

join Harry as he adventures through canon so that he can live in peace and debauchery

freakofntur · Livres et littérature
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10 Chs

bunking school

AN- how did you guys like my mobile wizard tower. if I was a FATE/Type Moon character I would have gained territory creation skill😅


Sirius has not only been learning these spells, but also going through Hogwarts school course for transfiguration. while performing magic in dog form, he happend upon a realisation with magic and created a spell by mixing protego(shield) charm and blade ward(armour) spell, which is transfiguration. he can now create magic shield that can even Stop unforgivable by turning air it occupies into light solids, whose particals explode and disperse among themselves like powered cloud. this means that unlike any solid transfiguration which explodes upon impact with an unforgivable, this shield is only disrupted a little before replenishing so long as it is actively supplied manna.

he is only studying so that he can defend his research paper and not come out as a Buffon due to his time in Askaban. he didn't like studying, but if he can get any mastery,I can become his apprentice and avoid Hogwarts. there will be some question of his mental state after Askaban and my making friends my own age, but they have no legal grounds to stop it. it would mean that I can learn what I want at my place.

with me studying with him in our collaboration ritual casting mode, we can learn spells much faster and then master them on our own.

he gets his dual mastery in charms and transfiguration with ease. this spell has already made him famous as first reliable spell that can actually stop any unforgivables cast in barrage. he has volunteered to personally give lessons to aurors if he could get a teaching certificate from Department of Magical Education. it will legitimatise my apprenticeship more when we reveal it. considering unforgivables are illegal and powerful spell, it's users are almost always criminal, hence it can be considered a great achivement for former auror to come up with its counter and teach it to next-generation.

he already has the sympathy of public due to his unfair conviction, admiration of women as lord black, most eligible bachelor in town. now he has everybody's respect for getting over his circumstances and making the world a better, safer place for them. I got to meet a lot of magicals as sirius finally started to attend more party's with me attending as his godson and apprentice. he would always bring a women or few back to our yacht. they all pampered me next morning after they come limping from Sirius's room. I'm not gonna complain, with the look of harvest waiting to happen that some of these give me, and I'm only waiting on a Bonner, as soon as I get one, I'm going wild baby.

anyway, we spend my 11th birthday at dursleys, so that I can tell my cousin, aunt and uncle goodbye. I've practically raised Dudley so we are pretty close. every since sirius got a reputation boost I could live with him instead of dursleys, but I've still kept a lot of stuff here in my room, today I plan to pack up to let them have a free room for whatever they may want. my aunt and I share hobbies in cooking and gardening and after magic, I've made atmosphere in this house permanently serene. so we were atleast friends. as I'm packing I get a owl knocking at my window, it seems my Hogwarts letter is here. I resend the owl with a letter informing them of my apprenticeship and that it intails me following sirius and learning from him, instead of traditional schooling.

I have no interest in going to school with eleven year olds. I liked the fantastic beast movie much better than Harry Potter series anyway. I will roam the world in my yacht and learn exotic magic, meet new races and discover magical secrets. I am specially interested in seeing different magical creatures in their habitats , add different plants to my greenhouse. I will look into simulating different habitats for more types of plants, there is already a swimming area in greenhouse . if I can setup a eco system there, qi could probably maintain it with even lesser effort. it is so big its like a beach, with same steps leading underwater. specially with qi simulating environment on algae on wall as screen.

I can simulate dessert in such sand for any magical cactus or such.

after in packed up, I go to the yacht that looks like a pick to truck right now. I load my stuff and get on the passenger seat wearing my seatbelt. Sirius is on driver seat and he wears his sunglasses and starts the car. both of us smirking thinking of the adventure we are about to have. before that though, we have a meeting with Horace slughorn.

I need a potions master's guidance to really delved into the art. he seems just like a beta male to go along with all of sirius and mine fun, but still be level headed. we've got money and we've got fame. we plan to go on adventures like in books, and he may get to write those books, hence having editorial control to inflate his contribution to the adventures. Plus I want to set him up as center for any contact that Dumbledore may initiate so nither I nor sirius have to bother with it, he will act as eyes for Dumbledore for information regarding us as I'm sure he won't leave us alone. I will ofcourse limit what he relays, he is a slytherin after all, he understands what needs to be filtered.

convincing him was very easy, considering sirius is always on the news and I'm the boy who lived. he was very accommodating. he agreed to have a room in magically extended part of green house beyond the muggle layout. we mostly keep them different only do that sirius(and me when I can) can bring muggle girls over for parties as well, but he has no interest in women without magic. he may not be too discriminatory against muggle born wizards and witches, but he still see everything without magic as inferior version of a magical thing. one of the reasons he joined our ship is because of how impressed he was with magical greenhouse, and the magical painting of his favourite muggle born student that controls this ship. he is often seen taking to I'm impression of qi ,claiming to be magical painting, with whole ship as it's canvas, so she can be visible in any of ships wall.

it was on our first stop in Greece in veela colony that it first felt my Bonner(week after my 11th birthday), I lost my virginity in a veela ritual to another coming of age (14) veela called Sophia. the ritual works best with lovers, but 14 year old veela often do this as coming of age ceremony with any consenting male, due to in past lovers abusing bonds these rituals form. without love, ritual still gives better physique (beauty), better control over fire and wind , but these are downgraded much due to lack of love.

to solve this I provided my own plants for ritual ingredients, so that if they are taken in enough quantity, qi can possess us. due to me not knowing Sophia as much, we didn't trust each other enough for qi to just possess her. but when I'm having sex with her, she can easily possess our union and take care of the ritual. she is embodiment of Lily's love and I truly do love her, I wouldn't want my first time to be without her at least being part of it in any capacity she can.

qi basically helps us dual cultivate using chakra meditation as base, and my bond with her is strengthened much more as part of this ritual. because of my cultivation, by the time I came, Sophia had already came 4 times. due to qi's possession, she will have no bruises and due to dual cultivation she will have much more physical strength and vitality. due to ritual, her vagina has turned into perfect shape for my pleasure and although she is not beholden to me, I'm guessing that no other man can satisfy her now, any other dick, larger(I'm 11) or smaller , or even same size will not feel as comfortable or pleasurable although they might still bring her to orgasm but nowhere as intense as I. we have also formed a weak bond that we have complete control over to strengthen or weaken it. we only have that control as side effect of dual cultivation.i may not know everything about her, but I can get her vibe and I dig it.


AN - next chapter will be time skip. I want to issue a challenge for fillers of what happens during this time skip, next chapter he will be 14 but look like adult due to cultivation, he will be a Playboy as soon as he can get a Bonner, he doesn't care about morals of it so much. as for slughorn. I expect him to be easy going regarding our vice and even participate when we go to magical parties.

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I have 2 other books one both si

-one piece

-warhammer fantasy (total war)

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