
Bloodied Soul Bound: Resurrection Of Calamity

His lucid green-blue eyes refused to look away from the alluring sight before, feeling a certain stir in his lower insides as his instincts fully triggered. The air around was tainted with the provocating yet intoxicating scent that filled his sensitive nostrils, watching the bright red liquid slowly sip out of the broken skin on her shoulder. He gulped. Gingerly shifting his gaze to the pair of brown doe orbs, Leviathan immediately noticed the hint of mirth in her eyes. Kamyla grinned, "Are you really so desperate to taste it?" Leviathan didn't respond, struggling to resist the strong temptation of the woman lying underneath him; not to mention her lascivious features protruding from her barely clothed body. His fingers dug deeper into the sheet on both sides of her head. He grinned, "How cheap do you think I am?" "Then do it", her eyes glittered with mischief. "Taste it". Leviathan clenched his jaws, preventing his eyes from wandering back to her corrupting blood. Kamyla then let out a chuckle, raising her hand to cover her bleeding injury. His eyes slitted. "Levi..." The severally disapproved nickname rolled off her tongue, causing him to cringe in annoyance. "If you really want my blood so badly..." She slowly wiped the blood on her thumb, bringing it to her lips to lick it off. Leviathan bit his lower lip. "Then you'll have to earn it". • • • In the year 1503, One of the most powerful Empires in central west Africa, the Sah' Jangi Empire, began to experience strange unexplainable disappearances of their citizens in various kingdoms. To solve the mystery affecting their society, the Royal family alongside the chief priest, decided to summon an ancient demigod to come to their aid — only to accidentally summon a foreign demon god — one with strange pale skin colour different from theirs, but possessed with unimaginable powers enough to help them in their plight. But unknown to them, the arrival of the odd-looking demon prince brings nothing but calamity as dark secrets and lies buried deep in their empire history are brought into the light; causing great changes to all the lands and its people. Especially after he crossing paths with the strongest female warrior of the capital. Kamyla Odjafah. Tags: BWWM. Son of hell. African mythology. Black female lead. War. devilson. African historical fiction. Demons. African fantasy fiction. Ghouls. Witches. Giants. Spirits. Power Couple.

DestinyNdi · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

25 |Unexpected Visits I

Moments later...

Kamyla's footsteps echoed off the earthen path to her small hut; walking away from the bushes that led to the river banks, Kamyla padded closer to the bamboo door and pushed it open to step in.

With only a black towel wrapped around her naked body still dripping with water, Kamyla's dark hair; soaked and wrinkled down, fell past her shoulders as she then ran her fingers through.

"Dan, was right... I definitely needed that bath".

She exhaled deeply, picking up a smaller towel from her bed to use and dry her hair.

"At my young age I am already worrying about someone who is not even my child", she kissed her teeth in annoyance, separating her hair into bundles for easy drying.

She carried on mumbling, "So stubborn and arrogant! I don't even know who or what raised him, but they sure did an impressive job. Nonsense!" She dropped the towel before perching at the edge of the bed to pick up a wooden comb.

She began pulling her strands with it. "He's like those witches forced into someone's life after picking lost money from the ground. I wish he'd just leave so I can have my peace".

Muttering more words of contempt against the foul tumor against her sanity, Kamyla finally packed her curly hair into a puffing bun with the aid of a band, before turning to begin oiling her legs from the ointment bowl by her bed table.


Kamyla paused.

Taking a moment as her brows drew nearer, she narrowed her gaze at the door, feeling her senses heightened in suspicion.

Who could it be? She definitely didn't hear any footsteps approaching her door like she normally would...

"Who is it?" She asked.


Kamyla carefully stood from her bed, "Who is it?" She repeated, gingerly shortening the distance between her and the door as she stretched out to unbolt her lock.

The door creaked open slightly as she leaned in to take a peak — there was no one present on her doormat.

Her brows knitted.

"So your room is this comfortable?"

Kamyla spun in the direction of her room with her heart tightened in surprise, posing in offense by instinct.

Her brows quirked at the invading view of the horned man standing in the center of her room with his gaze scrutinizing his surroundings.

She forgot to blink. "H- How did you..."

"Yet you all forced me to stay in that tasteless hut". His lucid crystal eyes then fell on her.

Kamyla was too bewildered to speak immediately. How in heaven's name did he get in?!

Her brows then knitted as her lips fell to a frown. "Where have you been?"

"The right way a nagging wife welcomes her husband that has been busy with work all day".

"May the Ancestors forbid!"

"Watch them disappoint you", he simply looked away, shifting his attention to studying the aesthetic of her self-contained hut.

With her average-sized bed in a corner against the wall, the floor was covered in a silky fur carpet of dark hue that complimented the dark blue painting of the clay wall. Aside from the large clay jars of water and wooden wardrobe, a metal chest was set next to her bed; hoarding glass bows and bottles of what seemed like skin and hair products.

He took time to admire the tidiness of her small space and the refreshing aroma of her scented candles burning on both sides of the room with her windows closed; giving the surrounding a warmth-filled comfort.


"That's Prince Leviathan to your nagging ass", he didn't spare a gaze.

"First of all... Where the hell did you vanish off too?!"

"None of your concern", he stepped closer to her bed to stretch down and fill the fabric of her blanket. "But just know the beacon of your desperate craving heart drew me right to her pedestal, my dear", his voice, trailed with mirth and disrespect, caused her scowl to deepen.

"Get out of my room!" Her voice heightened.

"How can I just leave when you invited me in?"


