Cassie Black, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, has wanted nothing more than to become an Auror. During her seventh year at Hogwarts, she must deal not only with Minister Fudge's mistrust of her true intentions, but Dumbledore's unending manipulation to get what he wants. Her blossoming attraction to lifetime friend Professor Snape, who she assumes will be horrified if he finds out her true feelings, threatens to ruin everything she holds dear. (Starts during Sorceror's Stone. Severus x Original Female Character).
Cassie knew the instant the potion's effects took hold. In only moments she felt uncharacteristically confident, and her eyes met Tonks' again.
"Are you ready Cass?"
Cassie glanced down to the half-empty vial in her hand. Before she had consumed the elixir, she had debated giving the young Auror some of it. She didn't know if it would be the wrong choice, if not taking all of it herself would ruin her chances of beating the dark witch. Now, she knew without question what the correct decision was. "Here," she said, handing it to her cousin.
"I thought the plan was for you to take all of it," Tonks said, raising a questioning eyebrow at her.
"I need you to be safe," Cassie told her soberly.
"But when you face Sombria - "
"The potion will last a few hours for both of us. We won't need any more time than that."
"How do you know?"
Cassie felt Moody's austere scrutiny on her, and she locked eyes with him momentarily before focusing back on Tonks. "I just do."
"Drink it, Tonks," the wizened Auror commanded. She obeyed her mentor.
Cassie closed her eyes, trying to listen to the brew's silent command on what to do next. She knew she needed to Apparate somewhere, but a specific place was not coming to mind. Instead, something else was. She felt the need to clarify something with the Brazilian Aurors that would be following her. "No one engages Sombria but me," she said to the small gathering of witches and wizards that stood before her. "Attempting to do so will only get you killed."
"But if you need help - " Maria started to argue, but Cassie cut her off.
"I won't need your help with her," Cassie said sternly. "I need the rest of you to create a perimeter. Make sure any cavaleiros she's managed to gather don't congregate." A feeling of urgency was prodding at her core now. She knew they needed to move. With still no inkling of where exactly she was Apparating to, Cassie turned on the spot.
Within a few seconds, she realized that she was still in the Amazon, but exactly where had yet to reveal itself. The loud cracks of others appearing around her temporarily drowned out the sound of crackling flames in the surrounding trees. Countless plants around them had been destroyed, and any indication that animals were alive and well near them were absent.
With Tonks to her left and Dumbledore to her right, Cassie tried to gain perspective on what was going on. But she knew without any other clues that Sauda Sombria had already attacked here. The damaged forest was eerily silent around them.
A woman's agonized scream sounded not far away. The Aurors stirred, and just as a few of them took a few steps in the direction of the noise, Cassie produced a large shield charm. Following her lead, Dumbledore crafted one behind them.
"Cass," Tonks hissed, "What's happening?"
In answer to the young Auror's question, a barrage of curses hit the magical barrier. It started to hiss and crackle with the sudden assault, and Tonks' attention was stolen to the cavaleiros that had surrounded them. "The shield is going to fail!" Cassie warned her companions. At her words, the Aurors readied for attack, their wands at the poised to strike.
The barrier was holding as curses of all colors hit it. Then, a thick stream of black voltage slammed into it, causing the earth around them to shudder. Before the shield charm shattered, Cassie Disapparated away from her comrades, reappearing near the powerful witch that was bringing it down. With a swipe of Bellatrix's wand, Cassie sent Sombria flying, her petite frame slamming into a charred tree.
The battle had begun around them. Out of the corner of her eye, Cassie saw an orange curse aimed at Tonks narrowly miss her. But her focus was no longer on her cousin. She would have to fend for herself.
Cassie focused on Sombria's marked face as she approached her, growing more eager to wipe the satisfied look off the dark witch's face with every step she took. Even crumpled on the ground, Sombria somehow looked pleased.
"I come here, you come," Sombria hummed, climbing to her feet.
"What?" Cassie hissed, her wand pointed at the older witch's chest. Then the meaning of her words hit her. Cassie realized they were standing in the trees that housed Academia de Luta's huts. And her former peers had yet to be seen.
In her alarmed state, Cassie shot a binding charm at Sombria. She deflected it with a wave of her hand and was about to launch a countercurse when she let out a small yelp. Dumbledore was standing at Cassie's side, his wand pointed at the witch that was now paralyzed in place.
