
Bloodbound Devil (Multi-Cross, DxD, Rosaria Vampire, Seikon no Qwaser)

Carl Bloodriver, an Half-Vampire set on a path of domination. There was nothing truly special about him, apart from his Sacred Gear, the Longinus, Bloodbound Dominion, fabled to be created from the blood of a God. Leading the life of a player, he ends up being stabbed to death, and with a second chance at redemption, he awakens in the body of a Dhampir who was experiecing the process of Eternal Slumber, his fate uncertain. If he messed around with his first life, not amounting to much but a player, maybe in this new life, he would better make the smart decisions. (Insert)(Multi-cross)(Rosario Vamp, Seikon no Qwaser, New Sis Devil, Uzaki-chan, Ikki Tousen, Beelzebub) ======================== - Reviews of any kind are welcomed. - Opinions do matter, especially constructive ones. - Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Morpheus146 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

Clash of Faiths (1)

Chapter 27: Clash of Faiths (1)

The time for his date was approaching, and under the cover of the night, he felt comfortable that no Cleric would bust him up for being a Demon and attempt an exorcist while on top of Jeanne. 

Tsufaame's sudden appearance caught him off guard. She stood in his path in her ethereal form, a defiant glint in her purple eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. The devil woman proved to be an annoyance once he stepped out from his apartments because she wanted to follow him to his date. Obviously, Carl outright rejected this. 

"You're leaving already?" she questioned, her voice tinged with annoyance. "And where do you think you're going? You have to give me a tour of this human city, and also let me explore some more."

Carl sighed, sensing her resistance but remaining resolute in his decision. "I have plans," he replied calmly, adjusting the collar of his jacket. "Besides, where I'm going is none of your concern. You have your freedom as I released you from the Bloodbound Domain."

Tsufaame's lips curled into a scornful sneer. "None of my concern?" she repeated incredulously. "I am bound to you now, Carl. Everything you do is my concern."

Carl shook his head, his patience wearing thin. "Not everything," he retorted, his voice firm and unwavering. "You have your freedom within the confines of the Devil Contract, but don't overstep your bounds. I won't tolerate any interference with my personal affairs."

Tsufaame bristled at his words, her pride wounded by his dismissive tone. "And what if I choose to follow you? Is that swine you're feeding that important? to you? Can't I just take over one of those Devil Worshiping Whores and serve myself to you?" she challenged, taking a step closer to him.

Carl met her gaze with a steely resolve of his own. "Then you'll be making a grave mistake," he warned, his voice low and dangerous. "I won't hesitate to deal with you accordingly if you dare to cross me."

With that, Carl brushed past Tsufaame, leaving her seething with frustration in his wake. The bad boy persona he cultivated after many years of hookups and plenty of FWB, made him perceptive that even the devil woman could be read as simply as a human woman. In fact, she seemed easier to deal with than a human gal because they were exuding far more primal emotions.

'Honestly, using her as a collector for my future prey wouldn't be wasteful. Whatsmore, I'm interested to see how she would react once I have sex with her as she possesses those Satanist bitches.'

As he headed out the door, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at asserting his dominance over the proud Ultimate Devil.

With purposeful strides, Carl made his way through the winding streets of Graz, the glow of streetlights casting elongated shadows across his path. As he neared Restaurant Florian of the Parkhotel Graz, the grandeur of the establishment came into view, its elegant facade illuminated by soft, welcoming lights.

'This place seems decent, and we can jump on a suite right after dinner. Heh, she's sure quite proactive in her chase, which tells me a lot.'

'Nonetheless, I wonder what I should do with her once my time for departure approaches. There's a couple of days left until my paperwork will be delivered.'

'So far, it was quiet, no Vampire Lord or their Executives came knocking on my door… nor that woman showed signs of interest in my fate. I wonder, should I take Jeanne with me and train her to become my Secretary?'

'There's also the possibility of her being Embraced by me, with her becoming my Thrall. Now that would be even better, since I could make my own Peerage similar to how Devils do.'

