
BNHA: Blind

BakuNoNii · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Get Ready For The Exam

"K- Kacchan, oh no. I- it's all my f- fault." Izuku muttered to himself.

Izuku could see Katsuki struggling and refusing the villain. "Ahhhhh! Get the hell off me, bastard! I'LL BLOW YOU TO HELL!" Katsuki started to cause explosions. The fire that surrounded the villain and Katsuki were already bad enough. The explosions were just adding onto the damage.

"What are the heroes doing?" People started wondering.

"That poor kid, the heroes aren't doing anything."

"Doesn't look like their Quirks can do anything."

Katsuki was failing to escape from the villain's slimy grasp. His heartbeat started to speed up rapidly, catching Izuku's attention. He dropped the notebook in his hands and ran through the crowd.

"Hey, kid!" The pro hero, Death Arms, tried to stop Izuku. "Are you crazy?! It's dangerous!"

Izuku could hear Katsuki's heartbeat and the villain. He could see the outlines of their bodies. "I've memorized everything written in my notebook, thanks to mom. Page 25!" Izuku took his yellow backpack off and unzipped it. He threw it at where the villain was. Books went flying everywhere, some of them hit the villain in the eyes, causing him to let go of his grasp on Katsuki just a little. Izuku started to dig through the slime.

"What the hell are you doing, stupid nerd?!" Katsuki demanded. "You're gonna fucking die!"

"I- I don't know what h- happened! I- I just heard your voice a- and my legs just s- s- started moving!"

The villain recovered from the pain of the books poking his eyes. He growled at Izuku for getting in the way. "You brat! Get out of my way!" The villain had caught sharp debris in his goop and started to swing it like a whip.

In the back of the crowd was All Might in his skinny form, who had been calling himself pathetic for letting the villain loose. He saw Izuku run out onto the scene and try to get Katsuki out of the goop. He saw Izuku about to be hit with the debris and slime. All Might reacted on instinct and turned into his muscle form. He started to reach out for Izuku after jumping into the scene as well.

Izuku's gloves started to turn gray, his Quirk was building up. "Let go of him!" Izuku slammed a hand into the villain, his Quirk active. The villain started to stretch like a balloon, like air was being put inside. He exploded, slime splattering everything in sight, covering fires. Some could see the eyes staring, then close, falling into unconsciousness.

Katsuki sat on the ground, staring at Izuku in front of him. He was shocked at the power Izuku just let out. He'd never seen him use his quirk in such a way.

Izuku pulled on another pair of gloves as fast as he could. He always kept an extra pair for safely reason, or simply because he felt unsafe. "K- Kacchan? Are you alright?"

"You stupid nerd!" Katsuki smacked Izuku on the head. "You could've died!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I just started running. And please stop yelling."

All Might watched the odd duo of teens before him. He pondered, thinking to himself. "That was some power. Why'd he tell me he's Quirkless?"

The police finally found every bit of goo of the sludge villain. While Katsuki was praised, Izuku was scolded for rushing in. He headed back home, all chewed up about the heroes scolding him and, not to mention, the talk he had with All Might.

"Oi, Deku!" Katsuki yelled, running after Izuku. Izuku paused and turned around. "Don't ever help me again, you hear me! Don't use your shitty Quirk to help me again! Don't look down on me, got it?"

"Ah, y- yeah Kacchan. I promise."

Katsuki stormed off. Izuku smiled and continued walking home. He suddenly bumped into someone. "Ah, Kacchan? Did I go the wrong way again?"

"Uhm, I don't know, kid." All Might's voice said. The sound of his voice revealed that he was in his skinny form.

"O- oh, A- A- All Might! I didn't hear you! S- sorry if I upset you!"

"Nonsense, young man! It's quite alright."

Izuku let out a sigh of relief. If his favorite hero had gotten upset with him, he wouldn't know what to do at that point. "I am curious though, what was that Quirk back there with the villain? You said you were Quirkless."

Izuku flinched. He didn't expect this question to turn up so randomly. He fidgeted with the loose fabric on his gloves, then adjusted his blindfold. "It's…not something I like to use. It scares everyone."

"Just what is your Quirk?"

"My Quirk…it destroy or kills anything I touch. It scares people, I don't blame them. I mean, who would want to be near someone who could kill anything he touches?"

"Mmm, that's where your stuttering comes from. You're an introvert!"

"I- I guess you could say that."

All Might rubbed the back of his head. It was a bit awkward after Izuku explained his Quirk. Izuku sighed. "The first time I used my Quirk was during recess. Kids were picking on me for my blindness. Their voices rang in my ears and because of how I react to too many voices happening at the same time, I started getting mad and I hit them back. A teacher came to break us up, which made me feel like raging even more, I wanted to destroy everything in sight. When I tried to get the teacher's hand off of me, she started to turn gray and she shattered like glass. I killed her. It scared the kids around me, even the grown-ups were terrified of me."

All Might studied the tired and stressed teenage boy in front of him. He saw Izuku's grip tighten on his backpack. All Might could tell he was a very timid person, but had an overly powerful Quirk. He'd be damned if he just left him the way he is now, just shrugging off the fact that he saved someone even when he wasn't a hero. "Kid, I know what I said earlier today, but…you can become a hero."

"Huh?" Even if his eyes were covered, Izuku gave a dumbfounded look.

"I was mistaken. You were able to jump into a dangerous crime scene when no one else would, even myself wasn't doing anything. You were braver than anyone else there. Being a hero isn't about the money, popularity, fame, or anything else. It's about keeping the citizens safe and rescuing others in need. You can become a hero, even if you're blind."