"Headmaster," Cassie breathed, "She attacked Martese and his students!"
"There is no time to dwell on it," Dumbledore chided her gently. "We must stick to the plan."
Cassie swallowed hard, barely registering the spells being hurtled around them. She needed to look into Sombria's mind before she could be properly disposed of. She walked up to the dark witch, confident that Dumbledore's binding would hold long enough, although she could see that Sombria was fighting it.
As strong as this witch was, having stolen so many people's powers, she was not skilled in the art of Occlumency. Even if she had killed and absorbed the essence of someone that had been experienced in it, she would not have been talented in the art without extensive practice. Cassie entered Sombria's mind with ease, her memories and thoughts exposed to her like an open book. Even with not attempting to use it in so many years, it seemed second nature to Cassie. Fortunately, she didn't have time to dwell on that fact just yet.
As soon as Cassie was in the witch's mind, she wanted out. It was unlike anything she had experienced before, melding with the psyche of someone so bloodthirsty, so unrepentant. What she wanted was information on Sombria's past, but before she could muddle her way to that coveted information, she had to sort through her most recent memories, her feelings of rage and determination. She had expected to witness Sombria making her way here and attacking Machado's proteges. She was grateful to see that even as their home in the trees was demolished, most of them had gotten away unscathed. What she wasn't ready for was to see the murder of Sombria's latest victim.
While she had been pushing through the memories in haste, knowing that it would only be a matter of time before the immensely powerful witch broke out of this magical hold, these particular moments seemed to go on forever. She saw Romily and Miremba face Sombria as the trees around them went up in flames. Even as the young witches attempted to block every hex that was sent their way, Cassie could hear Machado yelling, pleading with them to break off from the unmatched duel and get to safety. Their master was locked in a duel with two masked wizards, unable to aid them. When a curse nearly hit Miremba in the face, burning her temple instead as it flew past, she finally conceded to Machado's wishes and disappeared. Sombria laughed as she turned to Romily, ready to strike when a ball of bright red hit the back of her head. While the spell only seemed to bounce off her, it had pulled her attention away from the brunette witch, and she turned to face a steadfast-looking Alex.
If Cassie had been able to use her voice, she would have bellowed for Alex to look out, to get away. But even as the feelings of anguish ran through her, she knew that nothing could be done, as this was just a memory now. She was a helpless bystander as Sombria produced a spiked cord, the same she had used on Cassie not so long ago, and snapped it around Alex's neck. Romily shrieked as he was pulled to the ground and heaved to Sombria's feet in a matter of seconds. Every attempt that Romily made to stop the marked witch was deflected as if she was nothing but a bothersome mosquito she was absent-mindedly swatting away. Sombria swirled the fingers of her left hand, a crooked dagger appearing out of thin air. An agonized cry tore from Romily as Alex's throat was slashed, blood spewing on his robes. And then Cassie, for the first time, witnessed the dark art of Roubando being performed. Sombria chanted under her breath and what appeared to be Alex's soul left his body and entered hers. Sombria looked toward the sky in ecstasy as another blue dash took shape across her cheek.
Enraged, Cassie moved past the nightmare she had just seen and tore through Sombria's mind, determined to find what she was looking for. Had she not been so engrossed in her goal, she might have noticed the older witch grunting in pain as she ripped through her innermost self. Finally, she came across what she needed, and the image of an old, shriveled woman swam before her, two blue dashes on the elder witch's face. Cassie hastily explored the environment around her, trying to absorb every detail she could so they could find this teacher of Roubando. But she wanted this to be over quickly, a renewed sense of purpose pumping through her.
Even after the revelation that Dumbledore had intended for Cassie to kill Sombria, there was still a part of her that hoped the Liquid Luck could point her in another direction, give her a way to negate Sombria's powers without having to take her life. Now, after seeing Alex killed so mercilessly, she knew there was only one solution she could be satisfied with. She wanted to torture her, to have her pay for every life she had ruined, every soul she had entrapped for her use. She was too dangerous to be allowed to live.
Cassie pulled out of Sombria's mind. Dumbledore was still beside her, watching her carefully but remaining silent as Cassie readied her wand. Her mind was made up, ready to do what was needed of her. When Sombria broke out of her magical constraints she produced a shock wave so vigorous that Cassie was almost too late to produce a shield. Even with the barrier in place, she was knocked off her feet and the ground around her trembled.
