
Chapter 37

"You're not the first witches who have stumbled in my path," Philip said. "They were silent, following the no-talking rule, so they wouldn't answer my questions. I used mind control on them."

"You're deliberately leaving the ending of that story out," I snapped.

"Yes," he answered. "I want Lucy to show you mind control since you trust her more than me, which is understandable."

"You won't hurt her?" I asked.

Hendry shot me a deadly look over his shoulder. "Fin, what are you doing? We can't let him near her."

"I promise no one will be hurt," Philip said. "I don't hurt my own unless they deserve it."

But he could telepathically tell his own vampires to paint the street with our blood. Though if he'd wanted to do that, he could've already. I shifted on my feet, searching Lucy's curls with my fingertips for the right answer.

"What do you think, Lucy?" I asked.

"It's cool." She peeled herself out of my arms and shrugged. "If he wants to be vampire friends with me, then let him."