

Assuming you happily finished reading a popular web novel called Bloody Webtoon, that novel came to life, killing ten million readers worldwide in one single night, and this night is your night to join the dead for reading that novel. What will you do? Pandora’s Box also identified as the Devil's Toy Box An urban legend commonly told by people of South Korea about Pandora’s box that has the power to grant you your inner desires, your greatest wish, beauty, immortality, fame, wealth, power, name it; you just have to find the box and make your wish. So it was told to every citizen from birth. So people will fight each other; fathers betray sons and daughters engage in a bloodbath against anyone, billionaire tycoons and ordinary good citizens turn bad all engaged in a fight. Every man for himself, however, there are only a few who truly know that Pandora’s box was not a box of wishes but a Devil's toy box, A key to the gateway to unlocking another dimension of monsters to human reality. A time when science was at its highest peak during Albert Einstein era, a local scienctist name Abraham pike wanted a name for himself and so he ventured to solve the mystery of the big bang theory of how this world was form believing combining magic and science was the key to the mystery however he hears a voice name the gate keeper who taught him how to create a puzzle box to open the astral realm. the results of opening the astral realm to human world was a massive teleportation of 10 miliion humans and buildings to another world. he saw a world of monsters with high wickedness. teleporting back, to the human world, he sought to destroy the boxes but could not and he split the boxes into six and scattered to six different countries...one with the monks, one with, a Japanese exorcist, one with Roman catholic Church and the others unknown. what Abraham pike did not know was that before the boxes were scattered, the gate keeper created six clones guardians and made a competition between them. one of them must kill absorbing the other five uniting the box as one to open a dimension door uniting the closest astral realm and the natural realm. who ever wins becomes a celestial being. he hide them in the six boxes just in time. each guardians searched for six human champion host for a blood bath to retrieve the boxes for them borrowing them their spectral powers and the blood bath began. The Yoon prestigious family is a billionaire family that owns it all in terms of wealth, but the seedlings struggle for succession for the vast wealth brings out the deadly evil nature of humans. Sen Jin won- Alex Walker, the devil's son, witnesses his grandmother and his mother killed in front of his eyes by his uncles and aunties to obtain the wealthy throne. He was bullied and mistreated by his family. In despair, he unlocks Pandora's box and got a leveling-system for revenge, which becomes his helper as well as his greatest doom, unlocking a world of monsters merging with the human world. He must save his friends, his beloved, and the world from mistakes in his quest for vengeance. He must destroy the Pandora's box inorder to separate the astral dimensions from the real world  

brainchild · Urbain
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The citizens shared a common culture of entertainment, and that's reading the most trending web novels and web comics and translating amazing stories from web comics and web novels into animations and K-drama movie production in Korea. The webcomic and web novel Bloody Webtoon were the top six most trending web novels and webcomics across Korea before the news made it skyrocket globally to the number one spot.

CCN News had broadcast globally a terrible event with mummified images of death, and it would take time to come to terms with the aftermath. At the same hour in different places, people were streaming the news via mobile devices.

A Japanese train was packed with commuters, all jostling for a seat or a spot to stand. A tall, skinned man in a light brown suit with gray eyes was among them, lost in his world as he scrolled through his phone, catching up on the latest trending web novels and comics when the news flashed across his phone filled with mummified images. Realizing what was going on. He panicked, however, at that very moment on the train.

Suddenly, a cold chill giving him goosebumps ran down his spine, He felt an eerie presence, as if someone were around him. Confused and following the news, he tried to turn his phone off quickly. But to his horror, his phone screen glitches, moving on its own. 'W' Webnovel popped into his view, and instantly the color turned red.


At the same hour, an airplane hovered over the American horizon. An American blonde girl sat comfortably in her seat on the airplane, streaming the news on her mobile phone and swiping at the horrified pictures from the news. Her blue eyes widen in shock. Her phone begins to glitch in front of her eyes. It scrolls through the app features until 'w' Webnovel pops up "No! This can't be happening. I am not going to die. I am not going to die!" She screamed as she tried to swipe away in panic, but the phone kept scrolling forcefully until it arrived at the bloody webtoon and a cover picture of a demon in a red wedding dress and a student in a bloody classroom on the cover. Curious, she looked at the art cover; however, she felt an ominous presence as the static hand of the demon in the art cover picture began to move as if it were animated, with its demonic hand creeping toward her from the depths of the phone.

