
Bonded By Trauma

After facing an embarrassing public rejection, Skye Heath had to pick up the pieces of what was left of her life without having to depend on her ruthless ex for survival. She was fueled by revenge and the burning desire to find out the truth about her parent's mysterious death. In the fortunate turn of events, she finds comfort in the arms of Ash Walter, her ex's boss who was willing to help her get revenge for the emotional damage she was put through all in an attempt to win her over, but Skye was hellbent on not falling in love again after the heartbreak she went through. With the law on their side and power in their hands, the two set out on a journey that not only brought them closer, but also ignited a spark between them, a spark strong enough to melt the walls around Skye's heart.

Kieolar · Urbain
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34 Chs


Skye decided to skip breakfast, she was sure everything she ate would end up on the floor after her confrontation with Theo later in the day. 

She headed straight for the door where the bodyguard Ash assigned to her was already waiting for her.

"Good morning, miss, my name's Jack, your new bodyguard."

"Good morning to you too, Jack."

Contrary to his name depicting an animated and lively character, Jack's eyes were empty and emotionless, even worse than Ash's.

The two rode in silence, as the car approached Theo's neighborhood, her stomach turned in disgust. The closer they got, the more anxious she was. Each second that passed felt like the countdown for a bomb that would detonate at any moment.

She clenched her fists as the gates opened, revealing an all too familiar building, her very own house of horrors.

"I'll head in alone, you can wait here for me." She said to Jack while getting out of the car.

"I'm sorry miss but I can't do that, I was instructed not to leave your side for even a second."

Skye sighed, she had no idea Ash was that protective but she wasn't going to back down that easily.

"Ten minutes. If I'm not out in ten minutes, you can come get me and I won't complain."

"Fine." He reluctantly agreed before getting back into the car.

Skye slowly walked toward the entrance. Luckily for her, Theo hadn't changed the passcode for the lock so she could get in without any stress.

There was no one in the living room when she got in so she assumed Theo wasn't in the house. 

She walked straight to her room and without any delay, started to pack her valuable items into the bag she brought with her.

She took an album containing the only pictures she had left of her parents and some other personal items. There was no point in her taking any clothes from there.

"They're worn out anyway and besides, I already have new and better clothes." She said to herself.

She stared at the room once again, mentally saying goodbye to that stage of her life but the moment she opened the door, her feet froze in place.

Theo was standing just outside the door, waiting for her with an evil grin on his face. His eyes were puffy and red and his hair was messy so Skye guessed that he was probably asleep when she got into the house.

"Well, what do we have here? looks like the runaway princess is finally back where she belongs. I knew you couldn't stay away from me for long."

" 'Where I belong?' Here? You dumped me and kicked me out remember?" Skye said with gritted teeth.

"Oh come on now Skye, you can't possibly believe I was serious back then. It's been days now, you should be calm by now-"

"Well I'm not, I'm anything but calm at this moment Theo so if you don't mind, please get the hell out of my way."

That was the first time Skye went against Theo in such a manner and he was not having it.

"You should be begging for forgiveness, begging me to take you back, and not yelling at me like this you ungrateful brat."

Skye rolled her eyes to the back of her head as she heard his words, there was no way she would ever beg him for forgiveness, especially since he was related to the bastard who ruined her life.

Just as she was about to push past him, Theo grabbed her by the hand and pinned her against the wall. He was fuming and his eyes were red with anger, it reminded her of the moments when he would get violent with her.

"Just because you found someone to clean up your wounds you think you can now talk back at me? Who is he? Who's the man you're cheating on me with you shameless whore-"

Theo was interrupted by a kick to his groin, a much-deserved treatment.

"Don't you dare call me a whore! you know very well that you're the only man who has ever touch-no, the only man who has ever seen me naked so you have NO RIGHT TO CALL ME A WHORE."

Theo was embarrassed, he was down on his knees, holding his crutch in his hands due to the impact of the kick.

"How dare you kick me!"

"I'll do whatever the hell I want." Skye was fuming with anger as she walked around the kneeling Theo.

"Gosh, you disgust me, Theo. Do you feel good about yourself when you look down on people? Does it feel satisfying to project your insecurities unto others?-"

"Shut up you bitch!" Theo cursed at her, getting up to hit her again.

"Make me!"

Skye's words provoked Theo at each passing moment, he was so used to having the upper hand in all their arguments that he couldn't stand her standing up for herself.

"I am no longer in your control anymore Theo, you can't use me however you like, beat me up whenever you feel like it, or make me feel bad for being sponsored by you."

"Oh yeah, let's see how you'll survive without my money and connections. You have no one on your side and soon enough you'll come crawling back to me like the shameless bitch you-"

Skye gave him a hot slap, burning both his face and her hand in the process before he could hit her again she kicked him one more time making him fall to his knees again.

"Would you look at that, I kicked you again." She said sarcastically while staring down at him.

"Remember this day Theo because this is the start of your troubles...one more thing, you see where you are right now, kneeling before me, while I watch you from above, that's where you'll always be, you asshole!"

"Skye! Skye! Come back here you bitch!..."

Theo kept yelling and yelling but Skye just left there without looking back, burning any attachments she had left with Theo and her old life. It was time for her to start a new journey, her revenge.

Just as she locked the door, Jack walked up to her. "You gave me ten minutes so here I am."

"Oh, right."

She nodded at him, not feeling like saying anything else and the two left that place. 

As she looked back out of the car, watching as the house slowly faded from her view, Skye shut her eyes, saying goodbye to the past.