
Chapter 33

"I'm so excited." Lucy bent her knees and placed her hands on them in a cute little I-have-to-pee pose. "Are we going to sing right now?"

I glanced at Ross and Sara, who rose out of their chairs and crossed the room to put their arms around Lucy's shoulders. Ross wore a cowboy hat, pulled low over his kind, dark eyes, and his handlebar mustache held extra curl at the ends. Sara's golden-stitched top was tucked into a pair of jeans bound with the largest belt buckle I'd ever seen.

Sara smiled as bright as her luminous dark skin, her gaze on me. "It's up to you."

"Uh, sure." I touched one of Lucy's delicate curls, unable to help myself, and grinned. "Do you know any happy songs? We could really use some cheering up around here."

"Hendry told us about Bast," Ross said. "We're really sorry."