
Chapter 32

As if a switch had been flipped, I realized I wasn't just talking about tonight with Lucy, but about Hendry and me. My heart ached for something like forever with him. Or as forever as I could get with this damned collar around my neck. I would take what I could get.

I lifted onto my tiptoes, my lips parted, my heartbeat crashing until it hummed a steady note. A muscle twitched in his jaw. He settled his free hand on my hip, pushing me away while his fingers dug into the waistband of my pants to seemingly drag me back. He stepped away, his shoulders heaving.

He didn't want me. Maybe he'd been with a hundred other women, but he didn't want me specifically. Because I didn't look like Tessa or the other women? All I knew for sure was that my heart felt as though it were cracking right down the middle, especially when he backed toward the door, stealing the warmth of his presence. He pinned his gaze over my shoulder at the cleaning supplies, tight and pained.