
Chapter 8

"I'm sorry, Fin," Hendry said softly. "About all of this. I'll do whatever I can to help get that thing off your neck. Please trust that I will."

Something in his voice - was that sincerity? - pulled my throat tight because I almost wanted to believe it. Almost. But he was the one who'd put me in that situation in the first place, had disappeared into this building and expected me to follow. He could die a thousand deaths for all I cared, each one slow and excruciating.

"Get the fuck away from me, Hendry."

Something shifted behind his eyes, and his face hardened as he stood. Swinging the black bag off his shoulder, he backed away with slow steps, his gaze a steady weight. He rapped softly on a nearby apartment door before he knelt, untied it, and eased its contents out. It was the girl with matted blonde curls and a dirty lavender church dress.

The girl I hadn't hanged.