
Chapter 45: One Hour Left

We wound through the dark streets like a silent, deadly snake, our tongues tasting for any threats on the air, our eyes sharp. Could Allison see us coming, all thirty-four of us witches and vampires? I hoped so.

The plan was that Jeni, Paul, Philip, and I would head into the church first to demand answers. If those answers didn't come easily, or if we sparked trouble, we would shout once for help and twice for a lot of help. That was my idea anyway, and Hendry thought it might be better if we left the door open and relied on everyone else's supernatural hearing for the slightest problem. Philip one-upped both our plans and said he'd use his psychic link to the rest of the vampires. We were the winningest team for a reason.

Hendry would stay out of sight for a while since Allison thought he was dead, as his poisoned golden-sun necklace had died. He planned to make his grand entrance at a highly dramatic, unexpected time.