Cassie Black, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, has wanted nothing more than to become an Auror. During her seventh year at Hogwarts, she must deal not only with Minister Fudge's mistrust of her true intentions, but Dumbledore's unending manipulation to get what he wants. Her blossoming attraction to lifetime friend Professor Snape, who she assumes will be horrified if he finds out her true feelings, threatens to ruin everything she holds dear. (Starts during Sorceror's Stone. Severus x Original Female Character).
Spring term started just like any other on the following Monday. The students that had gone home for holiday break returned the night before on the Hogwarts Express. The Great Hall was filled with excited voices as friends gossiped over platters of bacon and pancakes. The hot topic was Hermione Granger attending the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum, and many wouldn't believe even at the insistence of all of those who had seen the couple with their own eyes. Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherins alike turned in their seats to stare at the bushy-haired fourth-year as if simply seeing her would somehow reveal the truth.
Krum was at his usual spot with the Slytherins, only a few seats away from Draco. The Durmstrang champion seemed oblivious to the blond's steely glares, but he had other things on his mind. The clue to the second task had not yet revealed any secrets to him. Karkaroff was already breathing down his neck about being prepared before the other champions.
At the head table, Cassie and Severus ate in silence. Cassie hoped her fiance's mind was occupied with something humdrum, like teaching his NEWT level students how to properly harvest fangtooth marrow. Imagining that Severus was focusing on something other than her current predicament was a reprieve. She wished she could shove her trepidations aside, but her current thoughts were beyond the castle.
Bianca had been murdered on her watch and she had no idea who was responsible.
David Havoc had divulged details about her followers. She didn't know what information had been compromised.
Today, she was to assist McGonagall with her sixth years and then help Hagrid unbox a juvenile Venomous Scurriour. What trivial, useless tasks. Who dared expect such normalcy from her when nothing, not any aspect of her life was normal anymore? Only days ago she thought convincing Severus to marry her was the biggest hurdle she could face. How could she focus on a wedding when she would be hunting down who had killed Bianca and Izzy and Gwydion Bates?
Cassie longed for Severus's undivided attention. His time was split among his career, his duties, his relationship, and now his apprentice. Kalina seemed more and more like a disposable pawn, something she could easily be rid of if she could only bring herself to do it. Intrusive thoughts turned into daydreams of explaining away Kalina's sudden departure from Hogwarts.
She liked to think she wasn't truly capable of such atrocities. Her family tree proved otherwise.
She missed Tonks. Rather than brainstorming ways to rid herself of a pretty blonde potions apprentice, Cassie thought of the Auror as she walked to the dungeons before lunch. Perhaps her cousin would have some mischievous advice about what to do with Kalina.
Severus would be prepping the base for Elasticity Elixir and wouldn't have time to eat in the Great Hall. Cassie wanted to ensure her fiance took a long enough break to eat something, or at least partake in a quick snog.
Severus was not in his classroom. Realizing he might still be in one of the greenhouses, Cassie sat down at his desk to wait. She pulled a stack of third-year essays toward her and only read through one sentence before she heard uneven footsteps coming from the Potions Master's office.
Cassie stood and whirled around just in time to face Mad-Eye Moody. The two stared each other down for a few moments before the retired Auror pulled a flask from his pocket and drank.
"A bit jumpy today, Black?"
"What were you doing in Severus's office?"
Moody took another drink. "The headmaster has given me express permission to search anywhere I see fit."
"That's absurd - "
"Take it up with him," Moody answered gruffly as he pushed past her. "Someone has it out for Potter."
"So searching through Severus's things is in the name of keeping Harry safe?"
Moody shot her a sardonic smile. "That's why I'm in this godforsaken castle instead of enjoying my retirement."
"I suppose you'll be searching my rooms next."
Moody shook his head, taking slow, cumbersome steps toward her until his face was inches from hers. "Who am I to question the mighty Cassiopeia Black?" He chuckled lowly, his breath smelling ripe and acidic. She stood her ground, glaring as both his eyes stayed fixed on her face.
She didn't realize she was holding her breath until Moody turned away. She was glad he was leaving before Severus arrived. He wouldn't take kindly to the ex-Auror rifling through his office, not that she could blame him. And yet, there was a question forming, something she needed answered.
"Have you spoken to Tonks, Mad-Eye?"
That vexatious smirk was back. He was enjoying seeing her squirm. "The ministry is keeping her busy."