'In fact, Vampires are similar to Devils in many ways, even their System of increasing their numbers artificially is a mirror. They use their Devil Pieces while us Vampire Embrace our targets.'

The thought of her accompanying him on his future endeavors made Carl ponder about his life choices. As if on cue, his lips curved into a seductive smile. He couldn't wait to reveal the hidden facets of the supernatural world to her.

His thoughts were interrupted by the gentle jingling of a wind chime. Looking up, he spotted the entrance to Restaurant Florian, a classical and sophisticated establishment that boasted of the finest culinary team in the city. The smell of exotic spices and rich, decadent sauces wafted through the air.

Sensing that Tsufaame wasn't around him to act as a nuisance while he would converse with Jeanne, he thought about what she planned on the sideline. 'She could go screw her brains out for all I care. As long as she's useful to me, I don't care about her schemes.'

The chatter of the patrons, along with jazz music playing softly in the background, reverberated against the opulent walls. As Carl stepped inside, he felt a sense of belonging surround him. The setting was perfect for him to show Jeanne his world, giving her a glimpse of the luxurious life that he led.

Carl scanned the dining area for Jeanne. His gaze came to rest on a figure seated alone at a table. It was Jeanne, her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders like a golden waterfall, her delicate hands cupping a wine glass.

She was dressed in a stunning red dress that clung to her curvaceous figure, accentuating every curve. The deep neckline revealed just enough cleavage to make Carl's pulse quicken.

Carl approached Jeanne, his eyes locked on her face. "Good evening, Jeanne," he greeted, his voice low and seductive. "I hope you haven't been waiting long."

Jeanne looked up, her captivating green eyes meeting Carl's, containing her overflowing emotions when she felt Carl's effortless charm as he approached her. His tall, lean frame exuded confidence with every stride. His dark hair was styled impeccably, swept back from his forehead in a casual yet sophisticated manner. 

To add to his already polished appearance, he was dressed in a sleek black suit tailored to perfection, the fabric hugging his form in all the right places. A crisp white shirt peeked out from beneath the jacket, the top button left casually undone. A slim black tie completed the ensemble, adding a touch of refinement to his look.

Despite his impeccable appearance, there was an air of nonchalance about Carl, as if he were entirely at ease in his own skin. His easy smile and relaxed demeanor suggested a man who was accustomed to command attention without having to try too hard.

She smiled at the handsome Vampire whose features felt almost otherworldly for normal humans, a warm, genuine smile.

"Not at all," she replied, her voice a sweet melody that enchanted him. "I've just been enjoying some wine and watching the world go by."

Carl pulled out the chair across from Jeanne and sat down. "Well, I'm glad to see you're in good spirits," he said, his voice full of warmth.

Jeanne raised an eyebrow, her blue eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Good spirits? You make it sound like you were worried about me."

Carl shrugged, his lips curling into a sheepish grin. "Well, what happened previously, when I showed that side of mine, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

Jeanne smiled, her eyes softening with gratitude. "I appreciate that, Carl," she said warmly. Her fingers traced the rim of her wine glass, her eyes never leaving Carl.

"You seem different, you know?" she remarked, her voice thoughtful. "You look tired. Could it be that you're weakened by the Sunlight as I've read online?"

Carl tilted his head, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Heh, Sunlight? What's next is that list? Garlic? You don't have to worry about this poor vampire. Also you shouldn't believe everything you're reading online." 

He continued on, smiling enigmatically, his gaze darkening slightly. "Perhaps I had a long night. But this doesn't mean I'm not functioning."

Jeanne's eyes widened as she realized the implications of his words. "Wait, you, saying this… Did you... by chance, killed someone?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "You know, Carl, I've noticed that there are many of those cloaked monks and nuns walking more frequently around the Cathedral and Old Town night pubs."

"Oh my. Huh, that's unexpected. My Jeanne is so receptive to things going around her. However, why do you connect it to me? I'm not the type of person to kill without reasons." Carl's voice took on a colder tone, as he got detached, sending down to Jeanne a shiver. 

