

Edward whose ancestral origin is from a long-lost bloodline of werewolves is bitten by a rogue vampire. He deifies the odds and becomes the first hybrid (half vampire, half werewolf). He is forced to take sides between the two sworn rivals. His love life is complicated too. Torn between choosing his childhood friend and a charming vampire general's daughter. The witches in town emerge from the shadows to hunt the hybrid in town whom they believe is capable of siring hybrids.

George_mwirigi · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

The FBI visit

(Wallace town, at Marcus place)

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a pale glow over the city as Marcus dialed Sofia's number. He needed answers about the unsettling incident at the party and their friend Edward's bizarre disappearance.

"Hey, Marcus," Sofia's voice sounded tired, yet concerned.

"Hey, Sofia," Marcus replied, his voice tinged with worry. "I can't shake off what happened at the party. Have you heard anything about Edward? He just vanished without a trace."

There was a pause on the other end, followed by a heavy sigh. "I know, it's been on my mind too. I tried contacting him after the party, but his phone goes straight to voicemail. It's like he's... gone."

Marcus shivered at Sofia's words. "And did you hear about the rumors? People are saying there was a brutal murder at the party. Something about a shadowy figure seen near the backyard."

Sofia's voice wavered slightly. "Yeah, I heard those rumors too. But you know how stories get exaggerated. Still, it's strange that no one seems to know the details."

"I tried asking some other partygoers, but everyone seems tight-lipped," Marcus said, frustration creeping into his tone. "Do you think we should involve the police? Edward's been missing for days!"

Sofia hesitated before responding. "I'm not sure. We could give it a little more time, see if he turns up. But if things don't change, we might have to consider it. And as for the rumors, maybe we could do some digging ourselves. See if we can find anything credible."

Marcus nodded even though Sofia couldn't see him. "You're right. We can't just sit around. I'll start looking into local news articles or any reports related to the party. Maybe we'll find something that can shed light on what really happened."

Sofia's voice sounded grateful. "Thanks, Marcus. I knew I could count on you. Let's just be cautious, okay? We don't know what we might uncover."

They talked for a while longer, discussing possible leads and scenarios. As the conversation continued, both Marcus and Sofia felt a growing unease settle over them. The incident at the party was more than just a passing rumor – it was a mystery.It felt like a part of that day was missing in their memory.

After they hung up, Marcus stared at his phone, lost in thought. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something darker lurking beneath the surface.As he stared through the window deep in thoughts he watched the fleet of black SUVs pull up in front of his parents' house, their darkened windows reflecting the dim streetlights. Men in black suits emerged, each one exuding an air of authority that sent shivers down his spine. FBI.

Marcus's parents had been away for the weekend, leaving him alone in their cozy home.

steeling himself, Marcus stepped out onto the porch just as the men began to spread out across his front yard. The lead agent, a tall man with a stern expression, approached him. "Marcus Reynolds?" he asked, his voice firm.

"Yeah, that's me," Marcus replied, his voice quivering slightly.

"We're here in connection with the recent massacre at the forest party you attended," the agent explained. "We need to ask you a few questions."

Marcus nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. He led them into the living room, where the men took seats on the furniture, creating an air of intimidation that seemed to suffocate the room.

The questions came fast and relentless. Who had organized the party? Did Marcus know anyone who might have had a grudge against the attendees? Had he noticed any unusual behavior before the incident? Marcus's mind raced as he struggled to answer, his memories of that night a swirling mess of fear and chaos.

As the questioning continued, the agents honed in on one particular detail: Marcus's friend Edward, who had been at the party and was now missing. "Tell us about Edward," the lead agent pressed, his eyes fixed on Marcus.

"He's been my friend for years," Marcus replied, his voice cracking. "We both went to the party, but I lost track of him when everything went crazy."

The agents exchanged a knowing glance before the lead agent continued, "We found some items near the scene. A pair of shoes and shorts, similar to what Edward was wearing. Do you recognize these?"

A sinking feeling settled in Marcus's gut as he stared at the items the agent produced. They were indeed Edward's. Panic clawed at him, and he struggled to maintain his composure. "I... I don't understand. What happened to him?"

The lead agent's expression softened slightly, his gaze sympathetic. "We're still investigating, Marcus. We'll do everything we can to find him."

But Marcus knew there was more to their words than met the eye. The men in black suits were holding back information, their cryptic demeanor only fueling his anxiety. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, that every word he uttered was being scrutinized.

After the FBI agents left, Marcus felt a mix of unease and determination. He knew he had to take matters into his own hands. Without wasting a moment, he rushed to his phone and dialed Sofia's number. His fingers trembled as he waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" Sofia's voice came through the other end of the line.

"Sofia" he said urgently. "You won't believe what just happened. The FBI came to my place, asking about the massacre at the party in the forest. They're looking for Edward."

Marcus could almost feel Sofia's shock through the phone. "What? Are you serious? Marcus, this is getting way too intense."

"I know, but we can't just sit around waiting for them to find answers," Marcus insisted. "We need to do something. Meet me at the park near your house in twenty minutes. We'll figure out our next move from there."

Sofia agreed, her voice determined, and they hung up. Marcus grabbed his bike from the garage, his heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and adrenaline. He pedaled quickly, his mind racing as he thought about the mysteries that lay ahead.

At the park, Sofia was already waiting, her bike leaning against a bench. She wore a determined expression, her eyes reflecting the same fire that burned within Marcus. They exchanged a glance, understanding passing between them without a word spoken.

"We can't let the FBI handle this alone," Sofia said, breaking the silence. "We need to find out what really happened that night and where Edward is."

Marcus nodded in agreement. "I think we should go back to the forest, retrace our steps, and see if we can find any clues they might have missed."

Sofia's eyes sparkled with determination. "Let's do it."

They mounted their bicycles and pedaled through the quiet streets, the moon casting elongated shadows on the pavement. As they reached the edge of the forest, the air grew thicker with tension. Memories of that fateful night flooded back, and Marcus's heart raced.

They parked their bikes near the trailhead and stepped onto the path, their flashlight beams cutting through the darkness. With each step, the forest seemed to close in around them, the rustling leaves and distant sounds heightening their senses.

They walked in silence, their eyes scanned their surroundings . Finally, Marcus's flashlight caught something glinting in the underbrush. He knelt down and picked up a broken piece of a watch."Sofia, I found Edwards watch."Marcus fell silent when he saw the blood stains in it.

Sofia's light fell on another object nearby – a pantie caught on a low branch. They exchanged a glance.

"Do you think it's Edward 's" Marcus asked.

"cut it Marcus.What are you trying to insinuate.How do I know if it belongs to Edward"sofia slapped Marcus back.

"We're onto something," Marcus said, his voice low but determined. "Let's keep searching."

A humming sound from the banker's direction caught their attention.