

join Harry as he adventures through canon so that he can live in peace and debauchery

freakofntur · Livres et littérature
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10 Chs


every since equinox came into my life, I've been playing life in easy mode. equinox, or as I call call her, qi is the manifestation of bold wards as a red ghost in image of my mum. only magically can see her and I think Dudley might be a squib cause he can feel her presence but not really see her. she is now powered through plants in garden and can also control them. she is my mother, my partner, my only companion in this wonderful world. qi can possess me and suddenly my magic goes skyrocket, I have more of it and better control over it.

I named her after an oriental flower called spider red Lily, also called equinox flower. she is afterall an impresion of Lily Potter, from Harry's prospective. and her possession allows me to do magic at level I had seen lily potter do in Harry's memories. considering Potter family's playful nature, this mainly meant transfiguration of small objects to toys and a lot of fun charms. only limitation is that she can only possess me when I'm home, or more accurately, near garden. her range has been increasing at slow rate and at this point it covers a few neighbouring houses.

after getting familiar with transfiguration and few charms under possession, I could do them without possession, although at much smaller scale and with much less detail. still, this meant that under possession I could transfigure something more powerfully to stay changed for long, come out of possession and leave the home with that item. effects of possession magic lasted beyond the possession itself.

one of the biggest gains I have gained from qi (equinox), is that through plants, she can absorb nutrients and channel them to me. when under possession, I can even grab a piece of meat or vegetables and just directly absorb it's nutrients. hopefully I can remove the need to touch for this, but I think offensively I can use this as drain life and drain vigour spell. and due to magical nature of my plants and the fact that qi is an entity seperate from its magical source (plants), they can basterdize this spell to cast drain magic. I can't cast drain magic yet, but I have made some progress in it. but whenever I cast it, I drain magic but don't receive it in my core (my source of magic) but rather store it in my blood. hopefully I can learn to absorb magic from my blood to my core soon.

but there are definate benifits of having magic rich blood. I have visible control over my body functions. this will even be more useful once I hit puberty yet, even now I can increase my metabolism, growth rate and faster nervous interface. I know any sports to visible or where I am too much in eyes of even competitors, would not be something dursly's would approve of. I had made a sort of nany like position in the household. I would be responsible for Dudley. so I can get a few privileges that Dudley gets. one of them is a gym club. although due to my age, they didn't have to pay anything as it charges for membership of family's rather than individuals. they did have to declare me family so I could come in with them and take care of Dudley when petunia and Vernon wanted some alone time in the club. now I could have came in disguise with qi changing me at home ,but I really wanted to practice in my own body. I would send an illusion attached to a bracelet I gave to Dudley, whose meger squib magic is just enough to allow me and qi to set up a bracelet enchanted so that it takes nutrients in his blood and convert it to magic to power illusion of me with him. and spend all of my time in the swimming pool, doing different strokes to exercise different parts of body. due to my magic rich blood, I could already surpass most athletic adults, by the time I hit puberty,I would have already surpassed Michael Phelps, and by the time I'm adult, I expect to be superhuman, if I keep up with the intensity of the exercise.I was so focused on improving physically that I started sending illusion with Dudley to school and came to club to spend all my days swimming with different strokes.

the bracelet we gave Dudley itself took years of work. it is a result of my experiments with drain magic. I could drain magic and absorb it into my blood, but not core, so I devised a way to use magic in my blood to perform magic rather than core. this was time consuming but got easier as I persisted as I had an example in qi. she was blood magic incarnate. before she was shifted into plants, she was powered by my blood. she could perform magic even though she doesn't have much magic of her own, other than what keeps her, well her. rest of what she can do is powered by plants or me when I'm possessed. so I just had to learn and observe how her magic worked to do magic powered by my magic rich blood. once I achieved that, enchanting a bracelet to do the same but from blood of my cousin, who has barely any magic was tough. in the end, I found that feeding him a few fruits and veggies allowed the bracelet to have enough power to keep my illusion near Dudley for 2 hours. after that, a few cooking experiments and experiment with fermentation and preservation (drying) of these fruits with magic. I came up with a recipe for proteen bar for Dudley, rich in nutrients and magic. this allowed bracelet to power for 6 hours, beyond that at cost of nutrients and even more would start hurting Dudley. I made them in a few flavours and Dudley respected my authority enough that, when my illusion reminded him at every 4 hours to eat his proteen bar, he is happy to. even the nutrients are showing it's magic as Dudley is much fitter. although this also has something to do with tennis games that my illusion has signed him for at the club.

by the time I reach age 9, I feel like my blood is rich enough, from eating magic rich proteen bars myself, and from heavy exercise, that I feel that I have two compleat and independent sources of magic. one is blood other is my core. My particular blood magic is especially attuned to abjuration (defensive-ward) magic, due to nature of my mother's sacrifice. while my core is pretty versatile as all magic is. I can still do other magic with my blood but not as efficiently. the only reason I and qi could put those enchantment on Dudley's bracelet was because Dudley was my blood (cousin) and because we attuned illusion to Protect and care for Dudley as a nany would. after adding this intent only could we get efficient enough bracelet.

but abjuration is already a wide field and as the bracelet proves, it can empower other magic as long as intent of protection can be applied. if in case I'm attacked, and I think best defence is good offence, that I could only protect myself or others by attacking, I can even increase effectiveness of my offensive magic through blood magic. i was already thinking of dnd spells from abjuration that I could use, prime among them shield, a first level spell in dnd that you cast as reaction it make it so as if you we holding an invisible shield. it is similar to how portego spell works in Harry Potter. I wonder if I can get cantrips blade ward (resistance to physical attacks) and resistance (helps with saving throws, hence magic resistance) . although they need proactive effort, if I can train them like shield spell, to use reactively as reaction rather than proactively as action I would became instantly tanky.

but those can't be achieved right now without possession, due to my lack of control over magic. it is improving though. to overcome this and to overcome my biggest weakness yet, that my possession is reliant upon me being near home. my blood is now powerful enough that it can sustain and evolve qi on its own now, we both will have access to less magic as she will use my blood magic to sustain herself and some constant enchantment for my body. she is literally my blood magic incarnate and my mother's protection incarnate, so she didn't take much magic to sustain,but I really have been unable to do some enchantment magic due to lack of possession and hence control, these enchantment not only increase my body functions to above humans like just enriching my blood does, but also added together have a cultivation like effect, where it increases my overall stamina, magic, health and all physical aspects over time. I really have named her well. she is qi, my blood energy and her constant presence already gives me enough control to keep cultivating passively, this means that to gain benifits of possession and it's high control of magic can only be heading off I choose to stop cultivating.

now my blood is cultivating my magic and body, and when it's not, it is giving me more control over my magic than any wand would, maybe more.

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