"Of course," she said with a small nod. "But is she okay?"
Moody snorted. "She has all her limbs."
"That's not what I - "
"I know what you mean," he said. "If she wanted you to know more, I suppose she would write you back, now wouldn't she?"
It was like a punch to the gut. She let him leave without another word, processing his words while she waited for Severus.
A universe away in Devon, the Weasley matriarch sat in her favorite rocking chair. There, she could see most of the front yard and observe the plump, happy chickens pecking through the gravel. It was a rare, sunny day without a cloud in sight. The morning chores were done and Arthur had left for work by Floo only minutes ago. Molly hummed to herself as she charmed the needles in her lap to knit.
She reached for the dress catalog on the coffee table, flipping to the page that had been earmarked. Cassie had chosen a simple, elegant a-line gown for her to make. Sleeves were still in question, but Molly was fine with giving Cassie time to decide. The wedding was months away, after all.
The fireplace roared to life as Andromeda stepped into the cozy room. "I had to dig through four different boxes, but I found it!" she explained, excitedly brandishing a clump of white mesh at Molly.
"Dromeda, dear," Molly said as she hurried over to the other witch, "If we want Cassie to wear this, it must be treated delicately." She took the crumpled veil from Andromeda's arms and unfolded it, clicking her tongue as she looked it over.
"Nothing a few charms can't fix," Andromeda said with a wave of her hand. Molly shot her a look of disapproval.
"And Nymphadora? She's okay with Cassie wearing your veil?"
"Oh," Andromeda said with a sigh. "She's been so busy with work lately, that she's barely had a chance to write back."
"It sounds like the poor dear needs a holiday."
"Ted and I haven't seen her since before Christmas." Andromeda looked out the window, her mind elsewhere as her eyes fixed on a large brown hen outside.
"I'm sure she'll turn up soon," said Molly gently.
"Yes," Andromeda said with a small smile. "All I can hope for is that she'll finally have a day off soon. I miss her."
It was only days later that Molly sent a long, detailed letter about Aunt Dromeda's veil and the plans she had for making the wedding dress. It was a welcome distraction and Cassie was happy to read it while eating her breakfast. As she pictured a long, white gown, she noticed Severus reading over her shoulder. She caught his eye and the corner of his mouth curled into an almost undetectable smile.
The flutters in her belly and the buzzing in her chest lasted well into her day. It had been a long time since she felt so carefree while assisting with lessons. Not even the disastrous half-skunk half-stink bug that a fifth year had managed to produce in Transfiguration had soured her mood. She hummed in the shower as she tried to scrub the bitter stench from her skin. If it lingered, no matter. The Saints would just have to deal with it.
Tonight would be the second gathering since the murders. Last time, they had focused on mourning the fallen rather than trying to make sense of it. This time, as they gathered after dark in the heart of Puck's Glen, it would be all business.
Cassie and Romily Apparated in the trees and walked several yards to the gathered Saints. They sank to the ground, all dressed in dark robes, as their mistress approached.
Cassie told them to rise and Boros slithered to the ground as his mistress settled onto a conjured chair. The serpent explored the uneven forest floor as the meeting started. Maksim updated them on the ministry's activities, reassuring them that Fudge was as inept as ever. Cassie's attention wasn't truly peaked until a letter was read from the Magical Duma.
"Repeat the author of that letter," said Cassie. Amara Rebane, who had been flustered to be reading the letter to her mistress in the first place, scrambled to find the signature again.
"Khristina Baladin, my lady."
"I'd like to see it." Amara nearly tripped over her own feet as she rushed to hand the parchment to Cassie.
"Does Khristina work for Gryzlov now?" Romily wondered aloud as she peered at the letter in Cassie's hands. "It's going to be a lot harder to ignore their plea if she's in the mix." Cassie mulled this information over before requesting that Amara set up a meeting with Khristina.
She asked if anyone had made gains on Bianca's murder. No one had any information to offer her.
A blanketed silence fell over the forest as Cassie studied the dark figures in front of her. It was as if the nocturnal creatures around them sensed the poignant tension as well, as not even the faintest squeak or growl was heard as hooded faces waited in anticipation for nothing to come.
"In the spirit of transparency," Cassie began lightly, barely having to raise the volume of her voice. There would be no point. Everyone's focus was on her. "I would like to speak on David. You may or may not have noticed that he is not here." Some people looked around the group while others stayed still. A few voices murmured at the revelation. "At his request, the Oblivion Charm was used and he has been relocated."
