
Chapter 7

I shoved to my feet, fiercely shaking my head.

He snatched me by one of the mini-buns on top of my head and dragged me with him across the living room. I flew my hands to his wrists to fight the painful pull, but he was too strong, and the glass buried in my palms and fingertips only dug deeper into my skin.

Panic swelled through my chest, and I screamed, loud and piercing. I wanted the Berkano to come and end this, end me and this crazy fucking bearded man before he mounted my picture on the wall with crossed-out eyes and a gash across my neck.

He hauled me into the center of the apartment, where a dark hallway branched farther in. Three doors yawned open. Out of one of them stepped another man, rail thin, his face shadowed, and with what looked like a necklace made of teeth swinging at his neck. He snapped on a pair of blue rubber gloves. Then he lifted a single finger to his lips that did nothing to quiet me.