


Joan Cesborn

I'm sick

I might be a model but I'm a human too. I had a really bad fever and I couldn't get out of my bed because I didn't even have the strength to get up. I got this since yesterday and still until now..

/"Why is my princess sick?/" My dad walked into my room without knocking

/"I'm just tired dad/" He sat beside me and touched my forehead

/"Doctor will come in 30 minutes , want anything?/" He asked

/"No.. I'm fine. Stop worrying dad/" I said and he ruffled my hair

/"Sleep a lot pumpkin. I'll buy you something later/" He kissed my forehead and I smiled. He walked out and I closed my eyes trying to sleep.

/"Joan!!/" I jumped in shock when my twin just burst my door

/"Get out fucker/" I hissed

/"Oh right you're sick../" He said in a disgust tone and I glared at him