

What if Izuku had a Blood Quirk. Villain Fan-Fic.

Ura_Chan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

Ch-1- Awakening: Bloodwork

Pairing: Toga x Izuku

A young child was born, a child with green hair, and red eyes. The child was in the arms of his mother a women with dark green hair and eyes, the women was named Inko Midoriya was kind and caring.

The newborn baby was named Izuku Midoriya, he did not cry or wail. The boy was calm which was strange, the doctors examined him and noticed an anomaly in the boys blood.

The boy's blood was thick like tar but could become more fluid as well, the doctors chalked it up to being a case of the quirk awakening when born. This case was rare but not impossible.

The name of the quirk would be determined when the boy had somewhat control of his quirk.



Izuku was now four and his quirk fully manifested one day while shopping with his mother. While walking in the meat products section, blood came from the meat and rapidly surrounded Izuku engulfing him in a sphere of blood.

Inko panicked and tried to put her hands in the sphere of blood for her precious child but was stopped as it hardened then right after dropped and became fluid like again as Izuku passed out.

After Izuku woke up Inko brought him to the quirk doctor and after a few tests with his quirk they found out that he can manipulate blood, but they can't gauge how much and the degree of blood he can manipulate.

They also found out that since his awakening he has had a pull towards blood and to get him signed up for a blood donation package for blood related quirks and that it may grow stronger with time.

The quirks name will be called Bloodwork as the quirk manipulates blood to an unknown extent.

A few years passed and Izuku was now eight and was getting picked on in class because he had an incident where his quirk activated and an injured kid who was rough housing lost blood which caused him to faint. The bullies consisted of kids in his class and someone he used to call his best friend Katsuki Bakugou.

Katsuki Bakugou grew up with Izuku and were close until they both got their quirks. Izuku having Bloodwork and Katsuki having Explosions, Katsuki called Izuku's mother aunt and vice versa.

Izuku found himself crying at the park near his school as a young girl around his age walked up to him.

"Hello there i'm Himiko Toga, but you can call me Toga" the young girl said as she sat next to the crying Izuku.

"H-hello I-I'm Izuku Midoriya, b-but you can call me Izuku" Izuku replied while sniffiling.

"Why are you crying?" Toga inquired.

"I'm being picked on because of my q-quirk, they say it's scary and call me names"

"That's no fun, I know how you feel, I get picked on because of my quirk as well since mine is blood related in a way." Toga replied to help show that Izuku isn't alone in is struggles.

"S-same, my quirk i-is blood related as well, I can manipulate blood but I am not allowed to practice with it since I'll probably hurt someone" Izuku replied.

"Well, lets be freaks together" Toga said as a big grin appeared on her face.

Izuku went home to see writing on the front of his door. 'die', 'demon', 'leave and don't return'.

He sighed as he walked into his house, he left straight into his room and started writing in his 'How many friends I have book' and placed a one as his second entry, the first being Bakugou but was crossed out.

Izuku then grabbed his quirk analysis book number two and titled a page called 'Toga/Transformation blood quirk.' Izuku then put his book away and went to sleep.

It was dark and the door to Izuku's room was opened with an alluring ball of light coming from it. He got up and left his room, the light heading towards his mothers room, Izuku reached his mothers door to find it locked as he tried to open it his feet started getting wet.

Confused Izuku looked down to see a pool of red liquid, Izuku screamed but then composed himself and used his quirk to see if said liquid was blood. It was.

Izuku used his quirk and condensed the blood into a ball and smashed down his mothers door then ran inside, the corpse of his mother was hanging from the ceiling, battered, bruised, and pale. Izuku fainted after screaming.

Mitsuki heard the scream and rushed over to Izuku's house and called the authorities, once they arrived they broke the door down and entered to see Izuku passed out and a dead women on the floor laying next to him.

Izuku woke up in a hospital bed surrounded by Mitsuki Bakugou, policemen and heroes.

"W-what happened, where am i?"

"You are in the hospital, do you remember what happened?" a man in a beige trench coat and top hat questions.

"uhhhh...MY MOTHER, IS SHE ALRIGHT" Izuku yelled as he remembered.

"No, your mother has passed away and we are hoping to ask you what you remembered." the man said again.

"S-she's dead..." Izuku looked down and started weeping, this carried on for an hour and the heroes, policemen and Mitsuki let him cry as they knew the situation for the boy.

