
Bokutachi no Journey

Dan:" Aye how y'all doin' " Tgl:" not good " Kuro-san:" great " Dan:" Good " Dan:" Wanna play game? " Tgl:" Nah " Kuro-san:" What game? " Dan:" Actually it's not game but.. " *Link* Kuro-san:" The h is that? " *smirk* Dan: "Adventure" _______________________________________________________ It's my first ever fanfic and novel.Having fun in life,what a bliss.It's about a group of teens with dimensional group....well you know the rest.I just wanna write this out of urge to troll my friend.I'm doing this for fun...don't even think about good quality content but hey try come stay for a min :v. English isn't my first language.I'm still learning,it can be unbearable.(My writing sucks) Disclaimer 1:I do not own any character beside Original Character be it from anime or games,power and abilities I do not own them all shall be credited later Disclaimer 2:I do not own the cover.I found it randomly on Google.

NewLeaf · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Progress,To Do,Might

{None's POV}


'Hmm.... which table are they?...Oh there they are' with that in thought Dan then make his way towards the table where both Tgl and Kuro-San's occupied.But after arriving at the table, he was confused about his friends doings."What the h are you guys doing?" Dan said.

Kuro-San who was in deep thought broke the silence and responded."Huh? Dan? Oh Yea take your sit.Let's talk about something." Dan then put his bag aside and asked."Uhh... well what is it about?"

"You tried the lottery?" Kuro-San said."Yea I di- Oh shiet,did you know what I just witnessed when I tried to say inventory after I got the Item? I still think it was too surreal" All the thing he saw when he witnessed an interface suddenly popped up in front of his face was too unbelievable to be real."So you did got the same thing huh?"

"Huh? What do you mean?.... Don't Tell me that you're the same? Oh thank God I'm not the only one who is crazy here" Instead of concerning about what is happening,Dan only concern is not to be a weirdo alone instead."....Anyway what did you got?" Kuro-San asked clearly ignoring Dan's statement."Oh yea I got [Customizable Taboo Tattoo] I can customize the Tattoo Power but probably need to relate it with my affinity" Dan said."Oh earth is it? I got [Customizable Quirk] and Tgl got [Grimoire].I have the limitations like yours but Tgl is different"

"He got [Grimore] but he said the cover doesn't have any clover leaves but instead a giant tree with an orb at the middle consist color of pure white" Kuro-San explained."....How nature of you Tgl" Dan said."Don't ask anything related to it" Tgl responded

"Why don't you try custom your quirk,K?" suggested Dan(A/N:This will be Kuro-San's other nickname and will be use quite a time in the future)

Thinking for a moment K then said "I'm okay but....what kind of ability tho?Other than water manipulation,it's just the same as liquid manipulation" Dan then put his thoughts and came out an idea of "Hey,why not Hydrogen and Oxygen manipulation?They're essentially major part of water.You can just make the whole oxygen in a specific area that would make in a situation of a villain capturing a victim you could just make oxygen around his head disperse some where else.Morever if you have water you can separated the hydrogen from the water and send it around the villain's head and make them breathe hydrogen instead of oxygen"

"...Isn't that more of an air affinity?" K said."...Oh yea" Dan realized what he just said after K corrected him."Liquid manipulation it is then..... hmm.... or is there anything better you can think of?" K asked

"Don't know.Just make it fancier,like [Water Dominater] or some sort.I would name it literally [Water God]." Dan replied.".... [Water Comrade] then" K decided to put [Water Comrade] as the quirk ability.

[Are you sure? Y/N]



[Your stats have been updated]

[ [Water Comrade]

-The user will gain full control over water(liquid) no matter what place it is,what kind of water(liquid) it is,no mater what power does that water(liquid) hold.They would always follow your order


-note:They are your comrade that always be with you nonetheless they'll never leave you even "Death" aren't a worthy obstacle.]

