
Spinner of Yarns

The peachy-pink petals of the Juliet Rose had to be handled with utmost care, which is why Severus chose to harvest them in the tranquility of Pomona's private greenhouse. The Herbology professor had allowed him a corner since he had become a staff member. That little patch of elevated dirt was one of his most cherished places in the world. There, he could seed and sow the rarest potion ingredients, nurture them to optimum condition, and cultivate what he needed in privacy. No students, at least none to his knowledge, were aware of his small plot of soil. Or none of them cared enough to spoil it for him.

If the Potions Master were the humming type, he would have sung himself a little tune as he worked. Nights like these were a rarity lately. As he used a pair of tweezers to gently pluck another velvety petal from the bloom, he thought of his fiancee and the elixir that this ingredient was intended for. He only needed to reduce the pheromones from his supply of Utetheisa ornatrix and another batch of Risveglentine would be at hand.

Cassie would not be ready for such a stimulating potion for some time. As she recovered in the hospital wing under Poppy's watchful eye, Severus had to busy himself somehow. He occupied his hands with this elixir even if he could not slow down his oscillating mind.

All he truly wanted was to alleviate the anguish in Cassie's mind. He knew that fighting in the Magical Duma's war was unavoidable now, but to what end? He couldn't fathom having her overseas again. He could not endure another stint like Brazil. Every day that passed without her by his side was agonizing, unending torture.

Did she feel the same without him? Or was her proclivity to fight always going to have the upper hand over her soul?

He entered his office and the scent that reached him was musky and thick. The base for the Risveglentine was simmering on a low flame and the fumes were invoking exquisite memories of the things he had done with his lover under its influence.

He longed to touch her. For now, he could only hope that her recovery would be swift.

The fireplace burned green and the school nurse stepped through. Severus turned to face her, ready to demand an explanation for her presence. She was supposed to be looking after his beloved, after all. How dare she take one step out of the ward when Cassie was lying there, weak, exposed, anemic -

"Severus!" Poppy was visibly disturbed, her hand on her throat as she viewed the Potions Master through wide, wild eyes. "You have to stop her!"

"What do you mean?"

"Black! She left the hospital wing!"

Severus stepped toward the fireplace but stopped when the nurse grasped his sleeve. "She's not there, Severus, she's gone!"

"Gone where?"

"She got an owl - a message from Russia, I think!"

A growl of frustration tore from his throat as he snatched the cloak from his chair and charged from the room. Whatever that message said, Cassie had no reason to leave her hospital bed, and to attempt to leave without telling him -

He had only reached the base of the dungeon staircase when hot, searing pain stopped him in his tracks. In his panic about Cassie, he was unable to hide his agony as the Dark Mark burned deep, dark black on his arm.

"Severus!" gasped Poppy, her hand going to his shoulder as he doubled over, "What is it?"

"Get the headmaster," he commanded through gritted teeth.

Cassie, in all of her brashness and vacuity, would have to wait. The Dark Mark had never reacted with such intensity and so Severus and Albus were in agreement that something disconcerting was happening. The two wizards were arguing about what their next steps should be when Filch burst into Severus's office. He told them that Harry Potter, who they hadn't realized had even been missing, had returned to the grounds.

Poppy had her hands full as she settled the visibly shaken Gryffindor into a bed. His face was pale and the nurse was wiping away tears and snot as he babbled nonsensically at the headmaster. Severus was more concerned with the blood on his forearm, although at second glance it appeared as though the wound had already clotted off. It was after Severus was reassured that Potter wasn't going to bleed out that he finally began to register some of his words.

"He killed him! He killed Colin!"

"Who, Harry?" Albus asked forcefully, although not unkindly, as he cupped Potter's face. "Who killed him?"


What they all dreaded was here. Severus's mark had been burning since before the start of term. He knew the Dark Lord's return was inevitable, and yet for a moment, every fiber of his being wished for anything else to be true.

Creevey's death could not be willed away so easily. Hagrid was somewhere in the castle caring for his corpse while the rest of the staff tried to make sense of what had happened.

Owls were sent out. The first was to Fudge, which was answered almost straight away. He would be there as soon as he could gather enough Aurors.

