
Chapter 36

I stepped Lucy and me to the side of Hendry to see the Berkano better. "I-I'm Fin. This is Lucy. That's Hendry."

"Philip," the vampire said.

A regular, everyday name. He didn't seem all that different from us. Right now, at least.

"Your voices are hypnotic," Philip said. "My people have enjoyed hearing you these last few nights, and we appreciate your blood offering. More than you know. Thank you."

His people. Surely that included more than the two folks sitting immobile behind him. If so, the rest of them had to be lurking in the shadows. We could've been surrounded. And grossly outnumbered. I forced myself to exhale. That had been the wrong thought process to follow.

"I would also like to say how sorry I am for the death of your friend," he said. "We know that we can't drink from witches, but the thirst is sometimes too great and turns us into feral beasts. Truly, we don't deserve your blood offerings, but they are helping us. We're all humbled and very sorry."