"But I don't have a Quirk I can actually use, plus I can't see anything."

"Ah, but you have an incredible sense of hearing. And I can fix the Quirk problem. But I offer it on a strict condition. You learn how to use your own Quirk."

"N- no, I can't-"

"Let me finish, god dammit." All Might laughed, patting Izuku's head. "Your Quirk blew up because of your desperation to save someone. We can't have that in a dire situation. I'm not saying this to give you a hard time, I'm saying this because it's what you need to hear. Start with little things, like getting rid of trash. Anything that makes you feel better."

"But…what if it still scares people?"

"I will admit, when you first used your Quirk, it gave me a bit of a scare. But you can build it up to be something others admire. Now, coming back to my main point," All Might rubbed Izuku's head. "I'm deeming you worthy of inheriting my power."

"Uh- w- what?"

"You heard me, loud and clear. My Quirk is a Quirk that is transferred from one bearer to the next."

"W- w- wait let me p- process that!" Izuku went into full mutter-mode. "It's true that your Quirk is hotly debated online, but the power to transfer Quirks is simply impossible. Quirks manifest based on one's specialties, it gives them a sense of personality, handing a Quirk to someone isn't logically possible and it-"

"Ohoho, quiet down and let me explain, young man! My power is called, One For All. The first user cultivates it's power than passes it onto the next bearer who passes it to the next. As it goes on, the power only grows as it goes on. I've been searching for a successor for ages."

Izuku was honestly still processing everything explained to him. He didn't know what to say. It was illogical for a Quirk to be passed on. It was crazy, Quirk were specifically manifested for the particular person, that's what makes them so unique.

"Is it really ok…?" Izuku questioned, twirling his bangs around. "I mean, I- I already h- have a Quirk."

"That's okay," All Might chuckled. "If you want to rely mostly on One For All, then that's alright. But I want you to learn how to use your own Quirk. That aside, you have the perfect vessel to obtain One For All."


"Yeah, if your body didn't have the proper vessel, than your limbs would explode right off while using the Quirk."

"Y- you say it so casually."

"Of course, I won't force it upon you. This is only if you want to. But you can't tell anyone whatsoever."

"I- I'll do it. Of course!"

"An answer with no hesitation. Wonderful! And your name, young man? I never caught it."

"It's I- Izuku Midoryia."

"Huh? I can't hear you under all that hair!"

"I- Izuku Midoryia!"

"That's the spirit, young Midoryia!"

"Ow," Izuku rubbed his ears.

Nonetheless, Izuku would be obtaining All Might's Quirk. Even if he had the perfect vessel, he would still have to work in his other Quirk. The Quirk he hated. Either way, he kept telling himself that he would do his best. He would be the first blind person to join UA, and he would be proud of that title.

[Ten months later]

"Hurry up, you damn nerd!" Katsuki yelled as Izuku put his bag on his back.

"I know, Kacchan," Izuku answered. "I won't make you late."

"Thank you so much for walking Izuku to the exam, Katsuki." Inko thanked many times. "It means a lot to me as his mother."

"Yeah, yeah, auntie. He would have just gotten lost anyway. I'll be pissed if he doesn't pass the exam."

"Let's go, Kacchan!" Izuku wrapped his arm around Katsuki's, pulling him out the door.

"Get the hell off me, stupid Deku!"

Izuku finally let go of Katsuki, allowing him to walk freely. Katsuki scowled at the people staring at Izuku. "I can't believe All Might passed his stupid power into you." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I could've done a better job. You can't even use your other Quirk."

"Shh! Kacchan, you can't say stuff like that out loud!"

Katsuki studied Izuku. For one, he wasn't wearing his blindfold, he had it in his bag. His bangs were slightly parted, revealing parts of his white eyes.

"Yeah, whatever! Jeez, get your hand out of my face."

They met up with All Might at the beach. Over the ten months of training, Izuku had told Katsuki about the power he would obtain from All Might. Katsuki felt jealous at first, but he got over it.

"Young Midoryia! Young Bakugo! Good to see your faces!" All Might cheered in his muscle form. "Ah, and about the Quirk."

"How DO you pass it on?" Izuku wondered.

"Ah, now this is the part I've been practicing," All Might pulled a single strand of hair from his head. "Eat this hair!"

"H- huh?" Izuku tilted his head.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you digest my DNA!"

"I- it's just way to different then I imagined it!

Before Izuku could say another word, Katsuki took the hair and practically shoved it down his throat. It was just as you would imagine eating a hair. The long strand that slid down his throat was just…gross and weird.

"I- I don't feel any different…" Izuku said, touching the top of his tongue.

"Well, how do you think your stomach works, idiot!" Katsuki stated the obvious.

"AHAHAHA! You should start to feel something by the time the exam starts. Just make sure, when you use the Quirk, squeeze your ass super tight and yell Smash to the world!"

"Y- yes sir! I think…" Izuku said.

The two were now in front of UA. The school was amazing, at least from what Izuku could see from the noise.

"Ok, I can do this!" Izuku thought. "I've practiced speaking to people other than Kacchan and I can kind of use my own Quirk. What could go wrong?" Izuku took another step. His feet got caught on one another and he started to fall. "Or I could just die now."

Instead of hitting the ground, Izuku was still in the air, mid-fall. A girl's voice snapped him back to reality. "Are you alright? Sorry, I used my Quirk without permission. It's bad luck to fall. I'm so nervous for the exam. Well, best of luck!"

Katsuki watched her as she she walked off. "The fuck?"

Izuku rubbed his cheek. He could tell they were flushed pink. "I- I talked to a girl."

"You didn't even talk, you idiot!"