A second owl to Black and Lupin.

They discussed sending a third to Mr. and Mrs. Creevey. It was decided that they should find out in person. Filius and Charity were tasked with traveling to Rothwell to deliver the heartbreaking news, as Minerva was adamant that she stay with Potter. Dennis Creevey was woken from his four-poster bed to accompany the two professors.

Severus, much to his dismay, was tasked with greeting Minister Fudge at the gates. He wished to question Potter on how he had managed to come in contact with a Portkey that threw him into the Dark Lord's clutches. Perhaps Albus had thought the fourth year might open up without the Potions Master present. He didn't like being this far away from Potter at such a critical time. Clearly, the person who put Potter's name in the Goblet of Fire was still at liberty to do as they pleased.

"Ah, Snape," huffed Fudge as Severus opened the gate. Five of his staff trailed behind him, two of them he knew for certain were Aurors. "I hear that congratulations are in order!"

"Now is not the time," Severus replied icily.

"Where is your bride-to-be?" Fudge asked. Severus detected the tension behind the Minister of Magic's question.

"She is indisposed."

"Trying to keep her all to yourself, I see."

Severus was not willing to dignify Fudge's imbecilic comment with a response. The journey to the hospital ward was silent, and as they stepped through to the chaos on the other side, Severus wished he had not taken those quiet minutes for granted.

The headmaster was busy debriefing the mutts in his office. He had wanted to prepare them for the state that Potter was in before they saw them, so as not to make his emotional state worse. That left Minerva and Poppy alone with the young Gryffindor. The first thing that Severus saw was that the school nurse was lying unconscious on the stone floor near Potter's bed. Minerva was locked in a duel with Moody. Two unoccupied hospital beds had been thrown to the other side of the room, and on the other side of the wing, the curtains were on fire.

"Potter, get down!" snarled Severus. The shocked boy obeyed his professor and threw himself out of bed. Severus couldn't make sense of why the Head of Gryffindor was dueling the retired Auror. All he could do was place himself in front of Potter and make sure he didn't get hit by an ill-aimed spell.

Moody yelped in pain between firing curses. His magical eye popped from the socket and clattered to the floor, and that's when Severus realized the Polyjuice potion was wearing off. Minerva dodged the Cruciatus Curse and Severus was sure that Moody wasn't Moody.

The Head of Slytherin's Stunning Spell hit the imposter square in the back.

"Snape, what have you done?!" shouted Fudge. Severus ignored the minister's question and kneeled down by Potter.

"Are you hurt?"

"No, professor."

"Then I need you to go to the headmaster's office. You'll find the mu - your godfather and Lupin there. Bring them here straight away."

The boy obeyed him without question. Severus turned back to the imposter. Minerva was using her wand to bind him in chains.

Chaos continued. There was yelling and arguing when they realized that Barty Crouch Junior had been impersonating Moody. Fudge, it seemed, could not move past that point. Minerva told him more than once that Potter reported the Dark Lord's rebirth, yet he would not respond to it. The volume of the room quieted only a little when Albus entered. Black, Lupin, and Potter were close behind him.

Severus fully expected to remain there until this situation was resolved. He was caught off guard when the headmaster expected something else from him.

"You know what I must ask you to do," he said to Severus quietly. It seemed no one else in the room was paying them any attention as they continued to quarrel. "If you are ready...If you are prepared..."

Severus took only a moment to compose himself. "I am."

"Then good luck."

Luck. He had counted himself lucky many times in recent years. It wasn't due to his appointment as Potions Master or his close work with Albus Dumbledore. However, when he first started his post he recognized that he had been given a rare opportunity.

Most of the positive things in his life had been earned. He had studied hard while at Hogwarts and worked countless hours as an apprentice to complete his mastery. He had practiced spells and jinxes and curses at every opportunity so he could excel at dueling. He had experimented, devoting much time to perfecting potion recipes as well as inventing spells. His prowess as a wizard had not been handed to him by fate or the gods.

But he knew he was lucky. Out there somewhere was a beautiful, headstrong witch wearing the engagement ring he had given to her. Who had promised to spend her life with him, who loved and accepted him and his many, many flaws.