An arm raised. Cassie, who found inappropriate hilarity in the irony that this mirrored the inside of a Hogwarts classroom, stifled a giggle. "Yes?"
"If I may inquire, my lady," started Rune Ridcully, a self-assured wizard who took immense pride in his occupation as a magical textbook editor, "But I would like clarification."
"By all means."
"Did Havoc choose oblivion as a less gruesome alternative?" he asked. Cassie raised a quizzical eyebrow at the tall wizard. Romily hissed her disapproval at Ridcully's boldness.
"As opposed to what?" Romily snarled. "Dismemberment? Castration?" Ridcully visibly deflated, understanding he had overstepped.
"David did not want whoever had taken advantage of him to be able to do it again," explained Cassie. "Although had he not volunteered for it, I would have suggested it myself. Let it be a warning to all of you: there is danger for anyone that reveals their loyalty to me. Until we discover who killed Bianca, you must be extremely careful." She made a point to look directly at Rune Ridcully when she added, "Although if your mind is invaded, I vow never to dismember or castrate you as punishment."
Back at Hogwarts, Kalina had just returned from the dungeons. Tonight's brewing session had been especially difficult, but not because of what Master Snape had made her prepare. The blood-warming tonic had been easy enough to make, even though it had been a large batch in preparation for the upcoming Triwizard task. It was how he made her feel.
He had been a perfect gentleman, voicing his expectations as he moved about the classroom like a swan, plucking ingredients from his stores. She told him numerous times that she had memorized the layout of his classroom and was capable of prepping. He still insisted upon it. He looked straight into her eyes when he asked if she needed anything else before he turned his attention to the pile of essays on his desk.
Things were going so, so well. They worked in near silence for almost an hour and Kalina dared to glance up at Master Snape as she stirred her burnt orange elixir gently. He looked tired.
"Where is the professor's assistant tonight?" she asked him. In the last several weeks, she could no longer bring herself to refer to Cassiopeia as his betrothed. It was too painful. If Master Snape noticed her transgressions, he hadn't let on.
"She is attending to matters off grounds," he answered simply, dipping his Martial eagle quill into the inkwell before marking again. Kalina's heart danced in delight. She had gotten him that quill as a Christmas present.
"Would you like help grading essays when I am finished?"
"That won't be necessary."
"I will be done soon."
"I'm sure you have better things to do than read the striking thoughts of second years."
"I insist, Master Snape." She finished the blood-warming tonic and used her wand to siphon it into six large glass bottles. After setting them aside, she pulled a chair up to Severus's desk and helped herself to a stack of essays. It wasn't long before Augusta Gardiner's writing had her sniffling under her breath. Master Snape was unamused until Kalina read the opening sentence aloud.
"'Fire Protection Potion is used to protect an already burning fire'," Kalina read through her now quite audible laughter. The Potions Master pinched the bridge of his nose as his apprentice broke down in giggles.
"Don't waste your time reading the rest," he hissed, snatching the parchment from her and marking it with large, annoyed strokes of his quill.
Kalina didn't move from her chair until the grading was finished. Her master dismissed her for the night, but a burning question that had formed many moons ago was still lingering in Kalina's mind. For whatever reason, tonight it was threatening to burst from her throat.
"Master Snape?"
"Yes, Miss Karkaroff?" He responded absentmindedly as he rolled up the essays and stowed them away neatly in the bottom drawer of his desk. His mind seemed elsewhere, and yet she couldn't bring herself to turn back now.
"Would there be a...need...for a potions apprentice next term?"
His attention returned to the classroom and his black eyes were now directly on her. Her breath caught in her throat. "That is not something I will consider until the end of the current term."
"Of course," she responded quickly, "I was just thinking that I have already learned so much from you, and there is so much more that I could - "
"I cannot give you an answer until future events have taken place." He said it with so much force, so much finality, that Kalina knew there was no use in trying to discuss it further. With a slight nod, she turned and left the classroom.
No tears had fallen on her trek through the dungeons. There was a sense of relief after she had reached Miss Black's classroom, but a clanging noise made her jump. Her sorrow quickly morphed into surprise. "Hello?" she called.
Professor Moody stood up from behind Cassiopeia's desk. "Returning from making some potions, eh?"
