weird to think,' Kagome thought, sneaking a glance at the quiet man next to her, 'but I almost feel like he's my own personal sun. He always seems to show up when I need cheering up.'

In spite of herself, she smiled at the thought.

He wasn't surprised that she had a small house. He was slightly shocked at how put together and... nice it was.

'I can't believe I just considered something 'nice'. Disgusting,' Itachi thought, reminding himself again to visit that weapons' shop to purchase something sharp, pointy, and able to cause death whenever he so chose. 'Damn hormones can't leave me the hell alone once in a while.'

"Soo... this is it," Kagome stated unnecessarily, waving vaguely to the house behind her and flushing lightly in embarrassment.

"So it is," the Sharingan wielder replied. He awkwardly nodded and turned to leave.

"Thanks again, for walking me home... and all," Kagome called out, then adding, "You're more than welcome to stop by whenever you want." He stopped and glanced back at her. He must have let his impassive mask drop, because she smiled then and nodded. "My door is open for you, whenever you want. We're friends, after all."

"... I... see." Though he really didn't. The girl would not benefit in any way, even if the prospect sounded reasonable. 'If only to keep an eye on her. She's trouble; I can sense it.'

"I hope you can come to see me the same way, someday."

"... Perhaps." He decided to leave while his reputation was still somewhat intact.

"Take care! Be safe!"

He didn't bother responding. Her statement was completely oxy-moronic. There was never safety involved when one chose being a ninja as one's profession.


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