He longed to see her before he put himself in possibly the most dangerous situation he had ever been in. Even if it was for a moment to embrace her, to kiss her on her sweet lips. To tell her he loved her.

His Death Eater mask was stored in the very back of his bureau. It was an artifact he hadn't seen in fourteen years and even walking to the dungeons to retrieve it seemed foreign and reprehensible. He slipped it under his robes, dreading the moment he would have to put it on.

That moment came minutes later when he reached the edge of the school grounds. The silver mask had three holes that allowed him to breathe and yet it felt stifling. Two steps out of the gates, Severus touched his wand to the mark on his arm. With a loud crack, he journeyed to wherever the Dark Lord willed him to be.

He was outside of an unfamiliar manor. It rested atop a large hill and in the dark he could make out acreage dotted with trees and neglected flower patches. In the distance, a sleepy village had few of its lights on as most of its population slept.

There was not a soul to be found outside. Dim, flickering lights could be seen from the windows. Whatever gathering that was happening was taking place inside. He wondered how safe it would be to just walk through the front door when it swung open.

"Severus!" said Avery. The surprise was evident in his voice.

"Gaspar," Severus greeted. He gave the other wizard a curt nod as he stepped across the threshold. Avery had removed his mask and hood, but Severus didn't dare assume he was welcome to partake in such an informality. He wasn't sure he was going to survive the next five minutes.

Everyone had removed their masks. Most were holding goblets of what Severus assumed was wine, but if they were celebrating their lord's return, the gaiety was lost on him. As he walked through the large house, the tension was palpable.

Harry Potter had escaped. Severus expected the Dark Lord was not in a festive mood.

Lucius was silent as he pointed Severus toward a bedroom door. His silver eyes were wide and unblinking, seeing past his old friend as he finished off his goblet of wine.

Lord Voldemort sat next to the fireplace with a large snake in his lap when Severus entered the master suite. As soon as those red, demon-like eyes laid upon him he dropped to his knees and bowed his head. He cleared his thoughts as he waited for some form of pain to hit him.

"Severus. How nice of you to join us."

"I beg your forgiveness, my lord. I could not depart until Dumbledore allowed me to."

"Ah. So you confess that Albus Dumbledore is your true master?"

"Never, my lord. You remain the sole reason for my existence."

There was poignant silence. Then, "Rise, Severus."

Severus didn't hesitate to obey. He rose to his feet and folded his hands neatly in front of him. The Dark Lord was more comfortable with an adversary's hands visible at all times.

Voldemort stood. The snake hissed in annoyance and curled up next to the fireplace as her master stepped toward Severus. There was only one other person in the room, a wizard Severus had never seen before.

He didn't have time to figure out who he was. The Dark Lord ripped the mask from his face and it fell, clanking metal on wood. Two long, skeletal fingers pushed under his chin to line up red eyes with black. Against everything natural, fighting every instinct to block him out, Severus allowed the Dark Lord into his mind.

It was just as difficult as it had been over a decade ago. Severus was a powerful Occlumens and could have just forced the other wizard out, but that was not the plan. To keep Voldemort's trust, he had to show that he had nothing to hide. So he and Albus had to decide, before this atrocity even took place, what was truly worth hiding.

Seconds felt like hours as the Dark Lord ripped through memories and paged through the last years like an encyclopedia. Severus was only partially confident that he would barrel past the hidden blockades he had spent countless hours building. His mind was a fortress. It had to be, or his entire role as a spy would be forfeit.

Voldemort pulled out of his mind. Severus breathed in, out, in, out, before the Cruciatus Curse hit him. His body fell to the wooden floor with a thud, seizing as pain burned every nerve in his body.

"Ansel," Voldemort said lazily as he kept his wand pointed at Severus, "Fetch Lucius for me."

Lucius had heard Severus's screams from the drawing room and he had no desire to enter the room where he was being tortured. He had endured his own round of agony earlier that night. All he wanted was to get out of Little Hangleton and return to the comfort of his bed and Narcissa's arms.