Startled, she screamed as she dropped her phone onto her lap and looked around to see if the demon was there. But the airplane cabin was quiet, and all the other passengers were busy with their things.

The girl picked up her phone and looked at the screen, but nothing seemed unusual. She started to relax, thinking it was just her mind playing a trick or something. Her phone begins to scroll to the first sentences appearing in front of her vision. She screamed as the sentences turned to bloody characters


A young male student sat alone in a Chinese classroom among students, scrolling mindlessly through his phone. Suddenly, he felt a cold gust of wind brush against his cheek, causing him to shiver. At the same time, he hears his name called by a classmate. He looked around, but the classroom was normal, with students going about their day.

Just as he was about to return his attention to his phone, a black demonic-clawed hand shot forward from the phone screen, long black-red fingers stretched, and grabbed his neck. The student tried to scream, but the hand squeezed the neck tighter, chucking his air supply.

He struggled to break free, but the hand was too strong, and he could see on the phone screen a demonic skull head with wide, skully teeth smiling slowly, pulling up its ugly head towards him like a man using a rope to climb a wall..


The girl in the airplane looked at the screen, screaming, and out of nowhere, a demonic hand emerged from the depths of her phone screen and grabbed her by the neck.

Panicked, the girl tried to scream, but no sound came out. She quickly threw her phone across the cabin, hoping to get rid of the demonic hand. But to her horror, the hand elongated from the phone, still holding her neck.

Her eyes widened in terror as she looked at the woman in a red wedding dress crawling out of her phone. In an instant, the plane was filled with rivers of blood pouring out of the phone as she materialized in the middle of the plane. The compasses of the plane's electronic system malfunctioned, and a sudden thunderstorm accompanied by dark clouds overshadowed the plane. As the plane flew through the thunderstorm, passengers noticed a river of blood under their shoes as it began to rise to their laps. They screamed in panic.

The entire plane was covered in red blood water, and passengers could not breathe as the water overshadowed their heads. They begin to drown and die in the bloody water.

"May day may day, this is the fly Emirates. We have a situation," the pilots call for help as they see an avalanche of bloody water overrun the plane.

The plane instantly begins to descend on a collision course.

It was a bright and sunny day in the city of New York, and the streets were bustling with people going about their daily business. Suddenly, a loud explosion filled the air, and the ground shook violently. People looked up to see a passenger plane careening out of control towards the city, and at the same time, bloody water rained on parts of the city.

Panic set in as people began to scatter, running in all directions. Screams, wails, and the sound of shattering glass filled the air. The plane engine is engulfed in flames as it hits a tower block, causing an enormous explosion. sending debris and flames soaring into the sky as the plane crashes into a city building.


A heated shockwave erupts rapidly, and people on the run from the crashing plane find themselves lifted into the air and slammed against the ground.

The heat from the flames could be felt from blocks away as people stood in shock and disbelief. The crash site was now a massive inferno, with flames and smoke blocking out many of the streets.




The man on the train saw a demonic-clawed hand slowly emerge from inside his phone screen.

"Kkkkyyaaaaah! He throws his phone to the ground; however, a demonic hand grabs him by the neck with a fierce grip.

A river of blood is streaming out of the phone and into the train.

Panicked, the man tried to scream, but his voice was stuck in his throat. He knew he had to act quickly, so he kicked his phone away from him across the train compartment, hoping to get rid of the demonic hand; however, nothing had changed except that the hand remained elongated from his phone, stretched from the far distance where his phone lay attached to his neck.

He looked around frantically, but no one seemed to notice what was happening.

The man tried to scream, but the hand squeezed harder, cutting off his air supply. Panic set in as he realized he was trapped, surrounded by oblivious passengers.

The train sped on, and the man felt himself slipping away as the demonic grip tightened further.

He struggled to break free, but the hand was too strong. The other commuters continued to go about their business, unaware of the horror playing out right in front of them.

As the train rumbled along the tracks, people began to notice a lot of water-turned blood beneath their shoes. They whispered in fear that something was wrong. Something was amiss. And then they saw her—the woman in red. She appeared suddenly, seeming to materialize out of thin air amid the passengers. Passenger shock jumped in panic away from her.

A skeletal demon, dressed in a blood-red wedding dress that flowed around her like a ripple on a calm lake, stood in the middle of the train before them

Her face was a grotesque mockery of human features, with empty sockets where eyes should have been and bony limbs that seemed to stretch out endlessly.