Reading the description,K can't help but praised the system."Woah, the system really make it looks "Fancy".

"Hey Dan why don't you custom yours? What is it again? Tattoo?" K asked."Hmm? Me? hahahaHAHAHAHAHA" Dan laughing like a maniac before saying " [Mineral Emperor] "

"Shut the F up you shiet" Tgl then shut him down after hearing him laughing like a maniac and make quite a ruckus inside the cafe.Dan calmed down then said."Sorry,I got a good idea with this." He then filled the customization with the information in his weird mind.

[Name: [Mineral Emperor]

Ability:-Able to bring out the max potential of man made mineral and create them.

-Create any other mineral from a complete different minerals and able to control them as the user like

Custom looks: Represent the looks of crystal with wind breeze flowing through all its part.

Parts:Eyes.Only visible if the user want it to be visible

Trigger: Chant "I Bestow Myself With The Hideous Tyranny"

proficiency 0%

Note:The great emperor won't ever leave his civilian then the civilian of the great emperor won't leave him either.They are your sheild,weapon,feelings and a part of yours.Thou shalt not mistreated them.]

"You weirdo" K added.Dan snorted and said "We're the same"

Before Dan could BS again K pointed the questions that have been in his head since the interface appeared"This thing is too surreal that if it's real then this power might be too.But the thing is How? and why?"

"Why questions? I don't really care.Not like it will transport us to another world" Dan said without caring about anything that could occur in the future.

[*Ding! Individual Weekly Task have been updated]

Tgl,K and Dan checked the notification on their phone but Dan on the other side who just read the notification are currently making his usual blank face."Hey K,next time remind me of Dan's stupid flag rising mouth" Tgl said.

Dan pretend like he didn't hear anything and check the task directly from the notificatio.


First Task

-Fasting 16 hours a day for 1 week straight (0/112) Incomplete

-Meditate 4 Hour a day for 1 week straight (0/28) Incomplete

-Sleep for no less than 7 and no more than 8 hours a day for 1 week straight (0/49-56) Incomplete

Note:Failing will cause you to get no rewards and would reduce your proficiency in any abilities/speciality]

'Huh? Sleep? Meditate? Fasting? 1 week....unless I'm in my neet mode than maybe I can achieve it' Dan thought.

"Hey what about you guy's task?" asked Dan curiously."Mine is..... how do you say.... there's an unexplainable note at the end...I need to to 100 push ups 100 curl ups 100 squats and 10 Km run each day for the next 7 days..." K said."Wth I would literally die with the thought only.Justr imagine the fatigue after the work out make me wanna puke" the last Time Dan did crazy work out(Which what he think is) make his body aching here and there for the whole weeks.He then continued."But what do you mean by "unexplainable note" at the end?"

Scratching his head,K then said "It says that I will get full fatigue recovery for every 100 push ups,100 curl ups,100 squats and 10 Km run.So it mean is I would get a full fatigue recovery every day if I completed it each day once maybe?"

"Hey how is that even possible?" Dan said

"Do you forgot that we just see a screen appeared out of nowhere today?" K reminded him

Slapping his temple Dan then said."Oh yea,it was too surreal"

Gaining back his usual self Dan then asked."Hey what's yours then,Tgl?"

"Mine? Similar to K but with a little bit of twist?"Tgl responded."Huh? What do you mean?" Dan asked with clueless expression."It's like this... 69 push ups 69 curl ups 69 squats and 6.9 km run per day with additional of meditate for 69 minutes" Tgl said.He then received 2 weird stare from his friends.

"What? It is what it is.I can't change it.You've asking us about our task,why don't you tell us yours?" Tgl pointed out.

"Huh? Well I just need to do my daily routine.Fasting for 16 hours a day,meditate for 4 hours a day and 7-8 hours sleep a day" Dan replied



"Don't give me that look,bruh" Dan said.

