
Blue Patch

A young boy named Liam has two separate bodies in separate worlds, while in one world he lives in the glory of hunting monsters and dealing with his troublemaker party in his real world he's just your everyday loser.

Kexer · Urbain
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2 Chs

Two In One

Part 1


"Are we there yet… Crim? Im Bored!"


The red-haired half-elf girl said, throwing a tantrum as she rolled around the carriage wagon.


The aqua-blue-haired Crim looked at her from the driver's seat, rolling his lapis eyes, "Shut up. Whose fault do you think it is? If It weren't for you we would live leisurely back in my mansion!"


"Now… I'm just a poor man in debt! Sob Sob."


The girl looked to the side, scratching her cheek.


"Didn't I already apologize? I just couldn't… Resist, OKAY?"


Crim sighed, swishing his arms to stop the horses.


'...Even in a second world, I can't have anything damn it." He sighed and looked at the sky, as the night approached the open field, 'Guess that's the second day, I should go back soon before I am late.'


"Ayano be useful for once and don't break something when I'm sleeping."


The girl puffed her cheeks and teared up.


"Hey!!! I am not that irresponsible, Blasphemy, Blasphemy I say!"


She stood up and approached the laying Crim.


Upon seeing her crying face, Crim grimaced and said, "Keyword."


Then everything went black, for a minute or so before he woke up to a familiar roof, he removed the blanket and stretched as he yawned.


He looked at his clock, it was 7 pm, he had spent around thirty three hours in that world but only 8 had passed on Earth.


"Ah right, it's summer break…"


He sat up. And he stared at the rectangular mirror in front of his bed.


His aqua and chiseled body was gone, and he was once again Liam a brown-haired and average-looking boy, with no sign of muscle and no mesmerizing features other than his height, which was six -feet.


He should be glad that he wasn't a dwarf, He thought.

He grabbed his phone from his nightstand and watched some videos, after a bit he decided to get out of bed, revealing his dinosaur-patterned pajamas.


The reason? He hadn't bought a new one since childhood, and it naturally grew with him.


"Sigh, I really need to go to the gym," He rubbed his belly, he wasn't fat but he definitely would be if he kept eating.


He turned on his computer and then walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth, after he was done, he rubbed his face with cold water and looked at his dark -eyes.


His eyebags were getting more noticeable by the day.


Ignoring it, he opened the drawer underneath the sink and took out his glasses, walking out of the bathroom.


He glanced at his computer then his door, "Yawn…", He walked out of his room to be greeted by his brother walking like a zombie as he watched a video from his tablet.


Picking up his pace, he slapped the back of his head, "Hey-"


Before he could finish his sentence he headlocked his brother and started rubbing the top of his head, "MOM!!!"


Upon hearing the mention, he let go and ran downstairs leaving his brother to slyly smile.


"MOM!! CAN I GET SOME FOOD?" Liam shouted, to hear a response from the house caretaker.


"She just left, you want some toast?"


Liam clenched his fist, that little creature tricked him.


With devilish eyes he rushed upstairs crumbling down the wooden steps of the house onto the second floor, his brother took a while to notice as he lay down on the balcony of the second room.


He rushed to the room on the right of the hallway and got into a boxing stance.


"You dare lie to me, you monkey!"


As he approached, he turned his fist into an open hand and started twitching his fingers, "Somebody wants to be tickled."




Part 2


"How does he manage to sleep so fast?"


She said as she poked Crim's sleeping face, with a wry smile on her face.


"Now Now… Don't wake up if you want me to drink some beer!"


She put up her ear next to his mouth with a surprised face.


"I shall honor your wishes."


Ayano hopped around the wagon until she came across a metal cooler in the rear, with a smile she opened the crate with wobbly arms, barely managing to open it with a loud… 




With a distressed face with wide eyes he slowly turned to Crim, and sighed, He didn't wake up.


Then she turned back to the cooler, which had a golden aura gush out of it, she pulled her hands together and prayed, "I thank the god of wine and alcohol for this holy relic."


The drunk popped a bottle and gulped a bottle of wine in on the ship.


Her face became flushed as she started to wobble her head in a daze, taking one after another - she burped and hiccuped "I-T want my fault, Hic, that the monster happened to Ickplode…"


The drunk reminisced about the events that happened prior, the general monster who exploded wasn't because she detonated her with the flames, despite Crim warning her over a million times to not use fire, it had to be something else.


"Divine Intervention, Hic" Yes, that had to be it! The dumb drunk thought.


"Hic, the Blue Patch, Whey do we have to go there?" She downed another bottle, "Wesh I can at least burn some monsters, heheheheh."


The Blue Patch was a giant Patch in the ocean, that was as big as multiple countries, it was a dungeon that went deep into the ocean and somehow it was a place where the ocean only worked as a wall.


It was more like a country inside of the ocean that just happened to have monsters, a place where any type of fighter would come for a good buck…


Also, a great place to get enough money to pay off somebody's debt.


"Hic, it's not my fault we're in debt…" Ayano downed another bottle. Looking at the cooler she started to roll around the ground, "Wahhh….I want more, I want more WINE!!!"


The whole cooler was empty.