
Bonded with my Dragon Mage Mommy

A tale of ancient magic, dragons, and a mother's love. Adam and his mother Maria are gifted the power of a magical brand - however, they discover that in order to harness the power, they must be close, incredibly close. After all, you don't get much closer than mother and son.

Jocasta_Complex · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Chapter 8

Kaley walked back to her new home with an arm full of clothing. Adam and Maria weren't home when she arrived, so she decided to put all her things down and take a quick shower before heading downstairs. As she exited the bathroom, she heard voices from the living room.

"Kaley." Adam called out. "Are you home yet?"

"Yeah, I just came in." Kaley replied.

Kaley put on her new sundress and headed into the living room. Adam and Maria were sitting on the couch, watching television.

"Hey, Kaley. Woah, look at you!" Adam said, pointing at her. "That dress looks great on you."

"Thanks." Kaley replied, smiling.

"We went to buy some things for the picnic." Maria explained. "I hope you behaved yourself while you were with Rebecca."

Kaley blushed. "Rebecca and I got along just fine."

"Well, good." Maria replied. "Now that you're ready, we should head out."

Kaley nodded. "Yeah, let's go."

They left the house and drove towards the park where they'd been planning on meeting with Olivia and Rebecca.

"Mom, do you think Kaley should know about Olivia?" Adam asked, sitting on the passenger seat.

"Yeah, probably." Maria replied. "It would be better if she knew what was going on."

"Rebecca's mom? What about her?" Kaley asked.

"She used to be a mage, just like mom." Adam said. "She knows you're a homunculus."

"Oh. That explains the look she gave me earlier." Kaley thought aloud. "Wait, so is Rebecca the only one that doesn't know what's going on?"

"I guess." Adam answered. "I mean, it's up to Olivia if she wants her daughter to know the truth about her."

"You want me to keep my mouth shut?" Kaley asked, looking surprised.

"Like Adam said, it's up to Olivia to decide." Maria replied. "In fact, the less people know about us, the better."

"Doesn't seem fair to leave Rebecca in the dark. She's a nice girl. Why not at least tell her about us three, and not mention Olivia?"

"It's complicated, okay?" Maria sighed. "Rebecca's mom was once a powerful mage that, like me, just wants to live a normal life. She doesn't want to get involved with mages and homunculi."

Kaley frowned, looking out the window. From the corner of her eye, a woman with blue curly hair caught her attention, when she turned to get a better look at the woman, she was already gone.

"Speaking of which. Kaley, do you by any chance know who it was that created you?" Maria asked.

Kaley shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "Lord Frankl and Lady Victoria."

"Figures." Maria kept her eyes on the road, although her memory took her elsewhere. "Can't believe they haven't been taken care of."

Noticing Kaley's discomfort, Adam changed the subject. "So, mom explained why we shouldn't go to the fair. Turns out there's a ritual site downtown." He turned to Maria. "What are ritual sites, anyway?"

"I'll explain at another time. We're here." She replied, pulling into a parking spot near the park.

Olivia and Rebecca met them outside of the park. They sat around a large picnic basket filled with sandwiches, chips, and drinks.

"Sorry it took us so long to meet up." Maria apologized. "We went to the store to buy some things of our own."

"It's alright, dear." Olivia replied. "I'm glad you guys could come."

They all gathered together, Maria and Olivia chatted about everything from gossip to their respective jobs.

"Rebecca, you look really cute." Kaley commented. "Doesn't she?" She asked Adam.

"Mmhm." Adam replied, more focused on his sandwich.

Rebecca wore a pink dress and had her jet black hair tied back. She also wore a pair of white sandals.

"Thanks." Rebecca blushed.

The group continued talking about this and that while they ate. After finishing the food, they split up, and set out to explore the park.

Adam walked in front of Kaley and Rebecca, as the girls talked amongst themselves.

"Kaley." Rebecca whispered. "I brought some 'toys' in case we wanted to play later." She gave her purse a pat.

Kaley giggled. "Sounds fun." She replied.

"What are you two talking about?" Adam asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Nothing." Kaley smiled, turning back to Rebecca.

Behind Rebecca, Kaley could have sworn she saw the same woman with blue curly hair. Again, when she wanted to get a better look, the woman had disappeared.

"Do a lot of women have blue hair around here?" Kaley asked.

"It's not uncommon." Rebecca replied. "I once wanted to dye my hair blonde, but mom wouldn't let me."

