

In the year 2040, on the planet Gaia, also known as Earth, humans discovered that the fictitious stories about magic were real. In a place in the Philippines, somewhere in Luzon, they discovered never-before-seen ruins. The ruins were extraordinary, very different from the usual ruins. Images of sorcery adorned the walls, and native languages were inscribed there as well. The International Bureau of Historical Association (IBHA) was created to study the ruins they found. After years of conducting studies and experiments, they achieved what they had sought. They called themselves Esper.

Satoshi_Moe · Fantaisie
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15 Chs


"What is this all about? Huh, Shione!? Why is Taisou hugging you? And it seems you're quite happy about it!?" Ace angrily asked me.

I kept silent. I needed to restrain myself...

"So, do you have a relationship with him? Is he good?" He asked me, gripping my face tightly.

I laughed inwardly... It's really true that this guy is a demon in disguise. I can't believe I fell for his deception. There are rumors about him being a bad person. A womanizer, user, and cheat. I can't believe he was my first kiss. I ignored what people around me were saying because I was blinded by his facade. And those promises he made? He broke all of them. Every single one. I guess it's time to let it all out.

"Hahahahaha," I laughed loudly.

"What's so funny?" he asked with piercing eyes.

"I thought you loved me, Ace. I really believed that. And to answer your question about that photo over there. Yes, I was happy at that time because he came to the house. And to your second question..."

He loosened his grip on my face.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling. When I think about his questions and remember the video he sent me yesterday...

"We don't have a fucking relationship! None! None at all! None! And what are you saying, that he's good? You bastard! You made me into the deceiver! Cassandra, right? Let me ask you, Ace. Is Cassandra good? Huh? Is she good? Is she!? Fuck you, Ace! I loved you! I loved you as much as I love myself. I accepted you wholeheartedly, and this is how you repay me!?"

He suddenly stepped back at what I said.

"W-what?" he said in confusion.

"Hahahaha! ACE! I'm amazed at how you can act like that! Wow! You're the best actor of the year!" I said to him.

"S-Shione? That's not true! I don't know anyone named Cassandra," he said.

I burst into laughter at his words.

"Hahahaha well, look at this," I said, handing him my cellphone.

After a few seconds, his eyes widened and he started sweating.

"Shione! It's not me, I swear!" he said to me.

"Not you? Don't play dumb, Ace!" I said angrily to him.

"It's true! That's not me! It's just an illusion, Shione! Someone is doing this because they want to destroy us," he said, crying...

"Hahahaha, Ace. Don't treat me like I was born yesterday! I'm not stupid enough not to know if that's true or not! I had that video checked and guess what!? It's legit! Hahahaha!"

"Shione, please. I love you... I love you so much... I don't want to lose you," he begged me.

I would be lying to myself if I said I wasn't affected... Yes, I said what I wanted to say, but I still can't deny that he was the first person I loved.

"Shione, please let me explain..." he said, but I remained silent.

"Cassandra... She's my ex... but she left me three years ago. I know I was young then, but I loved her. I loved her more than myself... We broke up before, but she came back... Shione... I love you. I don't want to lose you, Shione... I don't want to lose you," he said to me.

"So you still love her?" I asked him.

"W-what?" he asked.

That answered my question.

"We can't be together anymore, Ace. I can tell that you still love her. I love you, Ace, but... it's just not there anymore. You wasted me... You just used me as a stopgap, and most of all, you made me look stupid... I love you, that's true. You love me, and I feel that, but there's something missing... Something missing from you, and that's your heart," I said, pointing to his left chest.

"You can't move on. You can't choose between us. No man can love more than one person. You have to choose someone you think is better, the one who really loves you and is Cassandra. It hurts me, but I'm just being realistic, Ace. She can give you something I can't give you, and that's a child. I know it won't last long, you're going to find someone else who can give you a child."

I'm sorry for being a little bit bipolar...

Ace just looked at me... staring at me with those fiery eyes.

"Shione... I love you... I don't want to lose you." He said

"And you still love Cassandra..." I replied.

"I know it hurts, Ace, but goodbye... we're not meant for each other." I said then leaving.

I can hear him shouting my name but I didn't glanced at him... I know it's hard to move on but I have to.

I have to remove my emotions...