"Yours is just as easy as sleeping you shiet.Change with mine" Tgl completely disagree with his task settings

"Yea F you" K joined tgl in criticizing Dan

"No way my fat is precious.Let me be" Dan snorted

"Better go back fast I wanna complete the first day task" K said."Yea I agree" Dan interjected in.


"Go die you shiet"

"I can't die just because I'm killed"-Dan


-6 days later-

-Dan's Room-

This place is very.....very...black....too dark.... people wouldn't even call this a place.....this is void....but this is where Dan have been living in he would only go out sometimes to get fresh air and sunlight.

A boy sitting on the bed with a lotus posture, surrounded by pure darkness....that is Dan.

{Dan's POV}

"Fuahhhhhh....the meditate is too peaceful that I'm scared that I'm already dead" I dropped my body to my bed and mumbled.The mediation that I've been though has never been such a dedicated thing in my life.If I felt too immersed with it I would feel like I'm not breathing anymore which make me felt quite weird.

It have been 6 days since we got our weekly task since then,I was completely in my neet mode.I usually didn't eat around 13-14 hours on the everage day.Now I got the task that want me to not eat for 16 hours for every day.It really limit me to do quite things(not like I will).Also meditate.....4 hour of meditate can be too boring but well it's your boi Dan.He can meditate while sleeping.I have a good sleep definitely.

We are now would usually use the system group to chat for the gift packs and lottery tries but during this 6 days we barely gain 2 gift packs and 4 lottery tries most of the time we would just spam the group.We were also distracted by the task we have to accomplish everyday.We decided to wait for the fifth gift pack and the tenths lottery tries.That way the gacha thrills we would get will be lot more amazing.And of course that is my idea and the one who can't handle to open the gift pack shall be called Tentacle Lover for a year.Actually that idea is a drawback for me.I almost can't hold the urge to gacha.

Can't you imagine the thrills of getting unknown goods?Ahhh yes it's amazing!


"Wait did I forgot about something?.....my tattoo ability! defak am I doing this 6 day?....oh yea doing quest and spamming inside the N.S Group" honestly during the 6 days I was chillin' like myself lazying around like what I always do but with effort.I remember that my tattoo isn't visible since I never give any permission to make it visible.It never said I couldn't use the power in this world.....that sentence always give me cringy taste in my mouth.

"How do I trigger is again? Chant is it? Oh yes yes haha I BESTOW MYSELF WITH THE HIDEOUS TYRANNY!" before I even laugh at myself chanting such chuunibyou thing.My room filled with bright light from the only source of light which is my left eye.

"What the F" this is too surreal even if I witnessed a screen suddenly appeared if I said "inventory" this is too much.The light went dimmer and dimmer after 4 seconds I can still see a barely visible light that probably only can be seen in pitch black room.....such as my room."I better make it invisible to avoid something unnecessary.Oh yea how do I test my power?Is there any aluminum can inside my room?"

I spotted an aluminum can at the table beside my bed.I don't even remember where that can came from.Honesly I surprised that my vision becoming better and better and thought it was the side effect of the tattoo.I need to wear glasses since I was 6 years old to see things better.But now I can clearly see things better.The tattoo should have limit I'll just take a guess that it's another version of better sharingan.

I took the aluminum can and concentrated my power into it.It feels like I'm inside of water that never restrain me from anything.I thought of the mineral that I want it to be.The easiest mineral I can think right away is diamond.Like literally I played Min*craft and diamond is the thing we players would think of as a mineral.

it felt like the weight of any mineral didn't matter to me.They're adjustable for me to feel but I don't think it effect the actual weight.The texture of the can turned into more rough and hard texture.The next thing I see was a beautiful...a beautiful mineral.....and most precious thing as Min*craft player (actually not) but just count it as one.Yes.

A Diamond can.

[+0.1% proficiency]


(A/N: It's 2k++ words for today I really wanna yeat right now

PS: I've edited some things...not like you care)


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