"Yes," answered Kalina as she crossed her arms over her chest. Draco Malfoy and Cedric Diggory would occasionally be studying here before curfew, but this was new.
"And what were you and the Potions Master working on this evening?" he asked gruffly.
"Blood-warming tonic."
Moody clicked his tongue. "That seems like a rather novice potion for you."
"It is needed for the upcoming task."
"Ah yes, the Triwizard Tournament," he said, clunking a few steps toward her. He had a few books in his hand, likely taken from Cassiopeia's desk, but the spines were covered by his arm. "It does take precedence over everything else in this castle, it seems." Kalina, fully intending to leave the conversation and head to bed, turned away from Moody before he spoke again. "What else has the Potions Master been teaching you, Miss Karkaroff?"
With a hand on the doorknob, Kalina said, "That's privileged information."
"Why? Is he teaching you something illegal? Dark magic?"
"No!" she protested quickly as she whirled around. That fake, electric blue eye was fixed on her again and she felt sick to her stomach. "It's just something kept between master and apprentice, Professor Moody."
"It seems like you're hiding something," he muttered, taking another step closer to her. She yelped as she backed into the door behind her. She froze as she tried to remember where her wand was. Was it her right pocket or her left? Or maybe in her knapsack? "I am here not only at Dumbledore's request but on the ministry's good graces. Now, I doubt you need a reminder that dear Uncle Igor didn't particularly enjoy the idea of being locked up in Azkaban. So perhaps if you give me a complete list of what you and old Snape have been working on, I won't have to suggest to the minister that Karkaroff go back there permanently."
Kalina could barely breathe. Her vision was swimming in front of her as she nodded ferociously.
"I'm going to need you to say it, Miss Karkaroff."
"A list, yes. A list," she whispered.
"Good little witch."
He left without another word. She managed to get herself inside her borrowed quarters, lock the door, and empty the contents of her stomach into a nearby vase.
"A pub?" an exasperated Khristina questioned as soon as Cassie and Romily entered the Three Broomsticks. "I ask you for help and you want to meet in a pub?"
"It's as good a place as any," Cassie said as Khristina pulled her into a tight embrace.
"I am thrilled with the idea of booze," said Khristina, "but we will need privacy."
"We have a room rented," Romily said, pointing toward the staircase. "I will order drinks."
Cassie and Khristina cast barrier charms and Romily locked the door after bringing a tray of dragon sours from the bar. The three witches sat around the small round table, savoring the fruity burn of alcohol in their throats before getting started.
"Tell me," Cassie said, sipping again, "why Gryzlov needs my help."
"The Krasnota have all but taken over the Magical Duma. It will be weeks - days, even - before the ministry's strongholds are broken and all hope will be lost."
Cassie leaned back in her chair as she considered Khristina's statement. "And why is this my concern?"
Khristina's jaw dropped slightly, and she glanced over to Romily, perhaps to find support. "They are terrorizing all of magical Russia, killing innocents, tearing apart families - "
"Correct me if I'm wrong," Cassie interrupted, "But the Krasnota have been doing this very thing for over fifty years. Perhaps the problem is Gryzlov."
"He's been doing everything he can think of. He contacted Martese a couple of months ago. Hired me, Bogdan, and Viggo."
"That should be more than enough help."
"Viggo is dead," Khristina said gruffly, taking a long drink and emptying her glass. Romily placed a full one in front of her. "Bogdan was captured the day I wrote you the letter."
Cassie swallowed thickly. "Why didn't you say so?"
"I will not put sensitive information in a letter that could be intercepted." Khristina looked out the window and sighed before continuing. "I am asking for your help, Black, and yours too, Boucher. It is not only that I want my brother back. There is a good chance that he is already dead. If the Krasnota take over, our entire way of life will be threatened."
Cassie bowed her head. She knew what that felt like. How dare she brush this off as something trivial.
"I cannot go until after the second task," she said quietly. "Romily, would you be willing to lead some of the Saints?"
"You cannot go after the second task," Romily retorted sharply. "You will be in no shape to duel!"
"I can't go before. If something happens to me, then Harry will be in danger - "
"Excuse me," said Khristina, looking wildly between the other two witches, "What do you mean?"
"I have prior life-and-death commitments to attend to," Cassie said, knowing it wasn't much of an explanation. "In the meantime, I will send some of my followers."
Khristina stared at her, dumbfounded. "Followers?"
