
Chapter 34

My muscles wound tight, I stepped slightly in front of her in case the blood sent her into a rage, but also to block the other witches from her in case their silent shock morphed into barbarity at her drinking blood. Hendry had tensed, too, his eyes glued to Lucy.

She forced a swallow and squished her nose into a sour face. A violent tremor rippled across her shoulders, and she squeezed her eyes closed. Several seconds passed as the entire room seemed to hold its breath. Then her eyes snapped open, doused bright red even over the whites.

I jerked back. Hendry coiled tight, frozen. Sara gasped and clutched Ross's arm. The rest of the crowd cried out.

"It tickles my tummy." Lucy laughed, two elongated, sharpened teeth curving over her bottom lip.

Vampire. A living, breathing vampire.