
Bloom of life

Study nerd falls for the high-school topper!

Icymaestro · Sports, voyage et activités
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Bloom of life

Walks through the darkness like a lion. The quiet rage, the burning passion. The feel of guilt, burning through my life just as if it was meant to be. Well maybe not all of us are the same, but technically we're all very fixated on our lives to the point we are not even worried about the future that we are going into. Fight against everyone. To earn our basic respect, we fight, and push others away. It's a moment of truth. Only the people who are qualified and determined enough to be able get their spots.

Just like that, I was born, in a normal family, hoping to make my way up the scales. By what exactly? Studies. I was born for this, to study and get recognition. I was born on the wrong side of the tracks. I hope to turn it around one day using one and only my talent. But it isn't possible. If you know, there are possibly a million excellent students out there waiting to take my spot from my future college. So better yet, I would start my hard work now. No distractions, no nothing.

I live alone, with my parents being overseas. That's why I want to study and make them proud. For all the hard work they've done for me. But not all the things we plan go according to how we plan it. Things happen, we have to sync ourselves with how the situation turned out. Acceptance is the great secret key to life. Once you have the key, success knocks on your door and hands itself to you. That's right. I grew up alone with my aunt overseas who treated me like a child until I grew up and was ready to move out of my aunt's house to live on my own. Not that I have gotten issues with her and her family, I just feel uncomfortable being a burden to the people that have taken care of me.

After I moved out, just as you know it, I was fixated on my studies. I was the topper in my class, the topper in my school. And before you knew it, it was time for highschool. The moment to shine and show everyone how capable I can be, and hopefully one day get a scholarship in a high tier college for Royals, known for the toppers. It's a dream to join that college. Before, money was the most important thing, but now anyone from anywhere with the talent and determination can get into the college.

Highschool isn't easy according to my aunt who has told me almost everything that has happened in my life. This is the time where most people bump into their first love, party their hearts out and probably make most memories out of highschool because it's officially the final years of 'school' that we attend. I thought I could hold back from everyone else to pursue what I love.

To be exactly frank, My aim was to be a lawyer. Why? It would be giving me recognition more than any other job that I would pursue.It's my ultimate goal in life to be a lawyer and be successful. But I was wrong in a million different ways. Why? I did the unthinkable. What is unthinkable, you might ask or wonder, unthinkable to me is doing something that I would never thought of doing in my life ever.

Unthinkable. Noah Spark is unthinkable. The guy of the entire school's dream. The topper, my competitor, certainly someone that I shouldn't worry about. Well, that's what I thought to myself, before a back to school party that was hosted by the time I was at my second year of highschool. But instead of a prom night this was all about catching up with each other and meeting new people and pouring your hearts out to them.

I didn't go. Why? Because I had no interest in dancing whatsoever. At least, no interest in talking to the others. So why would someone like me go to the party? Weird enough the decision was mine to make, but it was made by the only two weirdos whom I consider as 'Friends' Maya and Alexa. They are the only people that I have let into my life and don't regret.

Who exactly is Noah Spark, you might wonder. The perfect guy who lives next door. Is very loud and annoying. Maya and Alexa's dream boy and my life's first distraction that I should never get distracted by.

Noah, was everywhere. Posters around our school regarding school clubs and sports club all about Noah being in them, Teachers bragging about how sweet and amazing he is at balancing both his studies and his sports ambition. He is everywhere. The school's hot topic, the guy next door and certainly, someone I should never fall for.

Apparently he never dated anyone. There are rumours about him almost everywhere. In our girls restroom, our school corridor, even our school guys are talking about him like he's the hottest trend on the internet. What's so special about a guy like him? Yeah sure, he is cute, adorable and easy going, almost any one in this school starting from school jocks to crazy nerds like me can go upto him and be friends with him. He has a smile that is almost irresistible.

The night of the back to school dance, I was forced to be there by Maya and Alexa. To party with them. At least they were having fun. For a fact, my mind was so fixated on studies to the fact that I almost wanted to go home and study without any disturbance. I sighed to myself at the very time Noah Spark, came into the room, flipping his hair up like every other playboy out there. Suddenly, our eyes met. He had emerald eyes and freckles that covered up his face. Those might probably be the main reason why girls out there are crazy for him. About ten seconds later I realised I was staring at him, and he was staring at me, so I had to break eye contact. My heart was pumping and my body certainly got hot.

I didn't look at him ever since, but it was the start of something that was going to bloom in my life as the biggest miraculously mistaken thing that has ever happened to me.