An hour passed and the policemen asked Izuku what happened, Izuku told him about the ball of light that lured him to his mothers door and how a pool of blood came out from under the door, he said he used his quirk to figure out if it was truly blood which it was, and used it to break the locked door down.

The man nodded and thanked Izuku, then left the room followed by the heroes leaving Mitsuki and Izuku alone.

"I-Izuku, I wish I was there to help, I am so sorry" Mitsuki said as she hugged him.

"It's fine auntie, I just don't know what's gonna happen" Izuku said as he hugged back.

Mitsuki broke off the hug and looked at him in the eyes.

"Live with me and Katsuki, please Izuku"

"I love you auntie, but me and Kacchan aren't really friends anymore-" Izuku stated, trailing off at the end.

"What do you mean you aren't friends?" Mitsuki looked at him with questioning eyes.

"A-after I got m-my quirk Kacchan started to... not be friends with me"

"B-because of your quirk, he stopped being friends with you... I'M GONNA BEAT THAT LITTLE RUNT WHEN I GET HOME" Mitsuki exploded causeing a nurse to come in and ask her to be quiet. They both sweat dropped.

"U-uhm, sorry for getting loud there, but please consider it, you will be allowed to go home, everything has been... cleaned up" Mitsuki said as she left giving one last hug. She had a certain blonde to reprimand.

Izuku was prepared to walk home but found out there was a police officer to take him home, if he wanted to. Izuku got home and stood in front of his mothers room, yes the place was 'cleaned' up but the smell of blood was still there for Izuku and the damages of course were not fixed.

Izuku found himself going into his room to sleep as it was getting late, Izuku didn't go to school the next day but instead went to the park where he met Toga.

"Hello there fellow freak" Toga came up and sat down next to Izuku as he was sitting on the bench of said park.

"I'm gonna run away, I have no where to go" Izuku stated, confidence and determination emanating from his voice.

"Why is that Izu-kun" Toga said as she got up and bent down towards Izuku's face.

"It hasn't been told on the news yet since this has just happened but, my mother died and I am not gonna bother my auntie, with having to wipe words 'demon' and 'die' off of her own door because of me." Izuku stated quietly but enough for Toga to hear.

"I-I'm sorry to hear that, but you also get called that huh, i get called a bloodsucker as well... You know what, I will go with you, is that alright Izu-kun" Toga said, starling Izuku.

"You get called similar names huh, well lets go together then, lets be together from now on, just us" Izuku said causing Toga to blush, but Izuku being oblivious to what he said could also mean.

"O-okay, lets meet here tomorrow around the same time, it's not like we will be missed." Toga said with a smile and a blush.

"You alright? You're red, are you sick?" Izuku said while touching Toga's forehead for a temperature.

"Y-Y-Y-YES I AM PERFECTLY FINE" Toga replied pushing Izuku away and running away yelling that she would see him tomorrow.


*6 Years later*


Izuku was now fourteen and living on the street, at the start Izuku didn't want to steal from others but found out it had to be a necessity to survive, especially with two people being Toga and himself.

Izuku began stealing and knew what he was doing was not 'hero like' or good but he found it to himself to 'kill' what made him think what was right and wrong in order to survive. Izuku began getting into riskier jobs for criminal organizations such as the Yakuza, a organization that had existed for a long time but overshadowed by 'villain' groups that emerged due to societal changes.

Izuku started as low level member and worked his way up into an underling and was assigned a specific job. The job was a project the new leader of the Yakuza Chisaki or as he liked to be called Overhaul, the job was a protect and secure job with 'minimal' risks.

That was how Izuku got into this mission, a mission to secure a container and protect it until Chisaki got there, Izuku heard noises from the container but what got his attention was crying, crying of a child. Sure he was apart of the Yakuza but the old leaders traditions never got children around the ages of eight to ten involved, especially kidnapping and smuggling.

Before Izuku could contemplate what he heard was a child, explosions went off from the the eastern side of the dock he was positioned at, Toga wasn't with him as she was at their little hideout not having any jobs today.

This is my first MHA/BNHA fanfic, I know i was supposed to be writing Reincarnated into the mist, but i was busy going camping and i was given inspiration for this. It will be out at most a week after this is released.

Ura_Chancreators' thoughts