

"I'm home," he called out. Not like she'll answer him back. Their apartment consisted of a bedroom and a door-less kitchen connected to it. His house is quite small, and he was fine with it. It was a fitting place for a single mother and a teen. they never needed a two story home; and if they had one, it will be quite...lonely.

He passed by the kitchen, and he saw his mother preparing the food, humming to herself. He rose his eyebrow at the portions, 'Now, that's weird. She never makes food for me unless there is something important,'

At a young age, Izuku discovered that his mother, his only parent won't provide him with food unless if they had company or she wanted something from him. The latter option was sorta rare since Inko treated him as if he never existed. His existence was quite transparent in front of her eyes, she never physically bullied him, never considered it in the first place since he wasn't worth her time. She treated him like a ghost. Izuku doesn't really remember talking to her that much. Thinking about it now, the greenette doesn't see her as a mom.

Sure, she gave birth to him, but she neglected him badly to the point just seeing her expressionless eyes no longer effected his bruised heart. He was sure that Inko doesn't know anything about him. The only thing that the older woman is aware of is his birth date since on that hateful day he came as a curse, ruining her life forever. It's more like the feeling of living with a stranger that was kinda familiar.

So, for her to start a conversation, the world must be ending.

"Izuku, take your dinner and let's sit on the couch," his mother smiled sweetly at him. A shudder shook his body. Yikes, that's creepy as hell. Who is she, and what did she do to his mother? He obeyed wordlessly and followed her to the couch.

'Now this is awkward.' Izuku gnawed his bottom lip. What doe she want?

"It's been a while since we sat and ate together," His mother mused. Izuku resisted the urge to roll his eyes, when did they ever sat together to eat. Sure, sometimes she would make food for him, but they never, you hear him, NEVER, ate together.

'Let's get over with this,' he turned to his mother, not touching his food yet. His mother started eating, but it was in thoughtful, slow movements.

"Izuku, have you decided on a high school you'd like to attend?"

Mark him confused. He started eating, excuse him for being famished. "Yes, I have decided."

"And where will it be?"

The forest-haired teen thought it was easier just to show her; he fetched his yellow backpack that was laid against the leg of the couch. He took out the papers and handed it his mother. Her eyes scanned the content, before she lowered them at the coffee table in front of her. A disappointed expression washed over her stoic face. There was a hint of disgust swimming in here eyes as she turned to look him in the eye.

"Seriously, U.A?"

Hmmm, that reaction was expected, "Yes, it's my dream school, and I'd like to give it a try."

She scoffed and shook her head in disbelief, "I just have to sign here, right?"

Izuku frowned, but nodded needlessly. He thought she would be more opposed. Meh, who cares as long as he has his way.

"Izuku, I don't care which school you go. It is up to you, but someday you got to face reality even if it was harsh."

The boy just stayed quiet, neither nodding or shaking his head. She doesn't believe that he has a quirk, so not like she'll understand what he's going through. His mother also sees him as a maniac attention seeking brat, so why bother?

"This is the last advice I can give you as a mother," She looked into his to his eyes as she delivered her final blow, "I will no longer be living here, so you'll be on your own from tomorrow on."

Surprisingly, he took the news well. He didn't gasp, cry or got angry. He still had the blank face that annoyed Kacchan to death.

"So, this is your last day in this home, wait what will happen to me, where am I going to live?" he asked in a rather disturbing, monotonous voice.

"Don't worry, you'll live here and you'll get your allowance per usual. We don't want the cops knocking on my door to inform me that you died or something, don't we?"

Izuku massaged the area between his eyes, sheesh, she sure took neglection to another level. "Could I perhaps ask for the reason of leaving?" me behind, was left unsaid.

"Izuku," she started, taking a long pause, Izuku allowed himself to continue eating the food, he could no longer taste the food "I'm pregnant," Frickty frack, Izuku choked. What kind of drama is she writing? He started coughing, and eyed his mother with tears burning his eyes, the hell is she saying? This really has got out of hand. Just to escape this rathole, she'd seek to lying? But, she doesn't have a reason to lie .The greenete's head was filled with questions, how, when, why, the hell?

But the only thing that left his mouth was, "Oh?"

