
souls friends

Dear diary well this not a diary so, yeah this is my life well not life cause i am already dead. At this point you're probably saying when is she gonna meet bts if your here for fluff and cuteness than be gone.


I died in a restaurant from food poisoning ( yeah tell me about such a lame way to die) well the good thing about it is that it looked like i had fallen asleep, the person i was with was well let's just say "friend" but he didn't even realize i was dead until it was time to go your probably wondering how i knew this well let me explain when you die you don't exactly go to heaven or hell straight away from what i have learned, cause i am still here but humans can't see me but dogs can i hate them cause the never let you scar humans, I use the term humans because i am no longer one.

Oh you should have seen my funeral more like a comedy show, the mother that left me to fend on my own was now crying, the brother that i have only meet once was telling people how grate i was and HOW can i forget the father of the year that was never there, then i saw a person like me well not a person, but soul.

she looked at me then said "this is the best funeral i have ever been too" and looked at her and smiled than i replied "with well this is my first and last one" she laughed so hard that she fell down but she forgot that we can interact with objects so she fell on chairs and made a big bang everyone in the funeral looked towards the loud bang noise, then someone from the funeral said " it must be ally she came to tell us that see misses us" me and the girl blankly stare at each other before laughing our head off, after the funeral it was just me and her so i told her my name was ally i then asked her for hers

ghost girl's pov

we have been together for some hours now so i should tell her my name i looked at her and said "zoe" she smiled, she wasn't confused like the others or why she was here and not after life i continued to stare until she said


as she said she was walking away so she had to shout to let me hear and she was loud I followed her not knowing where i was going but still followed her. it was nice to have a friend again