"Let's get moving." Adam suggested. "I want to see the rest of the park."

They walked along the path, admiring the scenery. Finding the lake at the center of the park, Adam stopped in his tracks, staring into the water.

"Wow." He breathed. "This place is amazing."

"Yeah. I haven't been here in a while." Rebecca replied. "I remember when we were little, we used to come here all the time. Remember, Adam? It's kind of sad that I don't get to visit as much anymore."

"That's true." Adam agreed.

Rebecca looked down as she spoke. "I really liked when we used to spend time together as kids." She said quietly, fidgeting with her fingers. "If only,"

Kaley sighed. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Rebecca hung her head. "Nothing." She mumbled. "Just thinking about how things used to be. How I wish they still were."

Kaley placed a hand on Rebecca's shoulder. "Just tell him how you feel." She whispered.

"What?" Rebecca's eyes widened. "I-I couldn't! If he knew who I really am, if he actually found out about me..."

"Whoa!" Kaley cut Rebecca off. "You can't let yourself get caught up in your own emotions. You have to let him know how you feel." She leaned closer to Rebecca. "Talk to him. Tell him everything."

Rebecca stared at Kaley for a moment before returning her gaze to the lake. "What do you think he'll say?" She asked, swallowing nervously.

"He'll understand." Kaley replied confidently. "He'll see your side of things and won't judge you. You don't have to hide anything from him."

"How can you be so sure?" Rebecca asked, looking up at Kaley.

Kaley shrugged. "Just trust me. He's open minded. Once he gets to know you, he'll love you just as much as I do."

Rebecca looked back at the lake, her expression conflicted. "If he rejects me, I might never be able to show my face again." She closed her eyes.

"Calm down, okay?" Kaley urged. She didn't want Rebecca to panic. "Everything will work out. I promise."

"If only it was that easy." Rebecca sighed.

Kaley took a deep breath. "Fine. I'll help you." She walked up to Adam, who had been staring into the lake, turned away from the girls. "Big Brother," she called.

"Hm?" Adam turned around to face Kaley.

"What do you say if we go swimming?" Kaley asked, winking.

Adam blinked in surprise. "Huh? Now?"

"Yeah." Kaley grinned. "We've already seen the rest of the park. Let's make this day special."

Adam hesitated. "We can't just take our clothes off in public place, Kaley."

"Why not?" Kaley asked, raising an eyebrow. "There's no one else around."


"Come on!" Kaley urged, grabbing his arm. "Let's swim."

Adam glanced over to Rebecca, who had remained silent during the entire conversation. "Aren't you coming?"

Rebecca shook her head. "I'm fine here."

"You're coming, too!" Kaley insisted, taking her dress off.

Rebecca glared at Kaley, but she couldn't deny the temptation. She slipped off her shoes and skirt, followed by her blouse, leaving herself completely naked.

Adam gazed at Rebecca, admiring her body. He thought back to their childhood memories, wondering why he never noticed how beautiful she was until now.

Kaley smirked, watching them both. "Okay, it's your turn, Big Brother."

Adam looked down at Rebecca, who was staring at the ground. She cleared her throat. "Um...I guess I should join you guys, too." She bit her lip. "It's been a long time since I went for a swim."

Kaley sneaked up behind Rebecca, and pushed her into Adam's arms. Rebecca fell against him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Adam looked down at Rebecca, his heart pounding. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He whispered.

"Yeah..." Rebecca nodded. "I'm ready."

Adam squeezed Rebecca tightly. "Okay, let's go." He smiled, leading Rebecca towards the water.

The two of them slowly walked towards the edge of the lake, holding hands. They could hear Kaley giggling from behind them. "Come on, big brother!" She teased.

Rebecca felt nervous, but also excited. Her body was tingling, and she was feeling flushed.

They reached the shoreline and began to wade into the shallow water. It was cold, but it didn't bother them. Adam held Rebecca close, enjoying the warmth of her body against his chest.

When they were waist deep, Kaley grabbed their legs, making them fall backwards into the lake. She giggled, splashing them with water.

"Hey!" Adam complained.

"Relax, Big Brother." Kaley said. "This isn't about you right now."

Kaley pulled Rebecca into another hug, and kissed her passionately on the lips. Rebecca gasped, surprised by the kiss. After a moment, she returned Kaley's kiss, wrapping her arms around Kaley's neck.

Adam watched them kiss, his heart racing.

"Don't worry, Big Brother." Kaley grinned at him. "You'll get yours soon enough." She winked.