"My lord," Lucius managed between his friend's cries of pain. He kept his eyes averted just above his master's head. He couldn't look at Severus as he writhed on the floor.

"Severus and you failed to ensure my daughter's loyalty to me." He was staring right at him. Lucius knew that if he didn't meet his gaze, he would be tortured again. He forced himself to look into his red eyes, and a shudder ran through his body as he saw the Dark Lord's fury.

"My lord, we tried - "

"You tried." He released Severus from the curse. The raven-haired wizard rolled over and emptied the contents of his stomach onto the floor. "Yet she is loyal to Dumbledore, on his payroll, completing tasks for him like an errand girl!"

Lucius swallowed thickly. "She is stubborn, my lord. Once she decides something it is very hard to change her mind."

"Yet her mind was swayed away from me!"

"My lord," said Severus, working to catch his breath as he rested on his knees, "Dumbledore spared no effort to influence her the moment you were gone - "

Voldemort reached down and grasped Severus's jaw. His nails dug into his flesh and Severus rose slowly, carefully, as the Dark Lord sneered in his face. "Filthy, unworthy half-blood, dare to fornicate with my offspring," he hissed. His spittle hit Severus's lips and he flinched at the words.

The torture curse hit him again. The back of his head slammed into the floor and he saw stars as agony tore through him.

The spell didn't last as long this time. The arrival of another wizard had piqued Voldemort's interest. Severus swallowed down the saliva that had accumulated while thrashing on the floor. His throat was raw from screaming. Lucius's silver eyes were glassy as he glanced at him, but he looked away just as quickly.

"Ah, Barty," said Voldemort, stepping away from Severus. "Hogwarts has become unwelcome?"

"I apologize, my lord," Barty Crouch Junior said, bowing deeply. "I have been found out. Fudge had me arrested. Fortunately, I was not in custody for very long."

Severus hid his bewilderment, but barely. How he had been fooled by this wizard he didn't know. From observing him now, he looked haphazard and arrogant.

Voldemort chuckled. "Azkaban is not the place for you, my boy. You and Ansel have aided me tremendously and so both of you shall be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams."

"I only have one request," said the wizard named Ansel. His brown eyes darkened and the small smile that had previously adorned his warm features disappeared.

"I am aware," said Voldemort nonchalantly. He dismissed Crouch, Vingativo, and Malfoy. He was not done with Snape.

He motioned for Severus to stand. His joints ached with every movement but he managed to do as the Dark Lord commanded.

"Speak your piece," Voldemort said, sitting in the overstuffed chair again. The python stayed curled up next to the flames.

"My lord," started Severus. He longed for a drink and a hot bath and to be out of the Dark Lord's presence. Every moment was like waiting for a stick of dynamite to go off. "Everything that I have done in the last fourteen years has been in anticipation of your return."

"Has it?"

"I have nurtured Dumbledore's trust. I am his confidant and at times, his advisor. Few things take place in the castle that I do not know about because of this."

"And how do I know you did this for my gain and for your own?"

"My lord, my only ambition has been to serve you again. I stayed at Hogwarts where I risked being found out by one of the most powerful wizards in the world, all in your name. I have kept a close watch on Potter and on Cassiopeia - "

"I would venture to say that you have kept more than a close watch on her."

"My lord." Severus bowed. "When it became evident that Dumbledore had his talons in her, I knew that I had to do everything to keep some sort of influence on her. She was drawn to me on her own as a child, seeing me as some sort of antithesis to Lucius and his family. When she came of age and was no longer involved with Weasley, she developed a romantic interest in me. If I had rejected her, I risked losing any intimate contact with her."

"It is to my good fortune that she did not breed with a blood traitor," Voldemort said icily. "And yet she still sympathizes with Dumbledore!"

"I regret that immensely, my lord. But it is a fine balance. If I push too hard, I may lose her altogether." Severus could see the wheels spinning in Voldemort's head. Maybe the Dark Lord would believe him. Maybe he could actually live through this. "She seeks power. She has gotten a taste for it. I foresee her breaking away from Dumbledore - it is only a matter of time."

The Dark Lord's eyes narrowed as he contemplated Severus's words. "And if she does, will she come to me? Or will she challenge me, Severus?"