Jeanne swallowed hard, her heart racing, still coming to terms that the man standing before her was a Vampire. Even if she previously had a sweet night where passion was let free, the current setting was different, she felt at a crossroad with thought of peering deeper into his mysteries, but also fearful 

"Let's not ruin the moon, and order something to eat." Carl suggested, changing the topic expertly as he scanned the menu, their waiter silently observing. 

"Excellent choice, Sir." The waiter's polite voice broke the lingering tension. "The Chef's special is particularly savory tonight."

Carl nodded, closing his menu. "We'll have that, then. And perhaps a bottle of red wine to complement our meal?" His exotic accent curled around each word, making it sound as decadent as the delicacies they were about to indulge in.

The words seemed to melt in his mouth, and Jeanne found herself utterly captivated by his presence, the seductive lilt of his voice lulling her into submission.

Out of the corner of her eye, Jeanne couldn't help but notice how handsome Carl was. He looked every inch the powerful vampire that extended his hand to rescue her from the sinking sand she got pushed by life. His white skin seemed to glow under the soft lights of the restaurant, and his dark hair ruffled with each gust of wind that meandered in through the open balcony doors.

His striking features were both alluring and terrifying, drawing people towards him even as they subconsciously recoiled at the dangerous charm of a vampire. However, as she was studying his features, she noticed how his crimson eyes were bloodier than when she last saw him. 

It made her think of what he said, having a 'long night'. Regardless of what Carl wanted to say, she made the connection in her mind that he was the reason so many priests wandered the streets of the Old Town.

Carl's penetrating gaze never wavered as Jeanne nervously averted her eyes. His intense stare could disarm even the strongest of individuals, reducing them to mere mortals, and Jeanne was no exception.

'Please, stop staring at me like that,' Jeanne thought, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she averted her gaze from Carl's intense stare. 'It's making it difficult for me to think straight.'

Carl smirked, his eyes glinting with amusement. He knew he had her under his spell, and he loved every moment of it. It triggered a bit of his Narcissistic tendencies, but he was aware that there were problems with his brain, such that he controlled those impulses. 

Maybe it got moldy from being imprisoned for one year straight inside a coffin. Yet, to his slight relief, he had his humanity intact and was thankful that he could still feel those human emotions as a Vampire.

Despite Carl's obvious allure, Jeanne felt compelled to maintain her composure. After all, she was no ordinary woman too after interacting with such a Vampire. But Jeanne couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to Carl than meets the eye, and with her previous interactions both at the previous Hotel they spent their night and similarly at her own home, he still remained a mystery to her.

'I mustn't let myself be swayed by his charm. This attraction I feel for him is most likely because of his vampire abilities like in the TV Dramas.' Jeanne reminded herself, yet she yearned to pierce through the veil that hid the true essence of his being.

As their meal arrived, served with the elegance befitting the upscale restaurant, Jeanne found herself momentarily distracted by the culinary delights before her. However, her curiosity soon returned, fueled by her desire to learn more about the mysterious world of magic.

"Carl," she began tentatively, taking a sip of her wine to steady her nerves. "I couldn't help but wonder about something you mentioned before... about magic."

Carl's gaze lifted from his plate, meeting Jeanne's with a thoughtful expression. "What about, magic," he echoed, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "A fascinating topic indeed. Could it be that I've picked your interest?"

Jeanne felt a surge of excitement at his response, her curiosity piqued even further. "Is it true that humans can learn magic too?" she asked eagerly, leaning forward in her seat.

Carl considered her question carefully, his brow furrowing slightly as he weighed his words. "In theory, yes," he replied. "Magic is a complex force, but with the right guidance even a reject could do some stunts. It's possible for anyone to unlock its secrets."

Jeanne's eyes widened in surprise, her heart skipping a beat at the possibility. She had always been drawn to the idea of magic since having her first encounter with the supernatural, the ghost in the Hospital she was working, but she had never imagined that she could possess such abilities herself.

'Let's give her a small peek into the Leviathan Magic. I've learned some of the basics from Tsufaame today.'

'For now, I can only do Black Water Creation, and that by following the Chants.'