At first, people simply stared in disbelief. But the demon turned her skeletal face towards them, sending the passengers into hysteria. They clutched at each other, hands shaking with fear, as they realized there was no escaping the demon's reach.

Some attempted to run away, scrambling up the aisles of the train; others hurled themselves through open windows, crashing onto the tracks below.

But the skeletal demon was unfazed. Her mouth opened wide, and a loud, hollowed scream vibrated into the train while her skeletal hand elongated and moved with a terrifying speed. Almost instantly, a claw talon slashed the neck of a passenger, and windows were tainted in the splash of blood.

One by one, the passenger's body begins to shrink, with their flesh drying up to the bones and their eyeballs falling out of their sockets. Others, not yet caught by the scream, were horrified as they ran to the other cabin.

As the train roared on, carrying them away to their known destination,. They were trapped, at the mercy of a creature beyond comprehension. As the light faded from their eyes, the demon continued to scream, her blood-red dress flowing around her like a river of blood inside the train.

Suddenly, the train shuttered and jolted up, causing everyone to lose their footing while floating in the air.

Pandemonium broke out as the train began to sway, like a drunkard staggering across the platform. People screamed and shouted as they tried to find something to hold onto, but it was useless. The train careened off the tracks, sending a shower of sparks shooting into the air as it tumbled towards the ground.

The sound of metal grinding against metal was deafening as the train slammed into the ground, sending dirt and debris flying in all directions. The impact was so strong that the entire station shook, causing the surrounding buildings to tremble and collapse to the ground.


Slowly, the male student tries to pull away the demonic hand. His scream grabs the attention of his classmates. While some students tried to pull him away from the hand, Other students used classroom bats to slam against the hand; however, he felt himself along with the classroom slipping away as the demonic grip tightened further.

The classroom grew darker, and the students in the classroom realized with growing horror that they were being dragged into a phone itself.

In a last desperate effort to escape, he reached out and grabbed hold of the phone's edge, but it was no use. The demonic hand yanked him inside along with the classroom, and the phone fell to the floor with a loud clatter, its screen cracked and lifeless.


Somewhere in Seoul at the same hour, he was on a grand stage, basking in the applause and adoration of his devoted fans. A renowned Korean super singer named Joon-ho captivated audiences with his melodic performances, enchanting voice, and charismatic stage presence.

As the spotlight illuminated Joon-ho, he took a deep breath, preparing to deliver another captivating performance. The music began to play, and his voice soared through the air, filling the concert hall with a mesmerizing melody. The crowd was spellbound, their eyes fixed on him, and their hearts swelled with emotion.

As the music reached its crescendo and Joon-ho's voice reached its peak, an unexpected interruption occurred. The crowd watched in shock as Joon-ho's hand trembled as he felt something—a demonic hand that was not his stretching out from his front pocket, like a woman making love caressing a naked body—it stretched out, rubbing his t-shirt chest up the way to his neck, and at the same time, feeling the movement of a stream of water pouring into his pants to the ground. He screams and shouts, trying to fend off the hand. The hand receded into the phone.

"What the hell?" Curiosity tinged with a hint of apprehension, and he couldn't resist reaching for his phone in that pocket.

With trembling hands, he slowly pulled it out, his eyes widening as he saw a stream of blood pouring out of his phone screen. It seems a portal was created, and an eerie red eye emanates from the depths of the screen, staring back at him with a devilish smile. Before he could comprehend what was happening, the grotesque demonic hand emerged from the depths of his phone, latching onto his neck with a grip of pure malevolence.

A gasp escaped Joon-ho's lips as he instinctively flung the possessed device away, desperately trying to free himself from the clutches of the demonic hand.

The phone crashed onto the stage, its impact causing a dramatic spray of sparks and shattered glass. Suddenly, the demonic hand from within the depths of the phone lifts the phone and then begins to crawl with its five fingers like a human walking, and then it jumps simultaneously into the air. The hand grabs the neck of Joon-ho.

In that fleeting moment, the air in the concert hall became charged with tension. Murmurs of confusion and fear rippled through the audience, their faces reflecting a mix of terror and disbelief. The demon, freed from the confines of the phone, materialized into a horrifying form in her red wedding dress with flaming candle sticks on top of her head right before their eyes. The stream of water turned into blood streaming out from the stage to the ground.

"Is this some kind of stage show? What's going on?" The audience panicked as they watched the demon with icy eyes and twisted horns hidden inside her long hair, The demon stood tall, its dark presence casting a red shadow over the once-glamorous stage. The demon's voice echoes through the mic close to her in front of the audience.

