
Chapter 49

"Marshall, make her stop," she demanded.

I decrescendoed my voice so I could hear him.

Limping up the center aisle was Dad, with what looked like Tessa's shotgun aimed at Allison's back. His red-rimmed gaze stuck on Mom near his feet. "No."

"Marshall!" she snapped, her lethal stare pinned to me. "Only I know where the antidote is for your amulet. Yours and Hendry's. Hendry, you stop her."

Hendry's arm hung at an odd angle as he dragged himself up the steps toward us. "Take back these rules that govern us, Allison. Stop stealing everyone's magic for your benefit alone."

"It's hardly my benefit alone," she scoffed. "Don't you see the safe fortress around you?"

"It's not a secure fortress, though," Dad said, stepping closer. "The flooded part of the church allows in all sorts of creatures."

Something shifted behind Allison's eyes. "What?"