Severus swallowed. He had to choose his next words carefully. "I will do everything to ensure that she seeks out your favor, my lord."

An amused smile cracked Voldemort's white face. "I was disappointed when you didn't appear at my side right away, Severus. Time will tell if I made the right decision in not killing you the moment you entered this house."

The steady hum of conversation was interrupted by female shrieks and then laughter. Severus's stomach dropped. The Dark Lord had risen only a few hours ago and already his Death Eaters were back to their old ways. He wondered what poor Muggle they had captured from the village.

The door swung open. Crouch entered again, this time with a blonde in his clutches. It took a few seconds for Severus to realize who she was.

Kalina found him immediately. Her tear-stained emerald eyes were locked on him as she breathed fast and shallow, panicking from being kidnapped by a Death Eater and now being thrust into Lord Voldemort's presence.

"I almost forgot to mention, Master," said Crouch with a proud smirk, "Karkaroff ran when the Dark Mark burned."

Voldemort rested his chin on his fist. "Unsurprising. What is this?"

"His niece. Kalina Karkaroff."

Voldemort no longer looked bored as Crouch shoved her to the ground. "Severus, please!" she choked.

Severus silently cursed Igor. He wasn't surprised the coward disappeared, but he hadn't expected him to be so cold as to leave his niece behind.

Voldemort grabbed a fist of Kalina's hair and yanked her toward him. Now those emerald eyes were wide-eyed with terror as she took in the sight of the Dark Lord newly reborn.

Severus turned to leave the room, but not before he threw a desperate attempt behind him. "She is a talented potioneer, my lord. Perhaps it would be in your best interest to retain her in the event that I am...unavailable."

"Mhm. An interesting thought, Severus. I might not dispose of her just yet." He had forced the poor girl onto his lap. She wept as he ripped open the neckline of her powder blue robes.

Severus excused himself for a drink. The celebration had become more lively since Crouch's arrival and many of the others were caught up in his retelling of his escape from Fudge's Aurors.

The Dark Lord, it seemed, was preoccupied with Kalina. He did not emerge from the master suite for what seemed like an eternity and when he did, he made no mention of her.

The Death Eaters were eventually dismissed. Severus returned to Hogwarts not knowing whether his apprentice was alive or dead.

A sickened feeling coated his insides as he updated Albus on what had transpired. It wasn't until he was dismissed from the headmaster's office that he was finally able to check on Cassie's whereabouts.

She was not in the castle. His owl to Romily went unanswered for too long, and when he did receive a reply it antagonized him further.

Cassie had stayed behind in St. Petersburg alone. He hoped, with every ounce of his soul, that she would return to him safely.


"Do you have nothing to say, my daughter?" Voldemort stepped away from Cassie and as his reptilian face disappeared from her sight she could breathe again.

She kept still, trying to take in as much detail of her surroundings without making it obvious. A golden chandelier hung over her, its candles twinkling with life and allowing her to see some of the people present. Some were seated at a long, rectangular dining table. Most were standing strategically around the room and guarding the various exits.

They dared to doff their masks. Enough time had passed that her father had made them feel welcome back in his presence.

Gaspar Avery. Walden Macnair. Victor Crabbe. Geoffrey Goyle.

"Odd. She usually is an impudent little witch," said someone seated at the table. The speaker's voice was unknown to her.

A pair of large hands grasped her arms and pulled her to her feet. It was Stellan. He was a pillar, tall and unmoving as she steadied her weak frame against him.

She didn't recognize the wizard that had remarked on her etiquette. He had brown hair and sharp features. Somehow, he had earned the right to sit next to her father. And he was looking at her like given the chance, he would devour her.

Next to him was another unfamiliar wizard. He had skin the shade of caramel and a handsome face. If looks could kill, she would have been dead three times over.

"I see there are new lackeys," Cassie said icily.

The first wizard scoffed. "Hardly. I dedicated my life to my master when you were a mere child." Noticing Cassie's confusion, he smirked at her. "Still not placing me. How about a clue?" He covered one eye with his hand, then used the other to point at her. "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" he shouted.

