
Bloodbound: Shadows of Dusk

[Warning Mature Content] " Despite the ominous signals, my affection for you remains unwavering" —----- Facing a dire prognosis,the inexperienced Han woo-ri grapples with a terminal ailment. The Impending reality of her immune death is something she acknowledges. She want to fulfill her one and only wish — To not fall in love. Her concern is to prevent him from enduring pain once she's gone. She met Seo-Jin,the cold hearted and mysterious man. Right from the beginning he makes it clear that love is not within his Realm and an Aura of danger surrounds him. However this only piqued her curiosity about him even more. He happened to be the exact type of man she sought,driven by the pressure from her parents. In a twist of fate, their completely disparate worlds collide hand in hand. Han Woo-ri illness and As time passes, the veil of secrecy enveloping Seo-Jin will slowly lift,exposing the concealed mysteries. Can both of them handle what fate kept for them?

Keevie_noular · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Raining Day

She was on her way to the subway, but who would have thought it was going to rain heavily on that day. Today's weather forecast turned out to be favorable so it was a bit surprising why it rained that heavily today caught without an umbrella, she found herself soaked and drenched by the rain. She was quite upset Today was quite a disheartening day at work , to say the least. When the thought of how tomorrow was a big day for her a faint smile graced her lips as she recalled, tomorrow she going to be interviewing one of Seoul biggest actress "Kim-Eunji" which was quite overwhelming for a newbie like herself. When she arrived home, her family was waiting for her, they all had another quite dinner before han woo-ri went to her room. After taking a shower, she lay on her bed. She had been thinking about tomorrow's interview all night,even when in the shower. Strangely, she couldn't stop. She was like an impatient child who was promised a bar of chocolate by her mom