
Chapter Twenty-Two

Shockingly he just shook his head and pulled off. Usually, I get a controlling version of him telling him he will pick me up and that is finally. As soon as I enter the building, my boss calls me to the office. He is a fat arrogant ass slob that thinks he knows everything and does not know shit. He wears his position on his shoulders and acts as if he is better than everyone else due to him being at this company for ten plus years. No one likes him even when he was in my shoes as a customer service rep. Always so fucking arrogant. I sit down at his desk watching him in that same nasty ass red shirt that he wears so faithfully. Hair sloppy and his looks as if it will cover his face.

"You called for me Nathan."

"I need to talk to you about your numbers."

"What about them?"

"You are not making them. When I listen to your calls you do not build any rapport with the customers at all. How are you able to sell if you do not even try to connect with them. Also, every call you neve acknowledge or take ownership of what they are calling about and also you never summarize."

I just stare at him because if I speak I might lose my job. I can feel the vessel in my head about to burst.

"Anastasia what can we do to fix this?"

"Try better."

"I don't think you take this seriously. Comtrak is an organization where we provide the best customer service and pharmaceutical products at a reasonable price. We want companies to know that. When I was in your position the stakes were a lot higher. I need you to show some improvement by the end of the week."

"Yes, sir."

I get up from his desk and leave the office. When I find my way to my desk I can see my coworker Simon looking at me. He is always good for me. I know he likes me. He has a good soul, it hurts me that I cannot return the feelings he has for me. I know what kind of person I am and I know it would not end right. He will have a broken heart or torn out juggler. So I rather we just do not go that route.

"Ana is everything good?"

"Yes, just the same bullshit as always." As soon as I log into my phone, I am greeted by a belligerent customer. She is pissed that her shipment has not come in today. I have never in my life heard a doctor use vulgar language. The way she is talking to me is as if I am beneath her and cannot comprehend. I did not notice that I broke my keyboard until Simon called my name. I looked over to him and took a breath.

"I can't do this anymore."

"Excuse me?" the lady asked confused.

"All you are doing is bitching and yelling like you are going to change something. Your shit ain't coming."

As soon as I hang up the phone, I can hear my manager yelling my name.

"Oh fuck you Nathan and this job."

I grabbed my belongings and left. I contacted an Uber and headed uptown.

" You can let me out here," I advised the driver.

" Are you sure?"

"Yes." I hurried out the moment he pulled over. I start to notice that the only peace and tranquility I find is taking these walks by myself in random areas. Losing myself in thought seems to be the only human quality I have left and I wish to hold on to it as much as possible. Hopefully, Dragan doesn't try to take that from as well. I come to a complete stop when a familiar scent brushes across your nose. I look around puzzled until I find Brandon sitting in a restaurant with a woman. She looked absolutely gorgeous and rich. I watch as she continues to brush her hand on his arm and shoulder. Not sure what just happened I felt a tinge of jealousy. I have not even noticed that I snuck into the back of the restaurant until the waitress came and asked if I would like anything.

" A glass of chardonnay please." As she leaves I place the menu in front of me and hide my face. I glance over the menu to see Brandon's face four tables down. He is smiling eat to ear. If I could blush, I know for a fact my cheeks would be red with anger. Listening to this woman speak, she sounds as if she is trying to be seductive. The conversation is nothing sexual at all, instead, the conversation is about business. She is actually an art dealer and wants to sponsor his work. The waitress brings me my drink and asks if I am ready to order.

"I just prefer chardonnay. Thank you." She smiles and leaves.

Halfway through my glass, staring out the window, the waitress brings me a glass of red wine.

"I did not order this."

"The gentleman told me to give this to you when he was leaving out with the woman."

I look over to Brandon's table and noticed he was gone. Shit, he is gone. I am always getting lost in my thoughts.

"How much."

"Everything was paid for by the gentleman."

With haste, I leave and come to a complete stop when I see Brandon standing outside the restaurant. He greets me with a smile.

"I was wondering how long you were going to stay in there. Sooooooo you are stalking me now," he laughed.

"I am not stalking you," I lied.

"Then what brings you to this prestigious place."

" I was thirsty," I said walking past him and down the street.

"So you came all the way out here for one glass of chardonnay which costs over $20."

Damn that one glass. I am scared to know how much a meal cost.

" Yes and your point?"

"She did not grasp my attention at all."

I stopped, but I could not turn to look at him. " I don't know what you are talking about?"

"I know you have seen me with that gorgeous woman. She meant nothing to me. We were talking about business. I have an art show in two days that she is sponsoring. I would like for you to be there."

Before I could answer, I felt a strong impulse pulling me. Dragan is summoning me and the way this force feels it is urgent.

"Ana," he called.

"I will think about it."

" Then take this."

He grabbed my hand and placed a flyer in it with a pass.

"Just come. I want you to take a look at how I see the world."

I turn around and watch him walk over to his car. When he pulls off I quickly make my way to Dragan.