"I have a chance to start a family, and everything is aligned for me for the first time in forever. A loving husband, a huge house, normal kids. I don't need to live in this shithole anymore, so why not?"

Izuku gulped down the food, he doesn't know what to say, what exactly is someone supposed to do in this kind of situation? How should he react to a mother leaving her child behind in a 'shithole'? She basically said rot and die.

"So, your dropping me for the sake of a happy life?" he mumbled under his breath. Sadly, she heard him.

"Izuku, you were never a symbol of happiness to me. You were by no means a hero that brought light to my life, but a villain who stripped away the will to live happily." Inko shook her head, an -after all of the things I did for you- expression descended on her face.

Izuku curled his fingers into a fist, but then he slackened it. Why is he surprised by the fact of her wanting a family? He was never family. Never a son. It was just a label and nothing more.

The teen looked up to his mother, "So, are you going to disown me?"

The woman nodded, "Yes, but not at the moment, you are still in middle school. I'll disown you once you are 18."

Izuku nodded passively, and he finally stood up, "Okay, mother, or would you perhaps I refer to you as Inko-san?"

"Refer me as Inko,"

"So, let me get this straight." Inko nodded him, a sign for him to continue, "From this moment on, you are no longer my mother and I am not your son, I got the apartment and allowance like usual."

She nodded once again, "I see, then I wish you happiness in your new life because if you don't, then I hope you die in a ditch for the emotional abuse you have caused me throughout my life."

Izuku turned his back on her, moving on with his life by sleeping off his problems like usual.

Shit, he forgot that they share the same bedroom. He groaned as he hid his face under the pillow. He hopes this day will end soon.

True to her words, by the next morning, she was gone. All her belongings, just like that disappeared with her. Izuku just as always had opened the box of cereal and poured the milk, nothing was out of routine.

He still ate alone, so meh, nothing changed at all.

Oh god, oh god, why the hell should the teacher run his mouth off and tell the whole goddamn class that he was aiming for U.A. God, he was not in the mood to face the blonde. Izuku sighed for the millionth time when he saw the blonde stomping towards him, string of explosions escaping his palm as he slammed it against the wooden desk. Izuku wanted to roll his eyes, Kacchan really got away with destroying public properties. 'The lucky ones always get away with everything,' he mused bitterly.

"Shitty Deku, the hell do you think are doing? When will you freakin' understand that your quirkless ass can't be nothing but a burden. Do I need remind you of your place, are you looking down on ME?" the angry teen placed his burning hand on the shorter's shoulder making Izuku wince in pain. Bruising the fragile body, breaking skin and burning part of his clothes.

"T-There's no harm in try-"

"Did I allow you to speak back, not only you are a quirkless loser, but a retarded idiot who doesn't know their place. If you are that desperate, take a swan off the roof and hope that you'll be lucky enough to have a quirk in your next life!" He sneered, baring his teeth like a rabid dog.

Izuku bit his wobbling lips, why the hell is his childhood friend this mean, and why in the name of god is he getting affected by it. It is not the first time he ever talked him down. Put him down. Rub salt in my wounds.

"Why should I end my life? Take your shitty ass and throw it off the roof, and let's pray that you'd be born as a decent human in your next life, amen."

Everything froze for a moment; a pregnant silence fell upon the class. It was the first time Izuku spoke back to Kacchan. The spineless weakling stood his ground.

'That was my voice,' but he never spoke. It wasn't even a thought that was mumbled out by accident. Hell no, Izuku never cursed. Ok, internally he did, but he's too much of a coward to say them out aloud. Then who? But then again, it was his voice, so maybe he said it unconsciously.

But, it sure felt good to see that caught off guard look on his childhood friend's face. It was a dumb looking expression, mouth gaping like a gold fish, but sure the aftermath was not pretty. The blonde grabbed the shorter's collar, yanking him forward. Izuku stumbled over his feet, but thanks to the death grip on him, he didn't fall over.

"K-Kacchan, w-wait, that was not me!"



Katsuki raised his arm, his fist was dangerously popping, heat was radiating from his hands. Kacchan punched him. Making brain rattle against his skull. The blonde surely gave it his all when he punched.

"I said, shoot your smelly ass of the roof before I drag you myself to your doom,"

There is the voice again, and he swears to god he didn't speak shit. His mouth is even shut close, from where is the voice coming? He looked around, but he found nothing, but Kacchan's fuming face. Oh shit, he should run away before the blonde ends him.


