
Bloodlust King

The son of the devil and the grandson of Dracula, how lucky could you get? Alucard Ruthaven is a human-vampire hybrid living in Kingdom Vrykolakas the year 2038. His father was still human at the time when he was conceived, soon later earning the title of The Devil. Alucard has been exposed to war and figthing ever since he was born. However, he has a duty to fill, due to Dracula only having females, his second eldest daughter gave birth to a son, Dracula suggesting that he should be the next rightful one for the throne. Sadly, Dracula passes due to an old war condition shortly after Alucard was born. Years later, there is a pretender on the throne that has made Kingdom Vrykolakas a complete Hell. Now it's time for Alucard to rise up and take the throne back, by any means necessary.

Sparda_Caelum · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: New Beginnings

Alucard ran through London, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, each step being faster than the previous.

I gotta hurry Alucard thought, feeling the wind rip against his skin as he glided through the air. The weather was cold that night, and the air didn't make it better as it tugged against his skin like razor blades. But he didn't mind, he liked the cold, he always performed better when it was colder considering it was his natural Affinity. The mission he was on tonight was very big, in fact it was so big that he left without being in his complete attire. He only had on his black and grey short-sleeve hoodie and he didn't care about hiding his arm from the public tonight. He had on black cargo jeans and his arm gloves. He looked down at the street and noticed a bunch of police cars stopped ahead,

"Am I too late?", He mumbled to himself as he jumped off the building he was on, grabbing onto one of the light posts and swinging off of it at high speed, flying towards all the commotion,

"Sir! You are surrounded, let go of the woman!", A police officer said, aiming his gun along with the other police members at the suspect. They had on a black cloak that covered their face and entire body. The person had their left arm around a woman's neck, their right arm being by their side. The person stayed still until their right arm started to move, the police steadying their aim, "Stop moving or we will shoot!" The same officer announced, the person stopping briefly before their arm continued to move, but the officers unloaded their rounds at the person, only to witness their bullets all missed and every single one was caught. The person dropped them on the ground, letting out a little chuckle before their hand started to radiate a purple energy, the ground shaking beneath them. The woman let out a scream as she cried, her makeup being completely washed out due to her tears. The person started to close their hand, the energy getting brighter and stronger,

"You're mine!", Alucard shouted as he flew past the officers, a double edged short sword made out of ice materializing in his human hand and colliding it with the person's fist, creating a huge shockwave around them, sending the both of them flying opposite directions. In doing so however, the person let go of the woman and she quickly ran away,

"You little brat!...You don't know what you just did!" The person said, getting up and charging at Alucard, breaking the sound barrier as they jumped off their foot,

"Oh trust me, I know what I did. I saved her life, and now I'm taking you down" Alucard stated, pointing his sword at the person, seeing them rocketing towards him. He moved his left foot forward, a wave of ice coming out and engulfing them. The ice held up for a bit until they broke out of it and looked for Alucard but he wasn't in the same spot from last time. The person looked around as they could hear him laughing,

"Where are you?!" They shouted, extending both of their arms as two orbs of mana appeared in each hand. Alucard watched from afar on one of the rooftops, cracking his knuckles,

"What a-

"Idiot", The person said, appearing behind him, Alucard quickly bending backwards to dodge his attack, jumping in the air and flying back down, swinging towards them, the person dodging it by jumping backwards. Alucard chased after them, slashing through the air, a wave of ice following the attack and hitting them in their chest. The person grunted, running towards Alucard, grabbing his sword and proceeded to throw it aside. Alucard smirked, bringing his demonic fist back and colliding it with the person, the person grabbing it with their right hand and trying to push it back but Alucard knew they didn't have the physical strength to do that. He could hear their wrist and bones crack as he applied more pressure. Eventually the person flipped himself in the air, a shield of purple mana surrounding them and exploded in all directions, Alucard quickly blocking, getting pushed back. The person then quickly turned around and tried to escape, Alucard getting annoyed at that fact,

"If there's one thing I hate in this world, it's people who run away from a fight-", He stated, raising his leg up, "You're not going anywhere!", He proclaimed, ice traveling across the roof and reaching the person's leg and holding them in place. The hooded person struggled to break free, Alucard applying more ice, "Now tell me...What did you do to Victoria?!", He demanded, The hooded person just laughing like a madman,

