
Chapter 48

Stunned, I flew my hands to my neck as if to put back what she took from me. My own mother. I searched the space where seconds before she'd stood. Bitter tears scorched the backs of my eyes. How could she kill me, her own daughter?

Battles raged around me, but I couldn't process who was where as I bled out. Crimson rivers leaked between my fingers and down my wrists where they gathered in a pool before plunking steadily to the carpet, marking the brief time I had left.

I sank to my knees, bumping against something hard. Spells and magic zipped over burnt pews. Fangs flashed white against the charred backdrop.

"Fin!" someone called to my right.

I turned and locked gazes with Hendry, who stood in the side aisle. He stared in horror, the whites of his eyes blazing, his hand jerking to the pocket where I knew the adrenaline needle would be. That would hardly help if I was bleeding to death, though. Even so, he plowed his way toward me.