The other Death Eaters guffawed as Cassie realized what he meant.

"Is Mad-Eye dead?" she asked lowly.

The wizard's face broke into a sickening smile. "Unfortunately, no. I had to keep him alive. I needed a fresh supply of DNA for the Polyjuice Potion, you see."

The other unknown wizard suddenly slammed his fist on the table, making Cassie jump. Stellan's arm encircled her shoulders.

All heads turned to look at the angry wizard. "Enough banter, Barty!" he snapped.

Barty snorted. "In a hurry, Ansel? Do you have someplace to be?"

"Quiet. The both of you," said Lord Voldemort. Both wizards shut up but their expressions still smoldered with anger.

Voldemort gave a small nod and Stellan forced Cassie into a chair. He clapped his hands on her shoulders, ensuring that she would stay put.

Not that she needed a guard. She felt so weak that she wondered if she could manage sitting up without Stellan's support.

Her father's red eyes were fixed on her. She was determined not to falter as she stared back.

"There are severe transgressions that need answering for," Voldemort said softly.

"Have I disappointed you?" Her mockery was answered swiftly with a flick of her father's wand. The Cruciatus Curse landed and Stellan didn't break her fall from the chair.

"Ungracious, insolent little scab!" Voldemort spat as Cassie rolled onto her back. Far above her, Stellan was staring down with hungry eyes. She wiped her mouth and saw the blood. She bit her lip while trying not to scream. "The things revealed when I was entwined with your mind. I should slay you where you lie!"

Cassie had barely managed to catch her breath as Stellan yanked her back to her chair. "That was years ago, Father. I have done things you consider far worse since then." She was certain her goading was going to earn her another round of the torture curse. She wasn't fond of pain, nor was she looking to be weakened further. But she was not willing to look demeaned in front of Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

The Cruciatus Curse didn't come as the father-daughter reunion was interrupted by an angry voice. "Nem fodendo!" Ansel pushed back his chair and stood. His left hand was missing just below the wrist and the stump was wrapped in a bloodied bandage. His teeth were bared in a snarl. Cassie wondered if he was going to leap across the table at her. "You dare refer to the murder of my mistress in such a way!"

Cassie had no allies in the large drawing room. She was in no place to provoke the people around her. Every one of them was armed with a wand except for the ancient vampire who yearned for her blood. If Severus was there, one look from him would have communicated his desperation for her to remain silent.

The thought of Severus destroyed her all over again.

What did it matter if Stellan drained her blood or if Ansel strangled her with his bare hands?

"Sit down, Vingativo," Voldemort commanded.

Ansel did not obey the Dark Lord. He remained on his feet, unable to control his rage as he glared at his master's daughter. "You promised me," he declared through clenched teeth. "When you were reborn, you said I would be rewarded!"

"In due time. Sit down," the Dark Lord repeated icily. Ansel didn't move.

"Did you get a good look at my wand?" Cassie asked sweetly, directing the question at the former Cavaleiro da Floresta. "I assume my father has it in the pocket of his robes."

"What does it matter?" Ansel snapped.

"Eleven inches, made of silver barrigona with a core of curupira hair." Ansel's eyes widened as comprehension hit him. "I claimed it as my own after I killed your mistress."

Ansel's hand dove into his robes for his wand, but Lord Voldemort was faster. A flash of green lit up the room and Sauda Sombria's former Cavaleiro thudded to the floor.

Barty barked in laughter. His grin disappeared when he caught his master's disapproving glare.

"I have had enough of my heir for one night," Voldemort sneered as he pushed away from the table. "Get her settled in." To his python, he hissed, "Eat."

The Death Eaters that were seated stood and everyone, regardless of stance, bowed their heads. Stellan yanked Cassie to her feet by the back of her neck. Only when her father disappeared from the room did he release his iron grip.

"Words," said Cassie, wincing as she rubbed her bruising skin, "Words will do."

Voldemort's impossibly large snake slithered to Ansel's fresh corpse, her forked tongue flitting in and out of her mouth excitedly. "I did not realize you had a death wish, young Cassiopeia," Stellan said lowly. He directed her through one of the guarded doorways with one hand on the small of her back and the other gripping her arm.