"Albus?" Cassie called as she clamored to her feet, looking around frantically for Dumbledore, as he was suddenly nowhere to be seen. She shook her head, aware that her concern for his safety was unnecessary. She steeled herself, ducking a hex that wasn't aimed at her, as the duels around her had intensified during her Legilimency session.
"Cassie!" A familiar voice cried out, and Diego was jogging toward her with a flabbergasted look on his features. "When did you get here?"
"Nevermind that! Where is she? Where is Sombria?" she asked, but even as the questions left her mouth, she knew she needed to trust her instincts. Or rather, the golden elixir that was still flowing through her. She's after you, Felix told her without words. Wherever you go, she will find you.
"We'll help you!" Diego said, but Cassie shook her head.
"No! Help the Aurors catch her followers. If you go after her, she'll kill you." Before Diego could protest, Cassie disappeared with a loud crack.
She reappeared outside of the academy's training area. The trees there were still untouched, but she could hear cries and booms from the battle scene she had just left. She nearly jumped when she noticed that Dumbledore was beside her again.
"What do you need from me?" he asked.
"Make sure she doesn't bolt. And make sure we don't destroy everything around us," she answered, almost as if something else had chosen her words for her. A swirl of blue light erupted only feet away from them, and Sombria stood there, her long dark hair swirling around her shoulders.
"Garotinha," the witch purred. "You run from me!" Her eyes were fixed on Cassie, not even seeming to notice the legendary wizard that stood next to her.
"Well, here I am," Cassie seethed. She backed up a few steps, the familiar sensation of being immersed in frigid water spreading throughout her body as she went through the barrier into Machado's training arena. For a split second, she wondered if the charm's ominous aura would discourage Sombria from following, but the dark witch joined her shortly after.
"What is this?" Sombria asked, looking nothing less than amused as she surveyed the cleared area of jungle around them. "A little trick?" Cassie wasn't interested in bantering. With a flick of her wand, she sent a whirl blue flames at her enemy, but she merely blocked them with her wandless hand, simultaneously knocking Cassie to the ground with a concentrated blast of wind. As she gasped for air, trying to ignore the fact that the breath had gotten knocked out of her that quickly, she immediately got to her feet. With a loud crack, she Apparated away from Sombria, nearly at the edge of the arena. "See, coward? You run."
"I'm not going anywhere," Cassie hissed.
"You will join your friend," Sombria taunted, the blue marks on her face glowing as she twirled the ivory wand in her hand. "You will be mine."
At the mention of Alex, the ground started to rumble. Rather than fear or fight it, Cassie welcomed the passion that flowed through her, and without really knowing how, she directed that power forcefully into the forest floor. It cracked beneath her feet, the ground splitting so suddenly across the terrain that Sombria stumbled backward in surprise. She recovered, waving her wand eloquently, and a spout of molten rock shot out of the fissure at Cassie. Cassie transformed the unnaturally-produced magma into water, letting it spray in all directions before banishing it to the ground.
Sombria transfigured the leaves surrounding them into sharp rocks, and before Cassie could react, sent them flying at her from all sides. Before they could pummel her, she slashed her wand across the air, and the rocks morphed into colorful little songbirds, flying away to the safety of the trees.
She wanted to draw her true power forth, the one she had been afraid to use for so long, but Sombria was stealing her concentration. Cassie dove to the ground as the trees lining the field sprouted thick vines that whipped toward her. With a wave, the vines turned into large serpents. She commanded them to attack her opponent, who for the first time, looked alarmed. She swiftly turned on the spot, attempting to Apparate away, but nothing happened. Cassie smirked, knowing that Dumbledore, who she assumed was still just outside the enchanted area, had now successfully placed an anti-apparition charm.
"Afraid of a few snakes?" Cassie jaunted as the unnaturally large reptiles hissed, slithering closer to Sombria. The witch was effectively distracted, and Cassie knew it was now or never. She didn't hesitate, didn't worry about how long it would take to draw her raw energy forth. Just as Sombria turned Cassie's serpents into harmless bits of vine, it exploded out of her.
She bellowed as she used both hands to steady her wand, the effort to keep the destructive magic flowing in a specific direction almost painful. As the black and purple beams rushed at Sombria, all torment was forgotten. The dark witch threw up an impossibly impenetrable barrier, effectively slowing down the advance of the noxious light. Cassie bared her teeth in frustration, another cry of anguish tearing through her as she pictured Sombria slashing Alex's throat. A large flash of scarlet joined the violet and black, and Sombria's shield charm shattered.
