
Bonded To A Witch

[Mature Content] What if she was destined to kill him? What if nothing can stop her from killing him? Not even herself. ______________ Raziel Crayon- a young, lazy, and beautiful witch who is unable to cast spells made tragedy compound upon itself when she experimented with death and unknowingly tried to kill herself, resulting in the downfall of her family and them, sent to the heart of the forest. She was known for her free spirit with modest desires of being a princess and living an easy life, without having to learn how to cast spells as she believes it was a waste of momentum and vigor. Valhoon Cross- The vampire king of Daxtan. He was the cold-hearted king, ruthless, and a monster who lurks in the shadows. A King considered like a ghost by the inhabitants of the country. After getting betrayed by his uncle, and losing half of the country's staff, he resolved in finding the mastermind and getting back the other half. He accidentally met her in an unfortunate incident where she saved his life but ended up in deep trouble herself. In this journey, will he fulfill Raziel's both desires or both would be left unfulfilled? The problem? She was fated to kill him and he was destined to marry her. Will she be able to stop herself from killing him? or would her fate change? ......... "I never knew you read these kinds of books. I only read the middle page and I’m thrilled." "H…how did you get it?" She gulped. He chuckled. "Come and get it, sweet. I don’t bite." Raziel narrowed her eyes. He was trying to trick her into opening the window. "It’s not that hard. Come on, I’ll give you your erotica," he assured, drawing on the last word. "It’s not erotica. You’re horrible at reassuring people." "And you’re a pro at hurting my ego." "Seriously?" "No." She glared at him and he smirked. Seems like she was no longer scared of his blazing golden eyes. Such a huge achievement. "I won’t hurt you, sweet, sweet, Raziel," he spoke out as he used his hands to tell her to come forward. Noticing the reluctance and doubt in her eyes, he shrugged his shoulders. "Fine, I’ll grant your request and leave," he said as he sauntered towards the railing of her balcony. He heard her panicked voice and her loud footsteps as she quickly tossed the blanket off her body and hurried to the window. Just as he saw her opening the balcony window, he smirked at her and leaped off the balcony. She released a horrified shout as expected. It was a five-floor drop after all. "C…come back!" She slightly whispered, dreading to wake her family or alert the guards. He turned a deaf ear to her. A hand was tucked into his pocket as he walked down the mansion with ease. His free hand swung the book as he walked. He kept walking and just as he had predicted, she uttered the word. Raziel panicked. She sprinted out of her bedroom, barefoot and with just her thin nightgown. The book wasn’t hers, it was May’s and she would fight with her if she found out that her book was missing and that she took it. She doesn’t want any quarrel with May and she has to take the book from him to avoid May’s wrath. Raziel ran outside and was welcomed by the chilly cold and the bright light of the moon. She sighted him walking away and she racked her brain for something to say. Yes, she now knew his name. She had seen it at the royal grandmother’s birthday party. She had forgotten his name until it was forced out of her. "Valhoon, please!"

suxyki · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Rooms In The Palace

"Hey, why did you suddenly stop dancing with that man the other time?" Raziel inquired, letting go of her hands and making her stand close to her.

"Ugh, that guy is a jerk. I didn't know someone as disgusting as him would be invited to a royal party," Rani muttered in disdain. Her chest rose and fell as she remembered the scene on the dance floor. If she ever finds that guy outside this palace, she is going to make sure she breaks his limbs. How dare he tell her such nonsense.

"What? What did he do? He was handsome and he looked calm and disciplined. I saw the way he was gentle with you on the dance floor. Don't tell me you did something wrong, Rani?"

"I did nothing wrong. I was even polite to him. You should know not to judge people by their appearances or camouflage demeanor. That guy is a bastard green snake," Rani replied.

"Ok fine, I'm sorry for judging him by his calm appearance. Now please tell me what he did to you. I'm curious."

"We were dancing peacefully at first, then I noticed him bringing me closer and pressing me to himself. When I told him to maintain a distance, did you know what he asked me?" Looking at her, Rani asked and Raziel shook her head with her mouth open in disbelief.