"Is that her name?? Don't worry, you'll see her soon enough", They said, breaking out of the ice and jumping off the building. Alucard cursed as he felt the ground shake and three giant Titans came up from some sort of portal. Titans were huge golem like creatures made purely made out of Magic that had great strength. It all depended on their user for what magic they could use but they have been appearing everywhere recently. Alucard smirked, cracking his knuckles, getting ready for combat,

"We just made it huh?" A voice said, an enormous fireball flew across the night sky, striking one of the titans in its chest, followed up by someone kneeing the Titan in its chest, landing on the building next to Alucard. They were a bit taller than Alucard and had crazy long hair. Their skin complexion was a bit darker than Alucard's. They carried a huge double edged greatsword and wore a leather vest with a grey shirt underneath. Their body was in great condition and they had a wicked smile. This was one of Alucard's childhood friends Gabriel.

Just then, there were flashes of a white light like someone was cutting on one of the other Titans. The Titan screamed, another person landing down next to Alucard. He was the same height as Alucard and had platinum blonde hair. His skin was pretty pale and he was also wearing a black top hat with white stripes on the rims. He was wearing a grey denim jacket and, an olive green shirt underneath and black ripped jeans followed by two bracelets on as well with spikes on them but the most unique thing about this person was the chains wrapped around his fingers, going up to his bracelets. There was also a very small brown book attached to his left hip. This was another childhood friend of Alucard's, Xavier to be exact.

The three of them stared at the Titans, the hooded person floating up behind them and holding their hand out, a purple rift appearing in the sky and small bat like creatures flying out,

"So that's the gimmick...", Gabriel started, swinging his sword around and striking one of the bats that flew towards him, "He's pulling these creatures from some sort of pocket dimension" Gabriel finished,

"So we just have to send them back" Xavier stated, Alucard nodding his head and calling his sword back,

"Jackpot" , Alucard said, the three of them jumping off the building and each one going to their own Titan. Gabriel used his left hand, creating a shield of flames to block him from the bats and swinging through the rest of his sword, reaching the Titan and landing on its palm. He laughed, flipping his sword and tossed it at the Titan, the blade impaling its chest, The Titan coughing up some sort of blood, Gabriel flexing and launching a wall of flames towards the Titan.

Xavier shimmered as he ran towards the Titan, jumping off multiple bats and closing the distance. The Titan extended his arm, another purple rift showing up and more bats came flying out. Xavier sighed, disappearing from sight and all the new bats that spawned exploded instantly. Xavier appeared above the Titan's head, the chain on his hand being out now. He looked down at the portal and threw a chain in it, another one going into the Titan's head to act as a tether. He went to go in the portal but it sent out a shockwave, sending him back onto the building.

Alucard sliced through the bats, making his way up the Titan's body, more portals appearing and more bats coming out. He grunted, freezing most of them and running through them. He jumped off the Titan's arm, taking a deep breath and blowing out shards of ice that froze the titan's joints in place. The Titan screamed and somewhat copying Alucard, opening its mouth and a rift appearing. Alucard smirked, extending his demonic arm, his arm glowing blue as the rift started to resonate and shooting down the Titans throat, deforming it from the inside. Alucard landed down, holding his arm out, moving the titan now everytime he moved his arm. He let out a groan, dragging it into Xavier's Titan and then Gabriel's, all three titans deforming into each other. Alucard groaned more, blood coming out of his mouth, clenching his fist and they all exploded.

The hooded person started to panic and made a rift for him to escape. Alucard quickly jumped up chasing him, Xavier looking up at him,

"Alucard! I felt one of the rifts, they're made out of some sort of liquid!" Xavier shouted, Alucard smirking and getting what he was talking about,

"Thanks for the tip!" He said, holding out his hand and froze the rift, creating a pathway to follow him inside, the rift closing behind him as Alucard entered.

The place was just an empty battlefield and the sky was purple. He looked around and saw who he was looking for knocked out on the ground. She had a tan complexion, medium length blonde hair with brown tips and had dull green eyes. She was wearing a leather jacket and seemed to be out cold for awhile. Victoria was a special case in their group, unlike the others, she wasn't born into a royal family. A few years back, Alucard, Xavier and Gabriel were on a mission and Victoria was working on the case as well. She was gravely injured so they took her to the kingdom and a member of the Bathory family saved her by turning her into a vampire.

