
Bob Bonafide

Bob Bona, a flamboyant and hypersexualized individual who walks a fine line between the allure of pleasure and the allure of danger. Bob's flamboyant fashion sense and larger-than-life personality make him a notable figure in Pleasureville. Whether he is donning vibrant, eye-catching ensembles or pushing the boundaries of societal norms with his provocative style, Bob Bona stands out in a sea of vibrant personalities.

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13 Chs

The Magical Triplets #2

Mimi hit the road with Lulu sitting silently beside her. They made a quick stop at a nearby park to pick up Bob, who greeted Lulu with a friendly smile. However, Lulu remained unresponsive, her gaze fixed downward without a hint of expression.

Mimi couldn't help but laugh at Bob's futile attempt to engage with the enigmatic girl. "Oh, Mr. Bonafide, it seems Lulu is not in the mood for conversation," she jested, her laughter filling the air.

Bob, being a man of impeccable fashion sense, couldn't help but notice Lulu's plain appearance and long, silky hair. His mind immediately wandered to thoughts of a dress-up and shopping session, envisioning how he could transform her into a stunning beauty.

Mimi chuckled at the mischievous glint in Bob's eyes. "So, Mr. Bonafide, what's your plan?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

A wide grin stretched across Bob's face as he leaned back in his seat. "Well, Mimi, I think it's time for a little makeover. Lulu deserves to experience the pleasures of fashion and style," he declared, his excitement palpable.

Mimi couldn't help but giggle at Bob's enthusiasm. "Alright, Mr. Bonafide, let's give Lulu a taste of Pleasureville's fabulous shopping scene. Buckle up, boys and girls, because we're heading to the mall!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with playful anticipation.

With the destination set, the trio embarked on a journey to the shopping mall, where Bob's fashion expertise would collide with Lulu's mysterious presence. Pleasureville's vibrant energy would serve as the backdrop for a shopping adventure that would not only transform Lulu's appearance but also unravel hidden layers of her enigmatic personality.

After hours of window browsing, they sat on the slum food stall corner for noodles.

Mimi skillfully tied Lulu's long hair into elegant ponytails, revealing the beautiful features of her face. As Lulu's exhausted expression became more apparent, a flicker of surprise crossed Bob's face. He couldn't help but be amazed by the stunning beauty that lay hidden beneath Lulu's tired facade.

"Wow! Girl, if I were your age, I'd be doing somersaults just to get a date with you," Bob playfully teased, his words dripping with his usual flamboyant charm.

Unexpectedly, a smile graced Lulu's lips, illuminating her face with a newfound radiance. It was the first time Bob and Mimi had witnessed her smile, and it captivated their attention, momentarily stealing their breath away.

Mimi's eyes widened, her playful demeanor momentarily fading as she observed the transformation in Lulu's expression. "Well, well, it seems our mysterious Lulu has quite the enchanting smile," she remarked, her voice tinged with a mix of surprise and delight.

Bob, known for his extravagant compliments, couldn't help but add, "Lulu, my dear, that smile of yours could light up the entire Pleasureville. You've got a secret beauty that's been waiting to be unveiled."

Lulu's smile persisted as if the sparks of joy ignited by Bob's words had awakened something within her.

Bob couldn't help but notice the innocent delight in Lulu's eyes as he handed her a can of strawberry Fanta. She watched in fascination as he popped open the can, the sound of the carbonation escaping eliciting a sense of wonder. Lulu wasted no time and took several eager gulps, finishing the can in no time.

A mixture of concern and curiosity flickered in Mimi's eyes as she observed Lulu's insatiable thirst for the fizzy drink. "What is it that these Kang people did to this girl, Bob?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of sympathy. Both Bob and Mimi couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for Lulu as if they could sense that her innocent desires had been manipulated.

Bob sighed, his flamboyant demeanor momentarily subdued. "I'm not sure, Mimi, but something tells me that Lulu's life hasn't been an easy one. Her thirst for pleasure, for something as simple as a can of soda, speaks volumes about the void that exists within her," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of empathy and curiosity.