"U-Um, no, that's why can you let...go of me...please?"

Bakugou snapped real hard, rewarding the greenete more with his fists. Each punch is stronger than the other. Kicking him in the gut, releasing explosions that burnt his skin. Izuku finally felt he could breathe when the teen let him go from the continuous rampage of punches and kicks, he fell with disgrace on the floor. Lungs contrasting with pain, it burns just to breath. No teacher, no students interfered with the abuse. They watched from the sidelines, their eyes were strangely cold, as if they were saying he deserved it for fighting back.

"Breathe another nonsense about being a hero, and I'll make it your last breath," the blonde spitted at him before giving him one last kick.

Izuku gnawed his bottom lip, his eyes glistened with unshed tears at the unfair treatment. This was seriously unfair; how is he being judged at the things he didn't say?! Kacchan was cruel, sure he may be the one who pulls him back to reality, but he knows it is an unhealthy addiction. He should never be thankful for being punched to reality, and he should not be fond of his tormentor. Izuku should never consider his abuser a friend, but then, he would never find in his heart to hate his childhood friend. He loves him to death, he considered him a brother he never had, a shelter he never sought, a reminder of the actual reality that is normally robbed by his quirk.

He really should stop beating himself on the things he could never change. Izuku sighed as he walked down the lonely streets. Izuku shook his head, no depressing thoughts; or they'll appear. He looked in front of him, not paying attention to the path he is walking, he should go back home before the lights are out. Wait, he looked up at the sky; not like anybody is waiting for him at home. Wandering around may help improve his mood.

He walked down into an alleyway just for the sake of strolling, it was a secluded area, nothing really interesting going on here except for the sludge coming out of the sewers. He snapped his head towards it, wait, what, sludge?

"Well, well, look who we have here, you'd be a great vessel,"

And that is what he heard before the world went black

A second ago, he was suffocating on goo, and another he has the number one hero slapping him awake. Izuku squinted at the light that bounced off the straight teeth of a grinning All Might.

"Young one, are you okay?"

"U-Uh, what happened?" with the help of All Might, Izuku was sitting up, coughing up the slime that was drowning his throat.

"You were attacked by a slime villain that I was chasing, but fear no longer, for I am here."

"Oh god," now assessing the situation, his goddamn idol was just in front of him, grinning so familiarly at him, his once dead eyes, had sparkles shining in them, "It's All Might,"

"It is always good to see a fan, sorry my boy, but I need to go now, make sure to take plenty of rest," he said while flexing his biceps.

"W-Wait, before you go can I ask you a question?!"

"I'm sorry young one, I really need-"


All might stopped in his tracks, regarding the boy with a sad look, a sigh left his mouth as he placed a hand on the younger's shoulder.

"I am sorry, but you should be realistic and face it. You can't protect someone with a useless quirk where you yourself can't even use it."

Izuku bit his mouth, why did it hurt when he knew the answer to his question. All might shook his head and headed towards the end of the alleyway, "W-What if I became one?" Izuku muttered weakly, but that didn't go unheard from the symbol of justice.


"What if I became one? What if I proved you wrong and that I can be a hero?!"

He could hear the guy sigh again, he was silent for a moment, but then he left with a sentence that made him boil with rage and frustration.

"It's good to have dreams, but make sure they are realistic my boy or you'll hurt yourself."

All might was not any different from his mother. That is what he discovered on that fateful day. Hatred bubbled in his burning heart, but what if maybe, what they said was true?

He lost the will to wander, so he chose to slump on the ground. Why is the world set on bringing him down? His eyes watered, is it really impossible to be a hero. Izuku rolled his eyes, gritting his teeth, he'll just have to show them. He'll flip the world off, showing them his middle finger as he becomes a hero with his own power.

"you sure are pathetic,"

A gruff squeaky voice called out from behind him, Izuku turned his head towards the source, his eyes met yellow leering eyes.

"Oh, it's you, Nyanko-sensei,"


"Sensei, I'm sorry, but I'm not up to squabbling with you." Izuku covered his face as tears were threatening to fall any moment now, "Is it that important for you to be a hero?"