She snorted. "What do you care?"

"I wish to keep my most appetizing source of sustenance."

"That's what this is all about? My delicious blood?"

The vampire remained silent as he guided her up a staircase. He spoke again when they were in what Cassie assumed was their designated room. It contained a large four-poster bed covered in a faded purple duvet. A wooden coffin had been haphazardly shoved into a corner. "You flatter yourself, little witch."

"So enlighten me."

The corner of Stellan's lip curled in an amused smirk. "You are a prisoner. You are not owed sensitive information."

Cassie sat on the bed. A puff of dust rose into the air and she tried to wave it away with her hand. "Fine. You'll find that being my handler won't be a walk in the park."

"I expect you'll be more agreeable as time passes."

"Yeah? How's that?"

Stellan moved lightning-fast across the room and he was suddenly in front of her. Her heart pounded in her chest as he knelt so he could meet her at eye level. "No one is going to be feeding you those detestable antivenoms," he told her quietly, his knuckle brushing down her cheek as he spoke. Cassie shuddered as she tried to avoid his icy gaze.

His fangs glistened in the dim light. She couldn't still her heart even though she willed herself to calm down and there was something so enticing about the vampire's earthy, metallic scent. She feared the pain that would come when he pierced her and yet part of her welcomed it. Her skin tingled and heated where his cool breath brushed over it and she closed her eyes, waiting for the moment he bit her neck.

"Not tonight, Cassiopeia," Stellan whispered. "Although I do appreciate the enthusiasm."

After getting to his feet, he instructed her to get under the covers. Cassie did just that, humiliated and disgusted with her response to his proximity. If she had not been so depleted, she might not have drifted off to sleep so easily.

Cassie woke not knowing how long she had been asleep nor knowing what time of day it was. For a few moments, she lay still in the lumpy bed. She dreaded having to interact with Stellan again, then realized that sunbeams were warming her face.

She looked over to the coffin. The cover was shut tight. No one else was in the room with her.

She crossed to the window and confirmed they were on the second floor. She would survive jumping out but might not mend a broken leg properly with wandless magic before she was caught. Regardless, she slowly moved her hands over the glass. Wards were in place.

Tiptoeing to the door, she silently cheered when she sensed no magic over it. Risking one last glance at Stellan's silent coffin, she turned the door handle and slowly, tentatively, opened the cherrywood door.

She crossed the threshold and gasped as she smashed into a solid torso.

"Tsk, tsk." Barty grasped both of her wrists as he pulled her back inside the room. "I leave for only a few minutes and you're already on the move. I suppose I should have expected it."

Cassie yanked her arms out of his grip and stepped away from him. "Yes, I suppose you should have."

"Mhm. I've mentioned to the Dark Lord that house-elves would be beneficial. Perhaps now he will heed my advice." Barty motioned to the tray of food that had floated into the room behind him.

Cassie scoffed. "He doesn't follow anyone's advice."

"There's where you are wrong, little witch."

"Oh? And you think he'll listen to you?"

"You know nothing about me."

"I know you're a despicable excuse for a wizard."

"Funny. I've said the same about you." Barty snatched the tray out of the air and brandished it at her. "You need to eat."

"You're simultaneously weakening me and yet feeding me? That doesn't make much sense."

"My master wants you alive," he said matter-of-factly. The way his hazel eyes traveled over her body before going back to her face sickened her. "So you will eat."

Cassie didn't reach for the plate of toast and beans. She and Barty glared at each other, daring each other to make the next move. "You've been demoted to being my daytime warden, I see."

"Anything the Dark Lord assigns is an honor."

"Yes, very honorable. Until he slaughters you where you stand and feeds you to his snake like Angel."

"Ansel. And he had outlived his usefulness."

Cassie sucked her teeth. "That's quite the assessment coming from a fellow Death Eater."

"He had not taken the mark. He nursed my master back to health only under the premise that he would get to kill you."

"So my father lied to him. I wonder what he's lied to you about?"