As they watched Lulu finish the second can of Fanta with equal enthusiasm, Bob couldn't help but feel a growing sense of responsibility towards the girl. He knew that their journey was about more than just the promised reward.

Mimi's police radio buzzed, alerting her to a body found in their area. Without wasting a moment, Bob and Lulu accompanied her to the crime scene, arriving before the other units. As they investigated the gruesome scene, Bob's attention was drawn to the nearby alley.

To his surprise, he noticed Lulu pointing towards a window on the third floor, just above where Mimi stood. A mix of curiosity and concern filled Bob's mind as he made his way toward the building. He climbed up, following Lulu's guidance, until he reached the window she had pointed out.

Peering inside, Bob called down to Lulu, "Here?" His voice carried a hint of uncertainty, while Mimi wondered what could have caught their attention.

With a leap of faith, Bob jumped into the room. But as he landed, darkness enveloped him, making it impossible to see. He fumbled around, searching for a light switch to shed some light on the situation.

Suddenly, a blinding beam of light flooded the room, momentarily blinding Bob. "Bob? I didn't know you were working with the cops," a mysterious voice sneered from within the brightness. As Bob managed to shield his eyes and escape the intense light, the unknown man delivered a powerful blow, causing Bob to lose consciousness.

Bob's world faded into darkness as he passed out, leaving Mimi and Lulu unaware of his perilous situation.

Bob awoke in the hospital the next morning, his head throbbing with pain. As he looked to his side, he was taken aback by the sight of a beautiful young Asian girl with vibrant green hair. She was engrossed in taking selfies, showcasing a variety of duck faces. "Lulu?" he uttered, his voice filled with surprise as he noticed the upgraded version of Lulu standing before him.

Lulu's smile widened as she approached Bob, her eyes filled with an undeniable infatuation. It was as if she was smitten with him. Bob couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and intrigue at this unexpected turn of events. "What did I miss?" he asked, trying to gather his thoughts amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

Mimi walked into the room, sensing the tension in the air. She swiftly intervened, requesting Lulu to give them some privacy. Lulu complied and left the room, her infatuated gaze lingering on Bob as she exited.

"First things first," Mimi began, her voice calm and composed. "I think you were right about Lulu."

Bob leaned in, eager to hear Mimi's revelation. As Mimi explained that the body they had discovered had been thrown from the window that Lulu had pointed out, Bob's eyes widened with realization. The victim had been brutally beaten to death for involvement in horse race cheating.

Mimi stepped closer to Bob and whispered, "Our girl, Lulu, solved this case with just a single pointed finger."

Bob's mind raced with astonishment. "So it's true! Lulu possesses supernatural powers?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of wonder and disbelief.

Mimi nodded, her expression serious. "It appears so. Lulu has a remarkable force that surpasses our understanding."

Bob relief knows he will be receiving a wholesome gift from Madam Dolite founding Lulu for her request.

"One more thing!" Mimi reached into her bag and pulled out a report she had retrieved from mainland China, Lulu's homeland. She handed it to Bob, her expression serious. "There's something you need to know," she began, her voice filled with a mix of intrigue and concern. "Lulu is not her real name."

Bob's brows furrowed in confusion. "What??"

He took the report from Mimi. He quickly scanned through the pages, searching for answers. Mimi continued, her voice steady and composed. "She is one of the three sisters we encountered within Kang Gang.

She paused for a moment, allowing the gravity of her words to sink in. "Xin-xing, Wa-wa, and La-la. They represent Star, Sun, and Moon," Mimi explained. "So, our girl's real name is Xin-xing. Kang names all the girl's Lulu."

Bob's eyes widened, realization dawning upon him. He had been mistaken all along. "Every girl in that cage?"

Mimi nodded.

"Every single one of them?" Bob asks again.

Mimi nodded again.

"Xin-xing," he repeated softly, the name rolling off his tongue.

Mimi nodded, confirming his understanding. "Yes, Xin-xing is the smallest sister, the one who possesses a unique power that goes beyond what we can comprehend."

No wonder she never speaks, we address her wrong all the time. Mimi's eyes widened and mocking her friend for his weird jump-to-point conclusion.