
Chapter 38: 36 Hours Left

I woke with a gasp and flew my hands to my collar. My heart jackhammering, I jolted upright and yanked the string on the light above my head. I'd been dreaming about my collar, had heard it snap with finality, had felt my blood pumping out of me as it stole my life and my voice. Now, as I opened the door of my closet, I realized it had been sweat pouring off me, not blood. I knew that, of course, since I was upright and walking, but the proof was still a relief.

Hendry had said that he would get these collars off us, and I still had faith in him, but our clocks were ticking. We needed to get it done soon, as well as confront the Church of Hangmen. If Allison was stealing power, though, I would need a lot more than just my rinky-dink scent magic to confront her. I would likely need a brothel full of witches and maybe a few vampires who had my back. A resistance against one of my own kind, yet hadn't I been resisting this whole time? That was why I didn't fit in anywhere.