Previously at the dance floor, Rani moved her body in sync with the music and although she was not perfect at dancing, she danced gracefully, unlike the handmaiden that she was. Her eyes widened as she suddenly felt the guy's hand on her waist tighten as he brought her closer and pressed himself into her.

"Umm, sorry but please you're pressing yourself into me. We should have some space between us," she complained and tried to make some space between them, but his hands on her waist were tight.

"Come on, pretty girl. Are you a kid? Don't tell me you never had someone pressing on you like this. It's normal," the guy laughed. Rani gritted her teeth and let it go. They continued dancing until he bent to her height and whispered something into her ears that made her eyes wide and ears go numb.

"There are lots of rooms in this palace. Beautiful and comfortable ones. We should go into one and continue this. No one would notice. Everyone is occupied."

She raised her hands to smack him in the face but she stooped. There were people around and she wouldn't like to create a scene. She roughly freed herself from his hold and glared at him.

"You are disgusting. I feel for any woman that goes close to a rotten man like you," she spat and walked out of the dance floor in anger.

*Flashback ends*

"Tell me, Raziel. Did I do something wrong? I didn't slap him even if I wanted to," Rani asked.

"No, you did nothing wrong at all. He was wrong for saying something like that. I should teach him a person," she started around the ballroom in search of the guy with whom Rani was previously dancing with. When she saw him in a corner with a beautiful lady, she started walking towards him.

"Wait wait, Raziel. Don't do that. Let it be," Rani said, running after her and holding her wrist.

"Why should I let it be? He harassed you and he has to be punished for that. He's probably planning to do the same to that lady too. Pathetic," Raziel fumed.

Her day was spent being angry. First was May's book and then the king. He angered her more. How could he suggest that she become a court dancer? Rich brats.

"Don't go to him. I'm okay. Please. He's human but he can be dangerous too. What if he's a vampire in disguise?"

"W-well that's true too but I don't think he's a vampire. Why would he hide himself? Fine, I won't go after him."

From the corner of their eyes, they both saw Rachel waving at Rani and calling her.

"Seems like your mum needs me. I'll be right back," Rani said and walked off to Rachel's side.

Left alone, Raziel decided to walk around the ballroom and maybe make a few friends. She walked halfway when her eyes met with someone. She smiled at him and he walked up to her.

"Oh John, it's you."

He took her palms and kissed the back of them.

"How have you been, Lady Raziel?"

"I've been doing alright. How about you? Is your sister not here?"

"I've been doing fine too. My sister is around. She's with some friends," John replied.

"Oh, I see."

"Least I forget, happy birthday, Lady Raziel."

"Thank you. I didn't know you remember my birthday," she smiled genuinely at him as her eyes showed how happy she was at him wishing her happy birthday.

"Of course, I remember. I would never forget the fun we always had together on Halloween. How are you enjoying the ball?"

"Ahh, it's good. The arrangements and designs are superb. Though it's a little s-scary," she laughed. Speaking about scary, she looked at his dress and goosebumps grew on her skin. He was also wearing one of those scary designs.

His suit was red with paintings of ghosts. There was a ghost woman with her face white and blood dripping from her mouth and ears. Raziel quickly shifted her gaze from his dress back to his eyes.

"Haha. These paintings are not real. They just signify Halloween and the dead. It's fun to have paintings like this around," John said. He had followed her eyes and saw she was looking at the drawings on his red suit.

"Yes, that's true. They are just paintings and nothing real," she muttered as if consoling herself.

She looked at his back and saw a table filled with cakes and fruit and her mouth watered. Following her line of sight, John looked at the table and immediately I knew she wanted some.

"You want some cakes. I'll get it for you," he volunteered and turned without waiting for an answer. He took a small plate from the table and used a knife to cut a good portion of the cake and placed it on the plate. Turning back with a smile on his face that quickly faded off.

Where did Raziel go?

Sorry for not being able to update for some days now. I'll do my best and update more

suxykicreators' thoughts