Cassie's spell finally reached Sombria, and a look of astonishment hit her features as it lifted her into the air. Her raven hair stood in all directions as the red light scorched her skin, the ebony forcing the air from her lungs. When the emotion left Sombria's face, and her wide eyes were unseeing, Cassie stopped the assault. The dark witch's body fell to the ground and Cassie approached her slowly, not quite believing what had just happened.
She reached the lifeless body that now laid at her feet. The dashes of blue on her face were still shining brightly, and Cassie was about to bend down to study them more closely when a hand on her shoulder made her jump.
"Albus," Cassie breathed. "The souls she trapped, are they - "
While she was talking, the blue faded all at once. Cassie gasped as wispy cerulean light rose from Sombria's open mouth, and as it rose to the sky, dozens of human shapes started to manifest. Most of them didn't seem to notice the young witch and elder wizard that watched in amazement, and they floated up to the clear blue sky with content expressions on their faces. A preteen girl gave Cassie a wink and a nod before she joined the others.
Finally, Alex formed as the last of the light left Sombria's corpse. He turned to Cassie, his signature wide grin on his lips as he looked at her. She reached out to him, not sure what she was trying to do, but he turned away just as her hand would have touched him, and floated up to the heavens.
"What do you mean, you aren't going to go to the Ministry celebration tomorrow?" Tonks asked, clearly at a loss. "Since when?"
"Since I decided I'm not attending," Cassie muttered in reply. Her cousin huffed.
"It's for you, Cass!" she protested, sitting up in her cushy chair. They were in their tent, taking a much needed afternoon to relax after everything that had happened. 'The Day of Renewed Hope', they were already calling it. The day that Cassie had killed the dark witch.
"It's not," Cassie said, plopping onto the couch and rubbing her temples. "All it's going to be is Minister da Gama and the other politicians congratulating themselves on what a splendid job they did when they actually didn't do anything."
"Professor Dumbledore said you're the guest of honor."
"Yes, and Fudge is going to be there and everything," Cassie added irritably. "How could I possibly resist?"
"Mad-Eye is making me go so we can make connections with Aurors from other countries," Tonks said, running her fingers through her long, thick violet locks, trying to work out a knot. "Don't you think you should do the same?"
"I'm not an Auror."
"Fudge would never deny you entry into the program now, Cass."
"I don't want to be in the program! How many times do I have to tell you?"
Tonks looked at her with a critical gaze. "Something is going on with you."
Cassie scoffed, shaking her head. "You think so, Dora? What gave it away?"
"You haven't been yourself since...since - "
"Since I murdered someone?" Cassie said a bit too loudly. Tonks grimaced.
"We've been over this," she said softly, moving over to the couch where Cassie sat, intertwining her arm with her cousin's as she scooted close. "What you did was amazing, and necessary. Who knows what would happen if Sombria was back in Ministry custody, how long before she broke out again and killed more people?"
"That doesn't change the fact that I've been having nightmares every time I close my eyes, Dora."
"Then let's brew a sleeping draught, like I've said - "
"No," Cassie cut her off. "You might think I don't deserve the guilt I've been feeling, but I do."
"You don't deserve it!"
Cassie swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the constant lump in her throat. "You haven't killed someone. You don't know what it's like."
Tonks rested her head on Cassie's shoulder, squeezing her hand in what she must have thought was a comforting manner. "I'm so sorry this is eating at you."
"It's the burden I have to bear."
They were silent for a few moments before Cassie noticed that Tonks' gaze was locked on the dining room table. A shimmering ivory wand lay there, seeming so blameless and unassuming when it wasn't in the grasp of a dangerous witch. "Why do you still have that thing?"
It was another reason why Cassie was beating herself up, the fact that she couldn't bring herself to get rid of Sombria's wand. "It calls to me."
"Meaning what?"
"I think it could bond with me better than my mother's has," Cassie said quietly.
"Oh," Tonks said in obvious surprise.
"She used that wand to kill so many innocent people," Cassie said, tears starting to roll down her cheeks as she spoke. "What does that say about me?"