They finished their drinks and moved through Hogsmeade quickly, eager to Apparate to Puck's Glen. It would be Cassie's first time using Izzy's charm to call the Saints of the Blood for an unexpected meeting. Her heart hurt when she thought of the young witch's sacrifice in her service. How many more would die fighting Gryzlov's war?
The forest was filled with the sound of Apparition. Khristina looked around in confusion as the wizards and witches, including Romily, dropped to their knees in front of Cassie. She pulled an awkward half-curtsy, half-bow before the Saints stood. Cassie covered her bark of laughter with her hand.
They listened to Cassie in silence as they always did. So many of them volunteered to drop everything in their lives to fight at Cassie's request. She selected twenty of them to go with Khristina and Romily.
She hoped she appeared calm and confident in her decision. On the inside, she felt sick and twisted, like she was gambling twenty people's lives.
"I will join you," she assured them as the chosen prepared to touch the Portkey that Gryzlov had sent with Khristina, "As soon as my work during the second task allows me."
Romily shot her a look of disapproval. Cassie shot her a sardonic half-smile. In a matter of seconds, she and the others were gone in a whirl of wind and magic.
The days passed and the second task grew closer. Cassie received letters every other day from Romily, much to Severus's dismay. He didn't think she needed the added stress. Fortunately, her followers seemed to be faring well as they fought the Krasnota. So far there were no reported deaths, and Khristina had learned of Bogdan's whereabouts.
The morning of February twenty-fourth, a Bubo owl dropped a small letter in front of Cassie and Severus stabbed the sausage on his plate so aggressively that grease squirted on Cassie's blouse. She glared at him as she used her wand to rid herself of the stain.
They didn't dare discuss the contents of the letter at the head table. There were too many potential eavesdroppers, especially now that the entire castle knew they were planning a wedding. Draco said countless bets were going on among the students about when they would fight. The extra scrutiny was far from wanted.
Some of the students would have won long ago if they had seen Cassie and Severus in private. This morning was no different. The tension spilled over as soon as they were locked away in Severus's office.
"Why Romily feels the need to inform you of every minuscule detail - "
"Because I ask for them, Severus!"
"There is nothing you can do from here! Why worry yourself?"
"I sent them there!" Cassie snapped, knowing she sounded like a broken record. "If any of them get hurt or killed, it's my fault!"
"A reality you knew would be possible when they agreed to it!" He snatched the letter from her hands and glanced it over. "It seems Gryzlov has gained the upper hand after Romily's involvement, so why invite the unneeded stress - "
"You wouldn't understand!"
Severus slammed his hands, along with the letter, on top of his desk. "I 'wouldn't understand'," he repeated icily. "People fighting and dying for a cause is exactly something I understand."
Cassie let out a deep sigh. "I didn't mean it like that."
"Then what did you mean, Cassie?"
"This is my responsibility, my followers."
He approached her slowly, his large hands gently gripping her upper arms and sliding to her shoulders. After a few silent moments, he placed his pointer finger under her chin and raised her face to meet his, effectively grounding her thoughts. "Today you have a different responsibility."
"I know."
"Have you mentally prepared yourself to go through this again?"
Cassie glanced over to Severus's desk. There were dozens of tiny vials of sunflower-yellow liquid waiting there. Vampire antivenom. "It doesn't really matter if I have, does it?"
Severus turned her face back to his again and placed a kiss on her forehead and then on her nose. Finally, his lips pressed against hers as he pulled her into a tight, all-encompassing embrace. For the first time that morning, she felt some of the tension leave her body.
As they pulled apart, Severus visibly flinched. He grabbed his left forearm without thinking and Cassie reached out to him. He slinked away from her like a dog that had just been kicked.
"You're needed in the hospital wing," he said softly. Cassie swallowed down her dread.
The betrothed couple walked down the corridor, passing hordes of excited students who were heading out to the grounds. Almost everyone, including the staff, was headed to the Black Lake.
Filch waited by the main gates with a list of expected guests crumpled in his hands. Percy Weasley in Barty Crouch's place was the first to arrive. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were next, chatting animatedly at the prospect of watching the second task with Harry. Then Ludo Bagman showed up ten minutes late. Filch almost didn't unlock the gate for him.
He was closing it back up when another face, one with dark, kind eyes, suddenly appeared.
"Eh, who might you be?" Filch questioned irritably.