Alucard tried waking her up but it wasn't working. He placed his ear on her chest, listening for her heartbeat. Luckily, he heard it but it was very faint. Just then, the hooded person landed down behind Alucard,

"You little brat! You screwed up all of my plans! Malfoy is going to kill me now!" They shouted, Alucard clenching his fist and staring at them. Truth is, Alucard cared for all of his friends, but Victoria, she was a special case. He had a crush on her since they first met but didn't know how to tell her directly. Either way, he was tired of this mysterious person and he wanted it to end now. Alucard took a deep breath, cracking his neck, before speaking,

"I'm ending this, right now.", Alucard said, frost spreading out on the ground in every direction from his feet. The air pressure got colder and sharper, the person backing up a bit. Truth is, no one knew Alucard actually had more abilities than the average Ruthaven due to him being a hybrid. He never showed his friends his Bloodlust form at all. The Bloodlust form was a unique power-up the Ruthaven family had. Their speed, strength and magic skills were increased a thousandfold and in Alucard's case, his natural affinity for Ice magic changed into lightning magic. He didn't like to rely on this form too much because it was draining in its own way and plus he didn't want his friends to rely on him.

The fangs in Alucard's teeth grew longer and sharper, his fingernails growing longer as well. His eyes turned blood red and his hair stood up, extending a bit and turning white. Sparks of lightning appeared around him, his demonic arm glowed a faint blue as well. The hooded person gulped and laughed,

"You think just because-" They didn't finish as they noticed some of their insides in Alucard's hand. They coughed up blood and fell to the ground, more blood spilling everywhere. Alucard walked over to them, dropping their insides on the ground, getting ready to take off their hood. He removed it and was surprised to find a rift where the head was, the body being sucked up inside of it,

"Wait, I thought This was their pocket dimension? Unless someone else pulled them out", Alucard muttered, looking around and seeing the place start to shatter apart like glass. He picked up Victoria and noticed an opening to the outside. He jumped up, reaching the exit but right before he went back to Earth, he exited out of hid bloodlust form.

Alucard came out on the roof and saw the guys, Xavier walking over to them first,

"Is she alright?" Xavier asked, Victoria starting to wake up and look around,

"Where the hell..." She said, looking up at Alucard and then sighing deeply, "God dammit I've been saved by Al" She whimpered, Alucard dropping her on the ground,

"Yeah, your welcome. It's not my fault you let your guard down. Speaking of which, I couldn't get any information out of him or her, whoever it was. At least the city is safe" Alucard explained, Gabriel nodding and chiming in,

"Yeah, let's wipe the humans memory and go back to the kingdom and report back to Acheron" He said as the four all agreed and headed back to base.

Alucard and crew returned back to the Kingdom, the four of them reporting their mission to Acheron. Acheron was a family friend that led part of the resistance they had in their kingdom. Their base was just a small bunker hidden in the woods, it was pretty small but it served its purpose.

"Well...It was sloppier than I thought but you guys got rid of the threat. Victoria don't pull a stunt like that again, remember, we're the minority here in Malfoy's kingdom-" Acheron started, before Alucard chimed in,

"My Kingdom" He boasted, crossing his arms,

"Well start acting like it, Prince of Dark"

"You act like I'm not serious about taking my home back. Or have you forgotten what that jackass did to my arm?" Alucard proclaimed, pointing to his demonic arm, clenching his fist. Acheron sighing deeply, face palming himself

"Anyways, I don't have a mission for you guys yet so for now stay low profile and continue being students in the universe. You're dismissed" Acheron informed, backing up and disappearing into the shadows. Alucard stayed quiet, as his friends started to leave the area to go back home. He looked down at his arm, sighing deeply before shape shifting it to a human arm,

"Belial's Arm, a gift from my Father that increases my strength, allows me to use transmutation magic more freely and other things that I'm still not aware of yet. It's also a constant reminder that I failed that night but mark my words-" Alucard stated, grabbing his fist, smirking a bit as he looked out the window and could see the main castle in the distance, "I'm gonna take you down Malfoy with this very hand, if it's the last thing I do. I will be King, not you", Alucard pleaded as he went home to get the much needed rest from the mission.

Well, this is the first official chapter for Bloodlust King, feedback would be really nice! I still don't know what my upload schedule is going to be at the current moment but chapter 2 will be added sometime next week.

Sparda_Caelumcreators' thoughts