Her cousin stayed quiet. Cassie felt exhausted, wanting nothing more than to have a restful sleep, one that didn't remind her of the fact that she had taken a life. She was about to stand and make her way to the bed when the opening of the tent rustled.
"Black," came Moody's gruff voice as he stepped in. "You have a visitor."
She debated telling him to turn away whoever it was when a brunette witch appeared beside him. Cassie's emotional fatigue left her, replaced swiftly by surprise.
"Mily!" Cassie said, standing and making her way over to her. She wanted nothing more to throw her arms around her and tell her how sorry she was about Alex, but refrained. It had been several days and everyone from the academy had come to see her, all except Romily. No one had been able to tell her why, leaving her to feel like she had done something to upset her.
"Cassie," Romily said, sniffling. "I am so sorry I did not come to you sooner."
"It's okay, Mily," Cassie said. Tonks slowly stepped around the two witches, following Moody out of the tent.
Romily pulled Cassie into a tight embrace. "I am so glad you are okay!"
"I'm fine," Cassie lied, leading her to the couch. "How are you?"
"I am a mess," Romily said, shaking her head. "Martese and Miremba came with me to Alex's home so we could tell 'is parents in person. It was awful." She told Cassie about the little farm where Alex had grown up, what his family had looked like. Romily had hoped to meet them over the summer break when Alex brought her there to tell them they were a couple. It was heartbreaking to hear.
"I saw him," Cassie told her friend quietly. "I saw Alex when he was freed from Sombria, Mily. He looked happy, at peace." The words seemed to ease Romily's heartache just a little.
"I 'ave to admit," Romily started after they were silent for several minutes. "The reason I did not come to see you with the other students, was because part of me blamed you for Alex's death."
"Mily - "
"No, let me finish. I thought that if you 'ad not left and 'ad been with us when she attacked, then Alex would 'ave survived somehow. I realize now that it was unfair of me to think that. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, Mily." She could hardly blame her former peer for wanting to put the responsibility on her. Sombria had attacked Academia de Luta hoping to find Cassie, something that she would never forget for the rest of her life.
They parted on emotional, albeit friendly terms. Before Romily left, she asked Cassie if she would be attending the celebration, echoing Tonks' logic that if anyone should be honored, it should be her. Cassie couldn't give her a straight answer.
She thought she could finally collapse on the bed and get some much-needed rest when Dumbledore entered the tent. A flurry of emotions sprang forth when Cassie saw him, an uneven mix of gratitude and loathing that she couldn't shake. "Albus," she greeted, giving him a small nod.
"Cassiopeia. I trust you are doing well?"
"Not really."
Dumbledore nodded as if her answer was what he had been expecting her to say. "I have a hunch that your feelings on the matter will change in time."
Cassie sighed. "What can I do for you?"
"Miss Tonks informed me that you have changed your mind about attending tomorrow's celebration."
"So you want me to go, is that it?"
He sat down at her dining room table, his blue eyes shifting over to the white wand. "I presume you recall the conversation we had about ensuring the viability of future alliances."
"How could I forget?" Cassie huffed. "How does my standing next to Da Gama and Fudge while they stroke each other's egos do that?"
"If you attend, every person in that room will associate you with Sombria's defeat."
"They know it was me either way."
"Yes, but this way they can congratulate you, shake your hand. Remember your face."
Cassie groaned. "Will you ever leave me alone, Albus?"
"Is that what you want, to be left alone?"
"Today that's all I crave," she said, but a thought crossed her mind even as she said it. "No, actually I don't want to be alone. I want to be with Severus."
"I trust you will be returning to him soon, Cassiopeia." He watched her as she sat down in the chair across from him, and she avoided his gaze as tears filled her eyes.
"I hope so."
"What do you plan to do now?"
Cassie ran a hand through her raven hair. "I don't know. I was going to hunt down Sombria's Roubando teacher with the Aurors."
"Has something changed your mind?"
All signs of tears threatening to fall had dried up now. Cassie had no problem meeting his eyes. "I met with Bianca the day after...everything. To tell her what I had seen in Sombria's mind so she could meditate on it and try to find a location. She told me she had foreseen Alex's murder."
Dumbledore remained stoic. "She intentionally held that information from you."
Cassie bit down the slew of curses that threatened to leave her mouth. Him saying that enraged her almost as much as Bianca's withholding of information had, as she knew Dumbledore was no stranger to keeping secrets when it suited him. "She said my knowing would have caused me to act rashly and fail."