Her hysterical laughter and voices of a thousand witches singing poetry. The crowd stops to listen as they hear the demon's voice saying.

"Arts is such a fickle thing."

"Art requires a certain cruelty."

"Art must exist beyond reason."

"Art is worth the pain."

Her head and claws moved demonically as she continued to sing.

"Art shall blossom from your fear,"

"Terror and screams bring i both."

Chaos ensued as a multitude of people began to scramble to escape; their panic and fear filled the hall. The demonic right hand held the star while Joon-ho's bodyguards chased after the demon, aiming their guns, but with a hollow scream, their bodies were mummified to their bones, and their eyes fell out. The audience's screams grew louder as they ran from the terror. Her voice continued through the mic.

"You shall learn what beauty truly is,"

"Through my work, you shall transcend for",

More men of Joon-ho's bodyguards run towards the demon to free him from the grabs; however, torrents of their blood paint the air across the stage.

"I bring them salvation, an opera of death.".

"A costume, some makeup, a spray of blood.".

"Now that the curtain rises, our performance begins."

"The stage is set; my audience, death waits",

"I breathe in the fearful atmosphere; I never hurt anyone",

"It is only the performance that kills. I am at my best only during the" performance. ."

As her demonic voice continued its poetry through the air, the audience running away could experience a shadow of death taking them away as their bodies began to be mummified to their bones at that position where they were.

The world watched on public TV and phones as bodies stopped in a static position.

"I swear each performance is my last, but I lie every time. hahahahah"

"I face the crowd, and I bleed for them."

'They call me mad; all Artists are mad'',

"In carnage, I bloom like a flower in the dawn."

The live stream and TV channels watched as the demon pulled Jo-hoon's face closer to hers, and she hallowed and screamed into his face, and his life force began to drain, with his flesh drying up to his bones.

"Death is certain, but killing doesn't have to be ugly."

Suddenly, the scene along with the bodies of the dead mummified across the stage began to disappear into the Alex Bloody Webtoon web comics panels updating live death events across the world, and the web novels began to write up scene sentences by themselves, updating written chapters after chapters into web novel Bloody webtoon. Every individual watching on their screen began to see a window status pop up and an alphabet lettering in the air.




As the world experienced a series of bizarre occurrences, Alex sat on the floor of the restaurant covered in blood, staring in shock as the demon slowly vanished into Sandra's phone tablet screen, pulling Sarah into the phone tablet, leaving behind only bloody water and hysterical laughter.

The dark energy dissipated within minutes, but the aftermath of the demon's actions remained. Alex could see the devastation and death caused by the demon on Sandra's phone tablet screen, which displayed web comic art panels and novel scripts constantly updating scenes after scenes with scenes of train accidents, plane crashes, and other tragedies into a chapter of bloody webtoon. Alex realized that the death he had witnessed was a result of his web comics and novels, and he felt guilt and responsibility for the chaos.

At the same time, emergency responders, firefighters, medical personnel's policemen, and bystanders surveyed the crash scenes. As the illustrations on Sandra's phone began to update the crashed scene into the web comic and the novel story, at the same time the crash scenes began to glitch like a computer glitch malfunctioning, and suddenly the airplane and dead people disappeared from the scene right in front of the emergency responder's eyes and bystanders watching the horrible scene.

The bus, train, and other deadly event scenes associated with Bloody martha glitched and disappeared into thin air. The people and cops were shocked by the occurrences they just witnessed. While they thought it was all over,. The people at the crash site began to point their fingers in a direction at a bizarre scene.

A status window pops up, and strange red alphabetic letters appear in the mid air in all scenes, accompanied by a bloody message reading

"To be continued."

As the letters vanished, Alex contemplated the destruction caused by his web comic novel. The people in the restaurant disappeared, and Alex was left alone to witness the eerie message floating in front of his eyes.

Alex was staring at the phone tablet, looking at the death tow as his web comic and the novel platform continued to update death scenes. Tears streamed through his eyes as he saw his classmate and friend Michael among piles of bodies inside the bus in form of an art illustration.

Outside the restaurant, a number of police cars and armored swat looking police team dressed in black armored to the teeth, holding heavy assault rifles, were rushing towards Alex in the restaurant. He was alone in the restaurant with his uniform decorated in blood.

'Why am I the only one alive''? Shouted Alex Walker, the web comic once again updated with the stage death.

thank u for reading....your comments greatly appreciated

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