"Ansel Vingativo," said the broad-shouldered wizard with a warm smile. "I'm here to watch the Triwizard Tournament."
"Not on my list," Filch barked. "Bugger off."
"A friend from the ministry," wheezed Moody as he clumped down the pathway. "Sorry I didn't tell ya, Argus. It was a last-minute thing." Filch eyed the two wizards warily. "Dumbledore owed him a favor. An Auror thing, you see."
Filch sighed in annoyance, shoving the large black key into the lock once more. "Next time if they aren't on the list, they aren't getting in!"
"Understood," said Ansel, shooting the caretaker a smile as he ambled away.
Cassie could see the flickering of candlelight from underneath the hospital wing's doors as she and Severus drew closer. The simultaneous feelings of both foreboding and elation battled within her very core. Her brain told her to run and yet every nerve in her tingled in anticipation of being within such proximity of Stellan. As she crossed the threshold, Severus instinctively steadied her conflicted body.
Stellan was standing only feet from the door, engrossed in conversation with the headmaster. Sensing Cassie's arrival, he stopped midsentence and turned to smirk at her. "Ah, Cassiopeia," he drawled. "What a pleasure it is to finally see you again."
Having Dumbledore in the room gave Cassie a small sense of safety. Unable to find her words, she looked at the older wizard, silently pleading that he would stay.
"The second task begins in thirty minutes," said Dumbledore, gesturing toward the nearest bed. "I suggest we get started."
The very breath left Cassie's body as he stepped through the door and out of sight. Of course, he had other matters to attend to. She shouldn't have been so stupid as to hope he would stay.
"I'm here, Cassie," Severus reminded her gently.
The feral part of her mind still wanted to fight, wanted to run, because the last time she had been in this situation her blood had been drained. She would be on the brink of death again.
She would be at the vampire's mercy.
She swallowed down what fear she could. She couldn't allow herself to fall apart.
"Yes, boy," Stellan said with a low chuckle, "Hand her over to me."
Severus guided Cassie's protesting body over to the impossibly large vampire. Familiar, warm hands released her to cold, vile fingers that gripped her forearms like talons. Cassie glanced at Severus but instantly wished she hadn't. The look of despair and regret on his face far outweighed her own fear. Tears began to stream down her face.
"Now, now," Stellan said soothingly, dropping to his knees before pulling her wrist to his mouth, "We both know you've craved this." Cool, undead breath brushed her skin, and she closed her eyes. She waited for his fangs to pierce her.
She gasped as his tongue dragged along her wrist. Shivers trailed up and down her spine despite her disgust. "You know what I want," Stellan whispered.
"Just get on with it!" Severus snarled.
"It is painless for her this way," Stellan said simply. "All I require is for her to open her eyes."
Severus argued, but as soon as Cassie locked eyes with Stellan all other squabbling was drowned out. The ice-blue eyes pulled her in more quickly than they did last time.
She slumped backward onto the bed before Stellan had finished drinking. The words 'don't stop' fell from her pale lips and then she fell into a blissfully black, quiet slumber.
Severus coaxed replenishing elixirs down her throat. She slept more. Then the screaming started.
Stellan's torture was less of a shock this time, yet Cassie turned away so she didn't have to watch. She grimaced as she pulled herself over to him, the stench of burnt flesh filling her nostrils. Severus was ready for the binding magic to leave Stellan fangless until after he started healing. He slashed Cassie's flesh open so a steady stream of blood ran down her arm.
Cedric Diggory had placed first with Viktor Krum coming in a close second. The entire castle was abuzz with the idea that the Hufflepuff champion had a chance to win the cup.
Cassie dreamed all night of Stellan. She was certain she had orgasmed twice in her sleep. Severus gave her the first dose of antivenom in the morning and she hoped it would stop.
The ancient vampire had left with Diolinda and Vauntie in the safety of darkness. He was weak but recovering nicely. As much as he loved tormenting Cassie and Severus, he said he would much rather be back in Akureyri.
Cassie slept well into the next day. She drank potions, ate when she was told to, and slept some more.
In the evening, a house-elf hand-delivered a letter to the hospital wing. Cassie was alarmed to see starkly different handwriting from Romily's. It was from Dashiell Smith.
My Lady,
Most of our forces have been killed or captured. Romily is behind enemy lines. Your assistance is greatly needed.
Cassie swung into a sitting position on the edge of the bed. Her head spun. As she tried to regain her balance, Madam Pomfrey bustled to her side.
