
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Fighting to the End

One week later.

Yongrong once again saw the immense dragon skull in his dreams. Compared to previous days, the skull remained unchanged, still bound by the chains of power, threads of fate, and strands of hatred. These bindings connected to countless stars. Squinting, Yongrong scrutinized the scene and noticed some subtle differences. Among the stars linked by the threads of fate, the distinct images of two young dragons had become clear. By their appearances, Yongrong recognized them as projections of Hel and Belron. They had formed a bond; the stronger Hel and Belron became, and the more solid the threads of fate, the more magical power they bestowed upon him.

During this time, Yongrong was not only striving to enhance his own abilities but also seeking allies and establishing connections with other young dragons in the brood. This would not only allow him to draw arcane energy through the threads of fate but, more importantly, lay the groundwork for the future and make plans for what lay ahead.

What's the difference between one evil dragon and another? Take, for instance, Kazan Rego, the notorious great evil dragon of the Star Realm. He was a black dragon who committed all manner of evil deeds, enslaving countless races and launching numerous wars in his world. Yet, in the end, he was respectfully called the "Black Emperor," crowned personally by the moon goddess Sos, and even the Dragon God Bahamut and Dragon Queen Tiamat had to treat him as an equal.

It's said that the Black Emperor was also very weak at first. To avoid being hunted, he even hid underground for a while. But when he resurfaced, he rose with an unstoppable force, quickly becoming a prominent figure. With his extraordinary wisdom, Kazan Rego established a multiracial kingdom and drafted the "Black Wing Codex," continuously consolidating and expanding his dominion. He also leveraged his power to continuously feed back into himself. The Black Emperor's methods were a stark contrast to the traditional image of evil dragons that people had - dragons that acted without plan, relying on plundering for wealth and unable to control their destructive desires.

In fact, with the wealth and resources of a kingdom, the Black Emperor's power rapidly expanded. He enlisted spell casters from all over to build the Elaradia Great Library for him and learned psychokinesis from the abundant knowledge. Later, he even collaborated with demons to acquire the "Heart of Magma," a specialty of the abyss, and had dwarves tailor-make a powerful suit of reinforced armor for him.

In the endless history of dragon kind, only an evil dragon like Kazan Rego could be considered a role model. He was strategic, intelligent, knew how to exchange resources, continuously strengthened himself, and eventually reached the pinnacle of the Star Realm.

Most chromatic dragons, despite inheriting the dragon's legacy and possessing great intelligence, behaved no differently than low-intelligence beasts - engaging in burning, killing, looting, destroying everything they encountered, making enemies everywhere, and then hoarding gold and treasures in their lairs, letting them rot, unable to convert them into something they needed. In the eyes of humans and other intelligent species, they were nothing more than monsters guarding treasures.

Yongrong, a young man from a 20th-century modern society, found himself in a perilous other world, having lost his form, just to play the role of such a treasure-guarding monster, waiting for players to come and group up to kill him. This was not a script Yongrong wished to act out.

If one must be an evil dragon, then one must aspire to be the strongest of them all.

When Yongrong crawled out of his nest in the afternoon, Belron was waiting for him outside the cave, curiously asking why he had slept so long. Yongrong just smiled lightly and said, "In today's gladiatorial combat, I will fight to the end."

Belron's eyes widened as he looked Yongrong up and down, not asking further but smiling all the way.

Kazan had also arrived early today, occupying the center of the arena, casting a large shadow. The injuries on his body had healed, and the newly grown scales were dark red, appearing not only exceptionally hard but also seemingly having significant elemental resistance.

More and more young dragons were choosing to watch the combat in the central arena, having already determined their positions within the dragon brood. Lacking the ability or desire to compete for the top spots, they would only re-enter the fray once they had grown significantly.

Everything proceeded as usual. In the second round, Yongrong encountered Oser. By now, everyone knew that this seemingly clumsy and slow dragon was a very tough opponent, with incredible strength and exaggerated elemental resistance. Even Kazan would have a hard time defeating him.

"This time, I will fight to the end and not withdraw halfway," Yongrong declared before the battle, shaking his head and greeting his opponent. Everyone knew that he tended to withdraw early, so encountering Yongrong was seen as a stroke of luck by other powerful dragons in the brood - he might just concede before the fight began, allowing them to advance to the next round.

But this time was different.

Hearing Yongrong's words, Oser took a deep breath and let out two low grunts, his demeanor more serious than before.

With a brief signal, Yongrong lunged forward. The young dragons in the brood had already discussed how to fight the "Mountain" Oser – avoid close combat as much as possible, retreat quickly after attacking, and observe and circle around at the start of the fight.

But Yongrong seemed unaware of this, charging at Oser in just two seconds. The plump pure-blooded blue dragon stood up on his hind legs, supporting himself with his back legs, spreading his for epaws, and revealing a huge vulnerability in his chest and abdomen.

"The same old trick," Yongrong knew it was a trap. If the young dragons tried to attack Oser's chest and abdomen, Oser would take the hit and then quickly close his paws, grabbing his opponent. A squeeze and a crunch, and the opponent's bones would likely be broken, with no chance for further action.

Despite knowing this, Yongrong did not slow down and continued to charge forward, as if inexperienced, crashing into Oser's embrace.

Oser opened his mouth wide, revealing a triumphant smile, ready to welcome the impending impact as his hind limbs dug into the ground and his paws closed.

But he caught nothing. The expected impact did not occur. At the last moment, Yongrong twisted his body in an incredible fashion, passing by Oser's left side, then reversing his joints to resist the surging momentum and stopping abruptly.

As Oser was still in the midst of his grabbing motion, Yongrong had already clambered onto his back.

"Galak'sus Battle Technique!" exclaimed Posa, who was watching from the sidelines, her eyes filled with shock. "How did he master it so quickly?"

Yongrong bit into Oser's shoulder blade, blood splattering in his mouth, tasting surprisingly good. No wonder in the later versions of the Undead Plague, a monster like "Dragon Eater" Beyas appeared. It seemed dragons weren't at all resistant to the flesh and blood of their kind.

In the battles of evil dragons, there was never a moment for the opponent to catch their breath. During combat, one mustn't think too much; too much thinking leads to hesitation, and hesitation to defeat. Yongrong cast aside the chaotic thoughts in his mind and fiercely tore at Oser's shoulder blade.

The unbearable pain forced Oser to lie down on the ground, trying to roll over to force Yongrong off. But Yongrong's size was also astonishing, only slightly smaller than Oser, who was referred to as "Mountain" by the young dragons. Being pressed down like this was nothing to him; he relentlessly peeled back Oser's scales and skin.

When Oser surrendered, the wounds on his back were so deep that his bones were visible.