"So you no longer trust her."
"I don't know," Cassie admitted. "It makes me not want to be around her or any other member of the ministry, that much I know."
"It seems she made the most logical decision, given the situation at hand."
"Of course you would feel that way."
A twitch of a smirk played at Dumbledore's weathered lips. "They could use your help."
"They are more than capable of finding this witch without me. Martese is helping, too."
"Then what do you plan to do?" Dumbledore repeated. Cassie looked at him apprehensively, not sure if he was trying to get a specific answer out of her.
"I want to go home," she said finally. "I want to be with Severus for more than a few days at a time. I want to be away from this place."
"But if they can't apprehend this witch - "
"Then I'll consider coming back for a short time," Cassie said bluntly. "But as far as staying here goes, I won't do it."
Dumbledore nodded knowingly again. "I also had a hunch you were feeling this way. I just wanted to hear it from you, Cassiopeia."
Cassie raised a questioning eyebrow at him. "Meaning what, Albus?"
"I would like to offer you a job at Hogwarts."
Her mouth fell open in surprise. When she realized it, she bit her lip. "The Defense Against the Dark Arts position?"
"No," Dumbledore said lightly, "although I feel you would be superb as a professor in that area, I already have someone in mind." Cassie's heart fell just a bit at that revelation. "It would be a newly created position. I like to refer to it as a 'professor's assistant'. You would be assisting the staff in whatever needs arose, such as substituting or helping them prepare for lectures. I'd also like you to continue tutoring students, as long as you find it enjoyable." Cassie listened intently to the Headmaster, although a small part of her felt degraded. After all that she had accomplished in her training here, she essentially would be a lackey? Dumbledore seemed to sense her queries. "Of course, this role would not be the real reason why you would be working at Hogwarts."
That caught her attention. "What is the real reason?"
"Lord Voldemort will rise again, that much we have agreed upon, Cassiopeia. I would like you in the optimum position to be able to protect Hogwarts and the lives that reside within. Without a permanent teaching position, no one would question your intermittent absences if the need arose, would they? They would just assume you're working with another professor, or perhaps running errands for me."
Cassie carefully considered his words. For the first time in a while, she was liking what was coming out of Dumbledore's mouth. "It would keep the Ministry off my back."
"Maybe not entirely, but at least Fudge wouldn't be constantly questioning what you are up to." He stood, readying to leave the tent. "I do not expect an answer from you right away, Cassiopeia. Take enough time to think about it."
But she didn't need time. It was a purpose, a real reason for her to be home. And she would be able to see Severus every day. "I'll do it, Albus."
Going to Da Gama's get together didn't seem quite as foolish now. The next day, Cassie got ready with Tonks at her side, a renewed feeling of anticipation putting a spring in her step. She would attend this ridiculous affair, and then she would be going back to Cokeworth.
She sat through Da Gama's speech, which painted him in a wonderful light and caused the other politicians in the audience to clap and holler with delight. She plastered a polite smile on her features when she was ushered up to the podium where Fudge stood waiting for her, pretending not to be completely unamused when he presented her with a golden plack that commemorated her accomplishments. She kept that fake smile on her face when he forced her to take pictures with him for the international journalists that had attended. Not at all to her surprise, Lucius Malfoy suddenly appeared at her side when pictures were to be taken for the Daily Prophet. Although he insisted that she sit with him and Fudge during dinner, she had managed to sneak to the table where Machado and his students were seated.
Having gotten through the worst of it, Cassie spent the rest of the afternoon making small talk with ministers and counsel members from so many countries she could barely keep track. She felt like a show dog on display, not much more than a prized possession that Fudge wanted to show off. Finally, when Moody had decided he couldn't take the pompousness of it for a minute longer, he pulled her and Tonks out of the building and ushered them back to the forest.
"You sure you don't want to help us find the Roubando practitioner?" Tonks asked Cassie one more time, even as she was packing the small number of personal belongings she had brought with her to South America.
"You don't need my help."
"It might be fun," Tonks ventured.
"I've had enough fun for a lifetime," Cassie murmured. The onyx and moonstone necklace that Severus had given her during their first Christmas as a couple was in her hand, and she was admiring its subdued beauty. She hadn't worn it much while in Brazil for fear that it would get lost or damaged. She put it on, happy that she could wear it every day now that she was going home for good.