"Cassiopeia, you must rest - "
"I have to go!"
"Where do you think you must go in this state?" the nurse snapped, placing the back of her hand on the younger witch's forehead to assess her temperature.
"I'm lucid," Cassie croaked as sweat poured from her pale face. "I'm just needed elsewhere, now - "
"Cassiopeia, I must insist!"
"Poppy," Cassie said, looking the nurse dead in the face. "If you try to keep me here, you'll have to duel me."
Madam Pomfrey jumped out of Cassie's way. She stood, wavering a little on her feet before she was able to shrug off her hospital gown. She heard the nurse mutter something and then 'Severus' fell from her lips as she rushed back to her office.
Severus. He might tie her to a chair or help her get to Saint Petersburg. Either way, she had to tell him before she left.
She stuffed handfuls of blood replenishers into her pockets before pushing open the hospital wing's doors. The corridors were empty as she slowly trudged her way to the entry hall.
She called for Boros. He was somewhere wandering the corridors, but she wanted him near her. Hopefully, any stray students wouldn't hear her slurred hissing.
She shoved open her classroom door. The large snake was nowhere to be found. She was about to leave when she heard something beyond the door that led to her quarters.
"Draco?" she called, aggravated that her cousin thought it would be wise to go through her things. She had given him the liberty of using her classroom, what more did the kid want?
She flung open the door. What greeted her sight was more horrifying, more traumatic than any half-dead, skinless vampire or any tortured, twisted Muggle she had seen in her youth. She would rather have relived those nightmares tenfold than be subjected to what was in front of her eyes at this very moment.
Kalina was on Cassie's loveseat, completely naked, her shiny blonde hair loose and free down her back. Her long legs were spread wide apart. The Potions Master was stooped between them, thrusting, grunting with effort, and completely unaware of Cassiopeia's sudden presence.
Kalina, however, had taken notice. Her green eyes went wide in shock and she gripped Severus's white shirt. "Miss Black?" she squeaked.
The thrusting stopped. Cassie didn't bother to wait for her fiance's reaction. She slammed the door and with a quick wave of her wand, sealed it to the surrounding wall. If neither of them had their wands on them, they were going to have a hell of a time getting out of there anytime soon.
Cassie huffed as she moved quickly to the main doors. Boros, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, slithered up her leg and wrapped himself around her shoulders. Cassie kissed him on the head and the first tears of agony began to fall from her blue eyes.
"Mistress is sad," the snake noted.
"I don't have time to be sad. We have work to do." As she neared the main gates, she grasped the blood-replenishing potions in her hands and threw them down. The vials shattered into a million tiny pieces, covering the ground with bright red liquid. She wouldn't drink another potion brewed by Severus. Never again.
She Apparated to Puck's Glen. Khristina had stored several well-hidden Portkeys there. Cassie grabbed one disguised as a cigarette butt and together with Boros, disappeared.
Back in Cassie's sitting room, Kalina was hastily pulling her dress back on. "Master Snape, I am so sorry! I should have been more careful!" she said, sniffling. She didn't know how they had been discovered. She was certain that Severus had locked the door and cast sound barriers.
"Don't worry about it," her master said lowly.
"Would you like me to stay in my uncle's ship for the time being? I'm sure he won't mind."
"That won't be necessary."
Kalina felt a small twinge of hope in her utter embarrassment. Was he going to leave Cassiopeia for her? "Oh, but what should I do if I run into her? Surely, she is going to be very angry - "
"I said don't worry about it," he snapped. Kalina shrunk back from him for a few seconds before going to place a hand on his shoulder.
"Master Snape," she said quietly. "All I wanted was for this to happen."
Finally, his eyes met hers. A smirk she had never before seen him wear broke his cold features. "Me, too, Karkaroff."
He bade her a quick goodnight, allowing her to give him a chaste peck on the lips. He had to get somewhere more private, and fast.
The Polyjuice potion containing Snape's hair would be wearing off in a few minutes, but not soon enough in Crouch's opinion. The last thing he wanted was to be caught by the Potions Master himself.
He made it to a broom closet on the second floor without being seen. For a few lingering seconds, he relished in the feeling of being himself before he pulled out his familiar flask. Just like that, he was Moody again.
He hated losing his eye and his leg every time he transformed from his real body back to Moody's. He was confident, however, that soon he would be free to be himself.