"Yes, it is, I want to prove to them that even with this kind of quirk I can make something out of myself,"

"And that is by becoming a hero?"

"Not necessarily, but that is the fastest way to gain acknowledgment. People will respect me for once if I become one. They will regret on giving me up, leaving me, bullying me! I'll show everyo-o-ne that I-I'm worthy enough to b-be lov-v-ved." Izuku's tears started falling one after another. He hates feeling useless, vulnerable, but nobody is seeing him now except for this yokai in front of him.

"I-Is it r-really impossible for me to be one? God, I h-hate this quirk, never mind about being a hero, I'm afraid that I'll die one day by the hands of your kind!"

And now the dam had finally broke, "I-It's so hard to live when you could be killed any moment, I hate my quirk, nobody even believes me when I say that you guys exist! It is all because of you that everybody is leaving me, e-ev-ven my... mom,"

Izuku removed his hands from his face, arms falling limply beside him. Breath hitching, his chest heaving in a nonrhythmic, painful manner, snot smudging his hands, "Yuck," he swatted his hands, trying to clean them from the grime.

Once he felt himself calming down, his face suddenly flushed at the breakdown, "O-Oh god, sorry that I lashed out at you; you didn't have anything to do with it, I'm so sorry Nyanko-sensei..."

The cat rolled its eyes, but approached the boy, "It's fine, but if you continued just a little bit more I would have smacked the shit outta you,"

Izuku huffed out a chuckle, and he reclined his back against the wall, "Hey,"

The cat hummed showing that he was listening as he settled beside the teen, "You said you were one of the strongest yokai out there,"

At the compliment, the cat rose; pointing his head upwards, a smug expression appeared on his face, "NYAHAHAHA! Not one of the strongest, I AM THE STRONGEST! NUMBER ONE! That's why they sealed me away! The hell are you asking me that for?"

Izuku gulped nervously. The cat shot him a suspicious glare, "Can you... be my guardian angel and help me become a hero?"

Now that got the cat's attention, he jumped back, now standing on its two legs, "And why the hell would I do that?"

"Please be a sweetheart and help me! I mean I helped you by freeing you from the seal. You gotta help me, please!"

"Oh hush, you didn't even know about the seal. Come on, what do I get from helping you?"

"Uhhh, I don't know, but please Nyanko-sensei!" Izuku clasped both his hands in front of his head, while bowing his head down.

The cat seemed to consider the offer, "how long would it take for you to become a 'hero'?" Izuku raised his head and his eyes glimmered with hope that were in shape of glittering stars. He was grinning from ear to ear, "Three years, that'll be the duration till I'll graduate from school and be a proper hero!"

The cat froze in its place before punching him straight in the face. Izuku fell back on his bum, "The hell I'm sticking with you for that long and I told you, what am I gonna get from this deal? I'm not an idiot to form a contract based on your needs only, wish on, ya fool!"

Izuku bit his nails as the cat decided to leave, "W-Wait, then how about a year from now, I attend a whole year in U.A, making it to the heroics department and proving to everyone else that I am strong enough to be hero!"

Sensei placed its paw under his chin, tracing an imaginary beard, "A year....hmmm, I was stuck for at least a thousand years....meeh I can do that I guess,"

Izuku wanted to strangle the cat, would it hurt him to help him for three years, this damned selfish cat! But, He can't push his luck, "but wait, what do I get from this?"

The cat tapped the greenete knees as he stood on its stubby legs. Eyeing him skeptically, "I only want them to take their words back, an apology would be nice too, so if I could it make to U.A that would prove that I am able to become a hero, so after a year you could do anything you want with me, you yokais are so intent on eating me, so,"

A weak, wavering grin stretched his lips. Izuku pointed at himself, "Kill me, grill me, boil me, eat me, whatever you want to do with me, you can do it for all I care; you can even make me your slave. Just please turn me into a hero!"

There was a devious smile playing on the cat's lips, the creepy eyes got even narrower, "Boy, it has been a while since I ate a human child; you are up for a rough ride you spineless punk,"

The last thing he saw before blackening out were fangs. He really should work on his stamina.

I seriously love Nyanko-sensei! Anyways, thanks for reading. Hit me up with more reviews and love you guys. Mwah.

Criticism is welcomed~

Snorlaxincreators' thoughts