
Bloody Paws

Aurora grew up in a village with traditions and customs far beyond her imagination. Unlike the villager's Aurora believed the traditions of the village were urban myths until she got caught in the middle. When a stranger kidnapped and asked for her hand in marriage for saving his life. But the girl saved an injured wolf on a rainy night, not a man. So who was the stranger? Read to find out. Link to my discord https://discord.gg/t3afJdCX

Sashae4l · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
32 Chs

Chapter 13

He pulled away from her and straightened his posture when the bell dangled above the wooden door. Aurora used the distraction as an opportunity to scurry as far away from her perverted employer. She rounded the counter and plastered a fake smile on her lips as she greeted the customer. But inside she was trembling like a leaf.

A woman who seemed to be in her late fifties strolled into the tiny shop. A broad smile plastered over her lips. She was oblivious to what was taking place. She even failed to take notice of Aurora's discomfort. Her gaze landed on her employer.

"Mr. Rogan." She said smiling over at the man.

"Mrs. V." He smiled over at her. "Looking as young as ever."

She giggled like a schoolgirl and her cheeks turned a shade of pink. "It's all good food and great exercise, my dear. You should try it out yourself." She eyed him up and down but her smile never faltered but his smile did. He excused himself afterward when an awkward silence fell between the two.

Aurora wanted to rush over to the lady and embrace her with a big warm hug. Despite just meeting the lady, she felt grateful that she saved her from the monster. But apart from that, she knew that Mrs.V wouldn't be able to save her life all the time from Mr.Rogan. She had to come up with other alternatives to protect herself from the man.

She happily assisted the old lady with her order and bid her goodbye. The moment Mrs.V left the shop, she began to drift away in her thoughts. Working for Mr.Rogan had helped her so much despite being stingy. He could have rejected her the moment she asked for a job but instead, he hired her. But somehow things went downhill. Aurora didn't think working for Mr.Rogan was safe anymore.

But how would she pay for her mother's medications?

How will she pay the taxes?

Her head felt as if it would explode any minute. Questions appeared one after the next without her having even the slightest clue how to answer them. Aurora knew that if she continued to work for the man he wouldn't stop taking advantage of her. Who knew how far the man was willing to take it? She knew if she opened her mouth about it no one would believe her.

Maybe her sister was right after all. She was young and their mother should care for them. She tried her very best to warn her about things like these. But she pretended to know what was best and went off on her own.

Mr.Brian had left her with no options open for her to choose. He was forcing her without her will to do things she was not ready for. Right before the old lady entered the shop he was trying to say something to her but he got distracted by the bell on the door. She didn't regret Mrs. V's presence she appreciated the fact that she appeared in time. Who knew what Mr.Rogan was about to do to her.

She worked her brain to think about what he wanted to say. "I want you to be my" She rested her head against the counter and thought. " Be my what?"

She worked her brain to the max but she couldn't think clearly. A thunder rolled shaking the entire building and bringing her from her thoughts. She could hear the rain droplets against the building top.


Her boss appeared from the storage room and headed towards the shop door with a yellow umbrella in his grasp. He turned to look at her and said. "Have a great evening Ms.Clause and don't forget to think about what I said."

She lifted her head from her palm and furrowed her eyebrows. " What are you talking about?"

He twisted the doorknob after putting on his coat from the clothes rack and said. " I am generous enough to offer your broken family a huge amount of money Aurora. But only if you become my mistress." He said before he left.

Her mouth fell open like a fish out of water. Maybe she didn't hear what he had just said to her. She was overthinking, her employer didn't just ask her to become his mistress.

She had a hard time processing the information. But she knew the words left his mouth. What was wrong with men nowadays? She thought to herself. Every man that sets eyes upon her tries to take advantage of her because she appeared fragile. She thought kicking her boss in the private area would have done him good but it did not.

She grabbed her cloak from the clothes rack and placed it around her shoulders and covered her head with the hood. She turned off the lights and closed the shop.

She was greeted by the heavy downpour of rain and the whistling of the wind. In a matter of seconds, her garments were soaked and felt heavy against her body. She struggled to walk against the raging wind that was blowing towards her. Her teeth chattered together more and more of the ice-cold water poured down on her from the skies. The defending sound of thunder rolled followed by the flashing of lightning.

Her hair caked to her face and her vision blurred due to the excessive amount of water that ran down on her face. The nights' sky was covered by dark angry clouds which hid away the moon. She found it difficult to see ahead of herself since she didn't have a torch. Her shoes got stuck multiple times in the mud. She couldn't see her state but she knew she looked horrible.

Another thunder rolled startling her, which resulted in her taking a few steps backward, stumbling over a piece of log she fell backward and rolled down a hill. A loud squeal left her lips when her forehead collided on the edge of a rock and she lost consciousness.

Tell me in the review what you think of this story. And again I wonder why no one is even reviewing.

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