Anger flashed through Barty's eyes. "You'll be careful to continue to disrespect him in front of me, his most valued servant - "

"Your value lies in how much you can benefit him and nothing else. I should think that was demonstrated last night when he killed one of you to protect me. Do you think that was out of paternal instinct? The second he decides that I will not bow to him he will dispose of me. He will do the same to you when you have nothing significant to offer."


The pain that Barty's curse caused was of a different caliber than she had ever felt. Whereas her father had used it on her during what he considered teaching moments, Barty wanted to cause her nothing but misery. Every nerve, every hair follicle, every cell was electrified as she writhed on the floor next to her breakfast.

He desired nothing more than to harm her. Every ounce of him wanted to punish her. This disgusting, unappreciative whore fucked blood traitors and half-bloods instead of saving herself for a loyal, deserving pureblood.

She foamed at the mouth and he grew hard against his trousers. His breath caught in his throat at the sound of her screams, but he stopped the curse. He wanted to see her bleed. As she choked on the phlegm in her throat he sliced open her cheek. The bright red blood dripped from the gash. The tip of his cock wept with excitement and strained against its confinement.

Lucius heard his niece's screams upon entering Riddle Manor. The Dark Lord and most of the Death Eaters were out terrorizing Muggle London and he had no one to ask what was happening. No one to stop him. No one to back him up.

The screaming stopped. There was a loud crash and Lucius made up his mind. He bounded up the staircase, wand in hand, and burst into the room where his niece was being held captive.

Barty Crouch Junior was pinned against the wall, his feet dangling six inches from the floor. He was coughing weakly as a pale and bloodied Cassie strangled him with wandless magic. She looked maniacal, her teeth bared in a snarl, hellbent on stealing the wizard's breath. She didn't notice that Lucius had appeared.

Barty's eyes glistened as they met Lucius's. For ten seconds, the Malfoy patriarch wrestled with his conscience.

He stepped forward and tapped the tip of his wand to Cassie's temple. She crumpled in a heap as her reality turned to black.

Barty looked rabid as he regained his ability to breathe. He stalked toward Cassie, raising his arm to hex her. Lucius swiftly disarmed him and caught his wand.

"No," said Lucius, keeping his voice even as he stared down the younger wizard. "I doubt our master gave you permission to harm her. You will not enter this room until he returns."

"I have been assigned - !"

"Then take it up with him," Lucius sneered as he pocketed Barty's wand. "I will watch her until the vampire wakes."

Weaponless, Barty stomped down the stairs. Lucius lifted his niece onto the bed, but not before magically cleaning the comforter and fluffing up the pillows. He saw no reason that she had to be uncomfortable in her prison.

When Cassie woke later that night, sore and stiff, Stellan had resumed his position. Barty was not in the room, something that she would never admit she was grateful for. She had no recollection of her uncle being in the room, nor the feeling of his hands moving gently over the freshly-healed cut on her cheek.

At Hogwarts, the Head of Slytherin prepared to travel overseas. He nor Romily had heard from Cassie, and the next logical step was to go to St. Petersburg himself. If Minister Gryzlov was holding her there, Severus would ensure he would meet his end.

Severus had donned his traveling cloak and was in the entry hall when his plans were stalled. What he hadn't expected to see was Lucius, outwardly flustered as he outpaced a panting Filch.

"A moment alone, Severus."

"I don't have time - "

"You do!" the blond wizard hissed. Severus directed Lucius to Cassie's classroom. As Kalina was lost to the whims of Lord Voldemort, the rooms remained empty.

"What is it, Lucius?" Severus demanded irritably. His companion's silver eyes were bloodshot, his skin abnormally pale. When he spoke, his voice shook in such an uncharacteristic way that his words did not register in Severus's mind for the first several seconds.

"I thought it best you find out this way," Lucius said, swallowing hard. "He has her, Severus. The Dark Lord has Cassie."

Severus left the castle grounds moments later. Albus would be furious that he didn't take the time to plan with him before leaving, but no part of him could wait.

A Portkey to St. Petersburg was no longer needed. As soon as Severus stepped into Hogsmeade, he Apparated to Little Hangleton and hoped the Dark Lord would not be displeased with his sudden appearance at the Riddle estate.