
Enter the New Kid™

Right, so. New year, new school, new you.

You were making a rather valiant effort to steel your nerves and not collapse in a nervous wreck but by golly! New school! New country! New language! And I'm top of all of that, boarding school! So new,, that's right, r o o m m a t e . Your first and ultimate new roommate. This was gonna be great. You were gonna talk about current events and help each other with homework and exchange notes and complain about annoying classmates and become fast friends and it was going to be amazing.

Or not.

Your first impression of your roommate is that she was... disinterested. She was walking down the hallway with her mother, and you had approached and rather energetically introduced yourself. She looked at you up and down and responded with, well,,, silence.

Her mother had silently nudged her for a response and her response was that you already knew who she was so there was no point anyway. She left with a swish of her hair and the slapping of her Gucci sneakers across the stone floor.

You had been talking to the people already there and had heard a lot about her. It did nothing to settle your anxiousness in the slightest, but you had honestly, truly hoped that they were wrong and you would get along swimmingly. Nope. Turns out you were not a clown, but the entire circus. Your roommate disliked you upon first glance. If everyone was like this you weren't going to survive a day. You missed your friends.

What a brilliant way to start off the year.