He slowly lowered himself to sit on her bed, "A demon can not invade a home if not welcomed in. And so you did, the moment you opened the door".

"You freaking knocked!!"

"Excuses are just excuses", he laid on his back before raising his hands to support the back of his head with his feet crossed.

"Are you mad!?" Kamyla stomped up to the bed with a clenched fist, "Get off my bed and out of my property!!!"

He blankly ignored her, shutting his eyes as he enjoyed her private comfort with a sigh.

"I said, get out!" Kamyla's eyes slitted as she stretched out with the intent to grasp his collar.

"If you lay a hand on me, I'll pull off your towel".

She instantly withdrew, taking a few steps away as she grasped the rim of the towel around her naked self. Which she had forgotten she had on when she decided to pick a fight with the hell runt in her room.

Leviathan grinned, "Maybe then you'll understand the meaning of invasion of privacy". He then opened his eye to steal a glance, "But from what I see bulging out, it might be a sight to behold'.

A vein popped on Kamyla's forehead, feeling her nails already scar her palm due to her tightening fist. Her face heated in both shame and embarrassment at his unfiltered threat that caused her skin to crawl, as if already invaded.

She immediately darted her eyes to her weapon resting against the wall. Her Kuzia.


Kamyla snapped out of her murderous thoughts as she diverted her attention to the door.

Flickering her gaze between the resting demon and the unknown visitor, Kamyla's teeth grinded in contempt as she pulled her feet to answer who was at the door before she exterminated the pest on her bed.

But little did she know she fell right into Leviathan's trap the moment she opened the door.

Kamyla froze. "Danji!!?"

Standing on the other side of the door, Danji wore only a pair of shorts, bare chest; while his dreadlocks still dripping with water with the refreshed scent of soap.

His lips were stretched into a wide smile with his hands suspended out to hold covered ceramic bowls on a tray.

"Kamy..." His warm smile caused a chill down her spine as she clenched to the door, blocking any possible space for him to peep at what was behind her.

She forgot which expression to pick.

"Sorry to disturb you... I see you just got back from your bath", he scratched the back of his head with one hand, "I just thought you'd be exhausted by now, so I decided to bring your lunch".

It took Kamyla a few more seconds to recover from displacement as she looked down at the tray — leaking of mouthwatering aroma — before looking at Danji as she forced out a weak smile.

"D- Dan... That's so thoughtful of you, I really appreciate it—"

"Is something wrong?" His question sliced through her words, watching his expression fall slowly.

"What?..." She barely whispered, hoping the smile she was struggling to hold out was realistic.

"You seem uneasy. Are you okay?"

Of course not, she pressed the bamboo door harder against her side to block any hope of a glance.

How could she possibly be okay when he was right in front of her, while she was still wrapped in a towel but for some supernatural reason, she had the antagonistic demon lying on her bed at that very moment?

Knowing Danji... Knowing his temperament... Knowing the situation itself...

It was not a sight she was supposed to allow him to see.

Most especially... What if it gave the wrong idea and tainted her image with just a glance?...

Struggling to maintain a natural composure, Kamyla simply answered, "I am just a little pressed".

She then stretched out a hand to receive the tray. "Thank you, though. I was already thinking what I would eat this afternoon".

"It's no problem at all", he handed her the food, scratching the back of his head as he watched her step back subtly.

Just before Kamyla could slyly shut the door, Danji's palm held it from closing. Her shoulders flinched.

"Um..." He then cleared his throat. "If you're done eating... I thought we could go out".

"Out? Like on patrol?" Her brows crooked.

"What? No!" Danji chuckled, "It's not always about work, you know..."

"Oh... Then where exactly—"

"I wanted to take you sightseeing".

Her lips sealed.

Staring silently at the dark orbs of the charming masculine beauty before her, Kamyla felt her stance weaken for a moment with her voice lost to realization.

Danji was asking her out!!!

The internal troll within her abdomen was harder than butterflies but lighter than the petals of her blossoming heart and anxiety.

About to give a breathless response, the most unexpected voice pierced through her eardrums like nails.

"Just how long do you plan to keep me waiting, Kamy?"

The hair on her neck erected to the tone of the intruder on her bed.

Still recovering from his shocking interruption, Leviathan added, "Things were just getting fun before he interrupted".

Danji's brows furrowed into a frown, raising his gaze to look over her head, "Who is that?" He asked, simultaneously pushing the door wider to look into the room.

His eyes peeled wide.

Kamyla immediately stuttered, refusing to turn around at her room, "D- Dan, I can—"

"What is he doing here?" Danji's tone darkened with his voice laced with malice. "... On your bed..."

Kamyla immediately turned around — her brows shot high.

Unlike before in his usual fur coat, Leviathan now laid just in his long-sleeved shirt with the first few buttons undone, leaving part of his chest exposed and his hair seeming more disheveled and roughened than she remembered.

Not to mention, the sly grin imprinted on his lips as his eyes remained locked on her.

Everything from his expression and appearance, to the soothing environment of the candle-lit atmosphere created an entirely different aura that seemed even more evident with just the towel she was wrapped in and her hair still undone.

Leviathan's grin grew wider, "I see he brought us lunch", he carefully sat up on the bed, "Good. Because you'll need all the energy you can get by the time we're done".

Kamyla's heart cringed.

Her jaws clinched. Indeed, that bastard was a true devil...

She slowly looked back at Danji to watch the deep scowl etched on his face as his fists clutched to outline his veins.

Her expression fell.

... A true Devil that seemed to be after her peace.

Have some idea about my story? The characters so far? Comment it and let me know.

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